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Use itty bitty in a sentence

Itty bitty Definition

small; tiny
itsy bitsy
ittie bittie

Sentence Examples

"I haven't had as nice a present as this since I was an itty bitty baby."

"Did you really lacerate your itty bitty finger?"

"Just do me this one itsy‑bitsy favor, Jane."

"They are itsy bitsy small."

"oo just stand there and pout at it while I go get me a itsy bitsy glass of beer."

"Come and sit on mama's lap, itty bitty soldier boy, and she'll tell you everything you want to know."

She disappeared, leaving a trail of caressing baby-talk to the effect that she would take good care of muvver's ittie bittie kittie.

The Greengrass Blues was heard on every radio and came from every adolescent's phonograph until it was succeeded by Itty Bitty Seed Made Awfoo Nasty Weed.

The Greengrass Blues was heard on every radio and came from every adolescent's phonograph until it was succeeded by Itty Bitty Seed Made Awfoo Nasty Weed.

George murmured that Mabel was George's own Baby-Daby and she Allowed that he was a Tooney-Wooney little Bad Boy to hold his Itsy-Bitsy Bun of a Mabel so tight she could hardly breave.

A good husband is one who will get up and lift the ice off the dumbwaiter instead of lying back and lifting his voice to tell you how to do it without "hurting your itsy bitsy fingers."

As the nurse saw the tears streaming down the baby's face she believed her worst fears realized, and catching the child to her bosom, she ran into the house saying over and over: "Did a bad bee sting my itty bitty sweetie angel?"