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Use acclaim in a sentence

Definition of acclaim:

  • (verb) praise vociferously | To express great approval
  • (noun) enthusiastic approval

Sentence Examples:

He acclaimed heartily.

I acclaimed triumphantly.

How little acclaim!

The idea was acclaimed.

"A glad acclaiming train."

"Good boy," acclaimed Ruth.

Enthusiastically acclaimed the volunteers.

Enthusiastic citizens acclaimed it.

Your faithful knights acclaim you.

The new hero is acclaimed.

I don't care about immediate acclaim.

No other acclaim was heard.

"Vicious scoundrel," acclaimed his friend.

They were acclaimed in loud voices.

As they approached, they were acclaimed.

A terrific roar acclaimed that statement.

A simultaneous grunt acclaimed this remark.

The people acclaimed Valerian the Generous.

He was received with universal acclaim.

The Girl Band gained national acclaim.

Were they happy to be so acclaimed?

Their delight was acclaimed at once.

It met with almost universal acclaim.

The motion was carried with acclaim.

The motion was carried by acclaim.

He was acclaimed as a coming man.

Sometimes I am acclaimed to the echo.

Many people are acclaimed as great writers.

"So people have acclaimed me to-day, madame."

She was acclaimed by the deputies.

For such his tools acclaimed him.

The suggestion was acclaimed with enthusiasm.

This important step was heartily acclaimed.

This was acclaimed a thought of genius.

Mesquita must have heard the acclaiming city.

It caused public astonishment and public acclaim.

A shout of acclaim greeted this suggestion.

We scorned to acclaim ready-made, second-hand goods.

Those in the rear hailed it with acclaim.

Certainly no mere book illustrator ever received equal acclaim.

Lola was acclaimed as the good genius of Bavaria.

These words were received with shouts of acclaim.

The generals were everywhere received with loud acclaims.

This proclamation was received in Galicia with acclaim.

Alice is shown in, and is warmly acclaimed.

His fellow-poets proclaim and acclaim his supremacy.

This happy thought was greeted with acclaim.

The proposition was accepted with general acclaim.

Speak, you who wait: have I your free acclaim?

Wright's novel "Native Son" was widely acclaimed.

The army received him with thunders of acclaim.

"That would be a capital scheme," acclaimed he.

More, the Engineers seized it and acclaimed it.

Citizens and soldiers acclaimed him with one voice.

He was acclaimed a wonderful chef by all.

The new century came in with great acclaim.

On the street, the boys were acclaimed everywhere.

A general shout of acclaim filled the room.

I was the master, with my art acclaimed.

To myself I acclaimed him as one to be envied.

The forest rang with acclaim at the deed.

Archie was at once acclaimed as the Napoleon of deceit.

"That's what books do for you," acclaimed he.

While all others acclaimed, John was exceedingly wearied.

Small wonder that it was greeted with acclaim.

They acclaim now the truth of their argument.

The house rose to him in a burst of acclaim.

With apparently universal acclaim, Julian was proclaimed emperor.

Him they acclaimed more than the small ones.

He was greeted with loud acclaim wherever he appeared.

How many well-known faces receive me with loud acclaim!

At Anemone Cottage the party was received with acclaim.

Isolated voices, raised here and there, acclaimed his genius.

It was their pleasure and the vote acclaimed it.

She acclaimed the act as one of daring heroism.

It was acclaimed as "copy" by scores of newspapers.

In his dream the whole populace were acclaiming him.

The Legion boys were vehemently enthusiastic in their acclaim.

My voice was not wanting in the loud acclaim.

The Manifesto had not met with universal acclaim.

Because the Box Office of his time acclaimed him one.

The new Messiah never came with instant wide acclaim.

Whereat there is waving of banners and acclaim sufficient.

Hands, feet, throats united to acclaim the young officer-elect.

Holbrook was rightly acclaimed the Hero of the Service.

There was no acclaim, only a grunt or a sniff.

Thousands acclaimed her, thousands were turned away unable to enter...

The people who acclaimed Aubrey found a compensation in this.

Such acclaim was never received by any young woman.

She thought only of its power, which she acclaimed.

Where is the man that would not wealth acclaim?

All met with acclaim, shouting out triumph and welcome.

Flagler was universally acclaimed as its foremost musical citizen.

The other girls all acclaimed Grace Mason's good memory.

Every one would acclaim his splendid act of moral courage.

Would the city ever acclaim him as it did some?

Amid all the uproar Pat's joyous bark acclaimed the success.

She had won the acclaim of the elite of Paris.

How the fine fellows were acclaimed, how they were embraced!

Now by unanimous acclaim, June was again the chosen favorite.