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Definition of affinity:

  • (noun) a natural attraction or feeling of kinship | inherent resemblance between persons or things | a close connection marked by community of interests or similarity in nature or character

Sentence Examples:

Our sympathies and affinities are our only rulers.

Our true affinities are with the mother city.

It was a peculiar sort of "elective affinity."

There is a strange affinity in our passions.

We found a wonderful affinity in our hearts.

Such affinities seemed to him much too problematic.

Their affinities are indeed more southern than northern.

Have you ever considered this matter of affinities?

You don't hear much about Affinities this autumn.

There may be sublime affinities, magnificent attractions.

The affinity between sexes is clearly marked.

Between them was a strong physical affinity.

Did any real affinity exist between them?

Affinity-marriages, then, are not synonymous with soul-mating.

Ananias finds affinity and tells the tale.

Chemical affinity is directly derived from it.

Water has a large affinity for atmosphere.

Alcohol has a wonderful affinity for water.

Are we not here arrived among the affinities?

There is more affinity between you and brutes.

Everything would separate us except our personal affinity.

They were two souls conscious of an affinity.

We are linked to these by subtle affinities.

There is a chance for the elective affinities.

A congenital affinity softens us towards suspicious characters.

A prodigious force often arises from chemical affinity.

This plurality of affinities you of course cannot appreciate.

The true affinities of these, however, are extremely dubious.

Age of the Empire and Affinities of the Race.

Age of the Empire and Affinities of the Race.

There is a deep meaning in these elective affinities.

No immediate affinities have yet been found for Rome.

Devices Utilizing Capillary Attraction and Physical Affinity.

He seemed to have a natural affinity for horses.

Affinities are the zero on the roulette-board of life.

There seemed to be a near affinity between us.

Do you claim affinity with the merchant class?

All such have a natural affinity for Buddhism.

For one affinity there are ten unfinished lives.

She wisely dropped the subject of feminine affinities.

Chemical affinity is the loves of the elements.

She also retained considerable affinity for natural medicine.

He had a natural affinity with such things.

Moral affinity can never become a physical reason.

Absolute alcohol has a strong affinity for water.

The next subject of consideration is its affinity.

The power of affinity holds the universe together.

This high sentiment has no affinity to pride.

Chemical affinity is always the cause of chemical union.

It developed that we had an affinity of tastes.

Reinhardt, to recognize the true affinities of the bird.

With the sea he felt a deep psychological affinity.

Probably, to a horse-dealer he bore the closest affinity.

The one seemed to have affinity with the other.

Adultery is adultery, even though you call it affinity.

Each kind of atom has its peculiar chemical affinities.

Others, however, are of remote or altogether doubtful affinities.

It is true that the affinity goes very deep.

My law of sexual affinity is such a principle.

And what hope have I to establish such affinity?

How for happiness shall hereafter be this affinity?

It was pure devotion; a desperate case of elective affinity.

Languages afford no sure indication of racial origins or affinities.

I am a profound believer in the doctrine of affinity.

His affinity with his neighbor was a reality.

The local affinity of alcohol for the brain!

Chlorine possesses a great affinity for certain bodies.

Swinburne's affinity to Shelley calls for special comment.

What boots it to reason against such rampant affinities!

The affinity of their languages is still more decisive.

The affinity has clearly been laid down in heaven.

Its affinities seem satisfied when it has two bonds.

Seek your own affinity, and find a new Eden.

In this he had a certain affinity with Jefferson.

Even in chemistry metaphysical conceptions, such as "affinity," linger.

He and his mother had a kind of affinity.

The affinities of the flora generally are very wide.

Sure there's an affinity between wine and the tongue.

The spiritual faculties have no affinities for the abstract.

Marriages are permitted beyond the first degree of affinity.

It breaks up an existing organization, but affinity remains.

Bodies united by affinity are also said to have united chemically.

Our manner of calculating the future had considerable affinity.

Arranged according to their Natural Affinities and Anatomical Structure.

I think he has a spiritual affinity with Beethoven.

People never come together if they're not natural affinities.

To settle their origin and affinity to other races.

They have a curious affinity through all their adventures.

The law of contrasts is the law of affinity.

Few men are without a separate establishment for affinities.

A kind of mutual affinity had drawn them together.

He had established an affinity with a printed book.

Your mind has too great an affinity for nonsense.

You are far within the forbidden degrees of affinity.

The natural affinities of these fossils are not determined.

That fact is very significant; it shows an affinity.

Society exists by chemical affinity, and not otherwise.

What strange affinity had thrown them together thus?

There was much affinity between their two natures.

The affinities of our souls do not depend on us.