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Use aforementioned in a sentence

Definition of aforementioned:

  • (adjective) being the one previously mentioned or spoken of;

Sentence Examples:

Story's Nero, for, although by his preface it appears that the publication did not follow the writing for several years, it comes to the world in the wake of the aforementioned works.

He had, however, on the advice of his father, ceased pressing his suit except in the silent manner aforementioned, so that she gradually took courage, and ended by resuming her old habits.

Jack was the aforementioned cousin in the Guards, a young man of much kindness and resource, upon whom Chris was wont to rely as a sort of superior elder brother.

The Rabbis allowed the aforementioned ingredients to be used for the Sabbath fires, though not for the Sabbath lamps.

The pack contained the tent, the camp-kettle, and frying-pan, together with the aforementioned provisions, a good axe, etc.

Jack Becker, has both genius and ingenuity, for he has succeeded in dispensing with the aforementioned troublesome auxiliaries of his art.

Scrimp was a woman of theories also, and her pet one accorded well with the aforementioned characteristic.

I didn't fancy the idea of her coming out here with the chance of the aforementioned danger cropping up.

You are kind enough to admit in your letter that "from this (the aforementioned) standpoint of course the appearance of Russia among the allies is an anomaly and must be explained on other grounds."

He was a long way from being aware, in those early summer days of 1916, that before long some of the aforementioned props were to buckle under him with strange and disturbing circumstance.

Public notices of that time, printed in the current press, remind the reader of some of these aforementioned rules and regulations.

Well, it's a trade, if you throw in the aforementioned articles of outfit I specified, to boot.

When the aforementioned weight of silver was found, Charles ordered it to be distributed among the poorest servants of the palace.

And he was of exceeding height and of terrible countenance, yet much inferior to the aforementioned in his stature.

And at another time the aforementioned brothers, for the purpose of visiting Saint Patrick, took their way on foot over the sands of the sea-shore.

I have taken the precaution of keeping all the aforementioned documents and some others on my person, and am curious to see how soon I shall have to have some other.

This is a million dollars to begin with, and an ample site, without cost, to the aforementioned corporations.

Clark, at once moved the appointment of a committee of five to prepare the aforementioned rules.

However, by the aid of the system aforementioned, they got together sufficient to meet the needs of the moment.

The aforementioned who was rapidly developing cerebral congestion, made sign that he would speak.

Meanwhile, the white man wanted these three, or any one of them, if they should meet the aforementioned scoundrel, to repeat what he had said about him.

These piles are placed in two rows, gradually converging towards each other, and leading to one of the aforementioned bluffs.

The only money which I had received from him was the gold coin aforementioned, for which I was indebted to my own ingenuity; and, as things went, it appeared that it would be the last.

I soon went to work upon a large head that exhibited the marks of many a sword cut, and which presented as rough a surface as that of the sheep dogs aforementioned.

Which, obviously, in the light of the aforementioned and part of what is yet to come, could serve as the definition of redundancy.

In addition to the standard pieces of furniture aforementioned, luxury articles were imported during the latter part of the century.

He remembers what times he sought the bubble reputation in the cannon's mouth, and spiked the aforementioned cannon's touch-hole into the bargain.

One pile of them, as she measured expenses, would have paid the aforementioned gentlemen for a year or more.

He only had to pull the string, and the aforementioned funny little wooden man kicked his legs about as no mortal ever did, could, or will.

This family all have flat wings and make an entirely different appearance than the aforementioned Quill Gordon.

No reasonable person will blame Vice-Sergeant-Major Roth for the aforementioned tears of rage.

Few people of late years, however, had ventured to sleep in that room, and never since the aforementioned clergyman was so terribly alarmed, about two years ago, had it once been occupied.

There is not, certainly, anything contained in the aforementioned clause, which can be opposed on reasonable grounds.

Well, the people asked their great man to get the money needed for this improvement from the rulers of the land aforementioned.

His first metropolitan opportunity was when the aforementioned farmer's wife had killed her children, some four years ago.

Not that I will ever again try to get into the strong-character class with the aforementioned celebrities, for a reputation for doing anything well is as good as a signed contract to do it.

For the sake of uniformity, I have not considered these aforementioned old adults in the comparative studies of younger adults.

While the aforementioned profane men were playing cards and swearing, suddenly a dismal groaning noise was heard at the window.

Just at that moment another friar, an old friend of mine, passed my inn, who belonged to the aforementioned convent.

I remember seeing my sister practice day after day dancing with the aforementioned long white silk scarfs.

A body is capable only of motion, although, to be sure, that motion is only the show of the aforementioned combination and the result of the powers concealed in simple parts.

She did not appreciate that to him the prefix having been handed down from generations, was as natural to him as it was unnatural to the aforementioned criminal lawyer.

And with a jerk of the head which, evidently, she understands, he turns toward the aforementioned door, and they bear the big bundle out between them.

On the morning of the 17th this proclamation, hastily printed, was spread throughout the town and was eagerly read by the aforementioned people who were waiting for something to happen.

"I'll stay in the fort till the enemy opens fire," and he drew the aforementioned rifle closer to him, as he squatted upon the window ledge.

In the course of a conversation which I held with the aforementioned landlord, on the following day, the fact came to light that he had a claim against L., for money loaned.

The chief design of the aforementioned Club was to propagate new whims, advance mechanical exercises, and to promote useless as well as useful experiments.

In addition to the aforementioned general types, there are several others which are modifications thereof, and which we shall now consider.

In the aforementioned audiences, and in his answers to the accusation, he confessed the most of his crimes.

Not less strange than true, Walter; and, if you would know more, listen as I did to the aforementioned housekeeper.

Meanwhile, at the eastern side of the city, the tumult of battle alone made the aforementioned count think that the Franks had broken into the city, and were racing though it, spreading death.

The records of the abolished corporation or city court immediately become records of the aforementioned circuit court and are transferred accordingly.

On leaving the road, we retired to a thicket on our left rear, but quitted it, and came to the trenches aforementioned.

This village was at the back of the wooded hill aforementioned, and there were several caves there, perfectly safe from the shells of the biggest guns yet made.

Now let a triangle be constructed, having for its base a right line drawn through the sea, and its sides forming the aforementioned angle.

He had hardly made the aforementioned resolution when it and even the object of his thoughts were driven out of his mind altogether.

This criticism of the language found in their promotional documents is, in some ways, a criticism of the aforementioned "economics industry" in general.

In the provinces, the following museums among others contain fine collections, often of richer interest in special subjects than the aforementioned.

Indirect effects on marine bird resources resulting from development activities may ultimately prove to be more detrimental than the aforementioned direct factors.

The regular rate was twenty pounds per annum, but a "competent improvement in the Tongues, and the other things aforementioned" was to command an additional fee.

The same reasoning holds true in regard to ground detectors, so that one or two of these will be required, depending upon the aforementioned conditions.

According to the aforementioned "Outline" and "Procedure," the work of inspection is classified into two kinds.

As she talked the aforementioned Grim Official stirred himself up to complete certain complications that he had planned.

Members having boxes from home are at liberty to contribute such part of the contents as they please to the aforementioned common entertainment.

Hitler stressed the importance that the two aforementioned parties should gain the majority in the coming Reichstag election.

Only very few articles within the aforementioned weight limits are excluded from the postal traffic.

Temple, who later became the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the aforementioned Ambassador Bayard, who were all in accord as to the right and justice of the transfer.

"Quite clearly," I replied mechanically, doing compassionate homage also to the aforementioned countess.

"Yes," added Don, "and under those same aforementioned circumstances that's about the most tedious and difficult thing in the world to do."

Soon after this I decided to steep and drink some tea, hoping it would relieve me of the gloomy feelings aforementioned.

It is therefore necessary to have the picking mechanism aforementioned in order to allow of all the boxes being emptied at one side if required.

Bass aforementioned that Burton-on-Trent in general, and the great firm of Bass are in their present flourishing condition.

To some of the aforementioned gatherings and dinners it will be necessary to refer again in the course of this narrative.

Our visitor aforementioned says he has never written but one article on bees, and we think that so richly deserves a place in the Journal, that we mail it to you.

This most beautiful new type of woman approaches spiritually the aforementioned type of single, aged women, who because of their economic independence found time for a fine personal culture.

Strange to say, however, they have discriminated against the one kind of knowledge that the aforementioned specific aims emphasize as especially desirable.

As aforementioned, the licensed officers do not sell tickets to strangers above legal maximums.

On June 3rd we exposed, simultaneously, in the aforementioned room and also in our laboratory, seven basins prepared as just described.

In the chronology of this pastor dynasty, I differ a little from the great authors aforementioned.

The philosopher will, therefore, have to comprehend it in its acting, and from this point the aforementioned double series will first arise.

An obvious disadvantage is the requirement for the aforementioned synthesis technique; fortunately in our case a sufficiently general technique had been developed by the author of the companion paper.

The person who sent the aforementioned invitations is a chief who has just completed building a house.

Margery, the baby aforementioned, turned out one of the most beautiful children I had ever seen.