Sentence Examples:
Allegiance is devotion of the whole of ourselves to a leader, a cause.
The sentence gave a pretext to many of his nobility to withdraw from their allegiance.
This is one of the modes adopted for cementing the allegiance of a tribe.
Their allegiance to Sir Timothy had been transferred to his heir.
It is the company to which they owe allegiance.
It was not political slavery, but a religious and sentimental allegiance.
It has been shown already that allegiance is exacted of the slave.
Dryden had been a Court poet, careful to change his allegiance with the changing monarchy.
Life is my province, and the birth cry of every infant is an oath of allegiance to me.
All paid a common allegiance to a central power which was identical with none.
Tell them to fail not by so much as a minute, upon their allegiance.
These prisoners were rapidly released when they had taken the oath of allegiance.
Yet she was no visionary, and the world of sight held her cheerful allegiance.
And it was no divided allegiance she promised him.
It was not much, but such as it was it stood for his oath of allegiance.
Does he show no signs of coming back to his allegiance, Sir?
Romance flies with a free wing and owns no allegiance to likelihood.
"You are the second to declare allegiance to the Stars and Stripes."
Will they tie me up until I make a vow of secrecy by signing my allegiance in blood?
She had sent addresses to the peers, commanding them on their allegiance to come to her.
They also refused to render military service, or to take the oath of allegiance.
From the moment a man is born in this country he owes allegiance, he is a subject.
This conditional form of oath of allegiance has long since been abolished.
They are rivals for the same allegiance and the same territory.
And this was all his farewell to the allegiance of half a score of weeks.
I would have shielded your king, for he was also my sovereign and I owed him allegiance.
Such owning of allegiance was by law prerequisite to the holding of real estate.
Allegiance to one party means hostility to all others.
I withdraw all profession of allegiance to it, and all my voluntary efforts to sustain it.
This occurred the year before he cast off his allegiance to England.
Great poetry stands in this, that it expresses man's allegiance to his destiny.
The device was necessary to secure the allegiance of the people to the Torah.
Mary's Abbey, and openly renounced his allegiance to the English monarch.
And to her at least young Noel Wyndham was always tenderly faithful in his allegiance.
I hand in my allegiance to both as the leaders and representatives of the great movement.
You are my first allegiance and my first love.
Does the poet mean that allegiance to queen and country comes before private affection?
This recognition of this right is the price of my allegiance.
"I owe allegiance to my State, and, when it commands, obedience to the United States."
Regard of the Commons to their allegiance to the crown, and to the ancient Constitution.
Was Ishmael's allegiance to his "elect lady" turned aside?
A boy's allegiance cannot be split up among gangs.
When he gave it, it was on condition that the members should take the oaths of allegiance.
The citizen owes allegiance; the government owes protection.
To my children and my descendants, may they keep them in firm allegiance!
She owned an allegiance to Horace to which Lady Janet could assert no right.
This kind of allegiance no true heart will ever give.
In the last resort his subjects will be freed from their allegiance.
Paul's Cathedral, half England swore allegiance to him.
Yet she claims the allegiance of over three hundred million people.
There was nothing which made any demand upon either your allegiance or your admiration.
Before any cosmic act of reform we must have a cosmic oath of allegiance.
Allegiance to her had been responsible for the many wars in which they had been involved.
He must either swear allegiance to the desert chief, or be burned up by the hot stones.
They took oaths of allegiance, and cheerfully broke them.
Beatrice resented his divided allegiance, though her own was very much in that condition.
Now it has always seemed to me that a writer owes his first allegiance to his readers.
I have sworn allegiance to the Society at all hazards; I cannot retreat now.
Neither was the one allegiance destructive of the other.
They felt no love or allegiance for any man, but this one protected their fallen leader.
You owe them no allegiance; besides, you are in our power.
Bergson is not an artist in his allegiance; he has no respect for what is merely ideal.
He had refused the oath of allegiance, had left the country, and had taken to treason.
This group may well close with his great hymn of general allegiance to the sex.
Every soul must choose as to which side he will yield allegiance.
For the moment the need was not money but allegiance.
After initiation the children owe no allegiance to their parents.
"If your political allegiance follows your fee, there's no more to be said."
It can conflict with no legitimate allegiances, nor can it undermine essential loyalties.
Neither can patriotism nor racial allegiance effect a remedy.
The mind labors yet, fulfilling its unconscious allegiance.
The allegiance of his own state was soon assured.
The death of their leaders sets them at once free from their allegiance.
Of the oath of allegiance there was no question whatever.
Their presence, their friendship and allegiance were a source of great pride and joy.
It was part of her allegiance to the one who had gone.
"You and all the others have taken the oath of allegiance to the King?"
Her nature was not one to admit of sudden transfers of allegiance.
They are sworn foes, and every man must decide to which he will yield his allegiance.
Would not there be a general return to allegiance in that event?
The same oath of allegiance was required of each member of the Council.
Let those who refuse to return to their allegiance stand forward.
Falling upon their knees, they took the oath of allegiance to the new empress!
It has claimed the allegiance of many of the noblest folk among us.
People of the same origin have three political allegiances.
Took the oath of allegiance to Federal Government while in prison, two.
Well, Nona again determined to do all that was possible now to prove her allegiance.
He was also compelled to take the oath of allegiance.
A shout of joy came from all who heard his ringing voice announce his new allegiance.
He might be unconsciously false to his art, to which he had vowed allegiance at such cost!
Allegiance to a group may, of course, be secured through participation in common ideals.
This was the basis of their present faith and allegiance.
May 4th, Rhode Island renounced allegiance almost in terms.
Woodsmen in shifting their allegiance are not swayed by sudden impulse.
As if allegiance in their bosoms sat, Crowned with faith and constant loyalty.
Now why did the Kaiser over and over again proclaim his allegiance to Frederick the Great?
Nor, when the rebellion collapsed, did she at once return to her allegiance.
"Is the candidate now ready to take the oath of allegiance?"
From that instant Chum had a divided allegiance.
It does not compel the allegiance of the indifferent.