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Definition of acuteness:

  • (noun) a sensitivity that is keen and highly developed; | a quick and penetrating intelligence | the quality of having a sharp edge or point

Sentence Examples:

Great natural acuteness, and strong intellectual powers, were, however, adorned by a disposition of uncommon benevolence.

Even in that, considering the amount of intellectual acuteness and power displayed, it is an exceedingly transitory reputation.

Moreover, by the thoroughness, acuteness and sincerity of his reasoning he powerfully stimulates the intellectual faculties.

Poets, indeed, have often shown the highest speculative acuteness, and philosophy often implies a really poetical imagination.

Now and again one comes across industrious, prosperous sweepers, who evince a remarkable amount of acuteness and intelligence.

This increased acuteness naturally gives its possessor the power to receive impressions which would otherwise escape record.

A pleasant humor and a lively wit, coupled with wonderful thoroughness and acuteness, were Butler's leading characteristics.

What high qualities are laid out to their greatest disadvantage by the thief; acuteness, watchfulness, sagacity, determination, tact.

The French nation, predisposed to skepticism by its prevailing acuteness, has never lacked representatives of skeptical philosophy.

All these questions are answered in accordance with the scholastic formulae, and, not infrequently, with considerable acuteness.

Johnson celebrated his good humor and perpetual cheerfulness, his acuteness, his gaiety of conversation, and civility of manners.

In the series of pamphlets he published to vindicate his opinions, Bowles exhibited his wonted acuteness, courage, and negligence.

To these Principles he ascribes a "metaphysical necessity," the nature and grounds of which he analyses with great acuteness.

It is then called good sense or prudence, as in its other application it is better called acuteness, penetration, sagacity.

The acuteness, character of the lesions, their evanescent nature, the irregular or general distribution, and the intense itching.

For talent is an excellence which lies rather in the greater versatility and acuteness of discursive than of intuitive knowledge.

Legal dialectics can easily deduce the given condition with equally logical acuteness from principles directly opposed to one another.

Much of the Kimberley news was obtained through the energy and acuteness, almost amounting to genius, of the despatch-runners.

No matter how profound the lethargy, it is ever alert, and comprehends instantly, with preternatural acuteness, everything that occurs.

When he came across the "Metaphysics" of Aristotle, that work in spite of his acuteness seemed to present an insuperable difficulty.

The following however is of a far more plausible kind, and has been a source of perplexity to persons of considerable acuteness.

And all these meritorious precursors were made weak by one cardinal defect, for which no gifts of intellectual acuteness could compensate.

Hitherto he had discovered acuteness and mental resource, but in this act his folly was commensurate with his wickedness.

Can you imagine that mere cleverness, trained mental acuteness, and a knowledge of facts can take the place of these traits?

This could only have been said, by such an exact observer of life, in gratification of malignity, or in ostentation of acuteness.

The relative absence of this element entirely or proportionately unfits the individual for these mental processes requiring delicacy and acuteness.

He reasons with much force, acuteness, and elegance; and frequently rises into all the sublime and luxuriant eloquence of Plato.

He had not thought of ascribing the acuteness of his pain to the miserable image he presented in this particular lady's eye.

I was astonished at his acuteness and knowledge about everything; but, as for his likeness to me, that was quite unaccountable.

His opponents, on the other hand, were in high glee, and quoted the news as vindicating their own acuteness of perception.

In like manner, we cannot suppose that another shortcoming in the artistic conception of such masters could have escaped their acuteness.

A deep and incurable melancholy settled upon her, which undermined her constitution, and gave a fatal acuteness to her bodily maladies.

He praised my favorite preacher, his elegant language, and remarkable acuteness; and said, he fought infidels with their own weapons.

He relies on his own acuteness and the immediate evidence, without being acquainted with the comparative anatomy or philosophical structure of opinion.

Benjamin was called the "brains of the Confederacy" and in acuteness of intellect he probably surpassed most men of his time.

Balzac's spies and his detectives are not convincing, despite his utmost effort; and we do not believe in their preternatural acuteness.

My mind seemed sluggish, and I felt a certain falling off in my natural condition of intellectual acuteness, activity, and vigor.

It is no proof of acuteness to detect the artifice of a forger in its earnest simplicity, its thoughtful tact, and affectionate anxiety.

On each of these occasions there were displayed on both sides consummate logical skill and acuteness, especially by the two leaders.

He paid his highest compliments to the engineers and the laborers, and amazed the officers by the acuteness of his questions.

He had a firm grasp of the principles involved, possessed great logical acuteness, and spoke with clearness, vigor, and even eloquence.

He knew Katharine's delicacy of feeling and her pride perfectly, and he also appreciated her acuteness and keenness as they deserved.

We have no disparagement to offer of your doctrinal knowledge, nor of your ability to state it with metaphysical precision and hair-splitting acuteness.

We are compelled to admire the wonderful clearness and simplicity of his style, and the acuteness of his intellect, in every chapter.

"Perhaps you're right, Miss Neal," said Hal, a little startled by the acuteness of her judgment, and a little piqued as well.

The former is a fine piece of genuine grotesque art, full of pungent humor, acuteness, worldly wisdom, and clever phrasing and rhyming.

The man against whom I am sent is a man of singular acuteness, profound judgment, dauntless courage, and remorseless in his vengeance.

Nor is it alone in the national and State legislatures that they substitute brute force for genteel behavior and acuteness of intellect.

This rare gift belonged to Tennyson, and took in him that feminine acuteness which was in harmony with all his poetical faculties.

This, of course, provoked the desired merriment, and, temporarily satisfied, Mr Grant proceeded to his argument with acuteness and ability.

One may present some conception of the acuteness of the sufferings of the townspeople by recording some particulars of prices and wages.

Of his miscellaneous works considerable portions are extant, sufficient to display his erudition and acuteness, yet, in themselves, more curious than attractive.

It tends also, in a most especial manner, to fit a person to train the minds of others to acuteness, discrimination, and exactness.

This gesture, more than any words he spoke, shocked her into an acuteness of perception which was almost unnatural in its vividness.

The acuteness of the early observers enabled them to single out the more important of the wanderers which we now call planets.

By his artful management a veil was intercepted between the landlord and the people, which no acuteness on either side could penetrate.

We here see a successive decrease of intelligence, proportionate to the acuteness of the facial angle and the consequent diminution of the cerebral cavity.

And with the acuteness of his desperation he perceived that she was aware of the effectiveness of the drooping of her head.

And though, as weeks passed away, the acuteness of his feelings in some degree abated, he was all the time disquieted and unhappy.

Hamilton was by no means devoid of sense and acuteness, but in character he was one of the most despicable men then alive.

When they are proffered ready-made, their theoretical acuteness and cleverness may be admired, but their practical soundness and applicability are suspected.

It is bright and spirited, and evinces as much as ever the acuteness of perception and the powers of observation of the writer.

The first intimation of the intrigue that follows, is given in a way that is not a little remarkable for simplicity and acuteness.

The fellows cannot respond to the most ordinary question without an affectation of showing off their immense acuteness and knowledge of life.

There was a certain surprise for me in so much acuteness, which, however, doubtless admonished me as to the need of presence of mind.

In general, however, when dogs surprise us, as they frequently do, it is by the delicacy and acuteness of their perceptive powers.

He discussed books with wonderful acuteness, sometimes with startling power, and with an unexpected verdict, as if Shakespeare were discussing Ben Jonson.

He indeed applied his preeminent acuteness, his science, and his philosophy, to aid the resources and exalt the pleasures of this amusement.

The idea of confederation as a remedy for government ills had occupied attention at intervals with increasing acuteness even before the Union of 1841.

Sherman has all the vigor and acuteness which characterized Frederick the Great, and is at heart his equal as a military despot.

It shows a good deal of the learning of its time, and still more of the acuteness of the scholastic metaphysics then in favor.

The species of this section are well characterized by the attenuation and acuteness of the bill, and the absence of any notch.

We discover also very close analogies to this mental concentration, in the acuteness with which one sense is endowed on the failure of another.

They are inferior in audacity, in neatness, in acuteness, in intellectual vivacity, in the arrangement of material, in the art of characterizing visible things.

In tracking animals or men they show most wonderful sagacity; and I heard of several of their remarks which manifested considerable acuteness.

The victims of these carnivorous animals are also somewhat provided against danger by the acuteness of sight with which they are gifted.

This secret irony of the characterization commands admiration as the profound abyss of acuteness and sagacity; but it is the grave of enthusiasm.

The novelty of the sound and the great light kindled in me a desire concerning their cause, never before felt with such acuteness.

This is vouched for by the acuteness of the present political situation which holds in its depths a tremendous amount of revolutionary explosives.

This, after encountering many difficulties, which he had foreseen with great acuteness, and obviated with equal ingenuity, he at length succeeded in effecting.

Being feminine and an unusually sensible and peaceable cat, she soon developed a surprising acuteness in diplomacy and in warding off unnecessary trouble.

Nor did Schubert acquire distinction as a musical critic, like Schumann, or leave behind him writings characterized by philosophic acuteness or literary charm.

The only thing to strike a passer-by was an acuteness and intelligence of countenance, which has often been noticed in a manufacturing population.

I am amazed, sir, that a man of your acuteness, your readiness of wit, and your strength of imagination, can persist in such an affirmative!'

Half his acuteness and diligence, with a barren imagination and a scanty vocabulary, would have saved him from almost all his mistakes.

Yes, indeed, the under-officer might well earn such reward, for he had shown acuteness, promptitude, and dispatch in carrying out his duties.

The lids, drawn horizontally over them, spoke for the man's acuteness and dexterity of mind, and perhaps also for his superior cunning.

Van, I may here mention, lest the reader should not have perceived it, had a most inordinate opinion of his own abilities and acuteness.

Both the King and her Majesty showed a great deal of good sense, acuteness, and knowledge, as well as of good nature and affability.

Betty was fastidious and critical enough, and her very acuteness compelled her to confess that her enmity seemed but a blunted weapon.

They were the children of the world, and they united the startling acuteness, directness, and simplicity of children to the intellects of men.

The paper shows rather zeal and fervor than acuteness, and seems to have been hastily written to serve some special and temporary purpose.

In the creation of tools and machinery, the mental acuteness and inventive skill of the weaker unit, often surpasses that of the stronger.

The Ethiopians and the American Indians are remarkable for the acuteness of this sense, accounting for the wonderful power of tracking their enemies.

Gifford with his usual strength and acuteness, mingled with his customary allusions to the personal history of the author whom he is reviewing.

It is oftener narrowness of sympathy than acuteness of discrimination which makes people exalt one artist and disparage another who differs from him.

From that time, although the times were not altogether prosperous, the distress of the years of siege never reappeared with the same acuteness.

The crimes of Ivan grew more and more terrible, and yet his acuteness was such that they can hardly be inscribed to insanity.

Hume had told him that his book had "depth and solidity and acuteness"; the younger Pitt had consulted him on public affairs.

Dick, in that extreme moment, was gifted with preternatural acuteness of mind and vision, and he saw that the pony still wavered.