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Definition of anarchic:

  • (adjective) without law or control; "the system is economically inefficient and politically anarchic"

Sentence Examples:

Rousseau never wrote anything more picturesque, nor anything more dangerous, nor more anarchic and superficially considered.

The constitution was carefully drawn to safeguard the society against the imputation of unconstitutional or anarchic tendencies.

You must protect peaceful and harmless people, both Indian and European, from the blood-stained havoc of anarchic conspiracy.

In this turmoil of social production, capitalistic appropriation, and anarchic distribution, there is discernible a reshaping of social potencies.

In that city the socialistic and anarchic elements were sufficiently powerful to present a bold front to the authorities.

Satire may be mad and anarchic, but it presupposes an admitted superiority in certain things over others; it presupposes a standard.

His ship was beginning to find herself; to evolve, from the anarchic clamor of loose effort, a harmony and a personality.

Accustomed to a wide "personal liberty" in the anarchic sense, he is not willing to limit this liberty for the common weal.

And he shrinks and pines and perishes in this spiritual avarice and this repellent ethic of anarchic individualism: each one for himself.

The sight of this, magnificent, menacing evidence of the anarchic might of the powers of nature, quickened the pagan instinct in her.

During the mutiny of 1857 it was the scene of serious disturbances, coupled with the usual anarchic quarrels among the native princes.

It brought us to the period of transition, in which the elements of war and peace were mingled together in strange and anarchic confusion.

We cannot doubt that both he and Danton were perfectly assured that the anarchic party must unavoidably roll headlong into the abyss.

The government adopted by this society of farmers was of an exceedingly ill-concerted character, and soon proved to be essentially anarchic and unworkable.

On the other hand, there are good reasons for asserting that the distinctively religious side of Anabaptism had little to do with the anarchic outbreaks.

It offered an outlet for the restless and anarchic energies of feudalism; sometimes it ended in conquests with which the landless could be permanently endowed.

One notes the obvious: decline of conventional religion, free discussion of the old moral standards; therewith, a growth of materialism which favors every anarchic tendency.

This man whom men so foolishly call crazy and anarchic has really a dangerous affinity to the fourth-rate perfections of our provincial and Protestant civilization.

It was the effect produced on his mind by the exhibitions of anarchic violence, together with his devotion to order, that had shortened his days.

Another school of thought issuing from the Revolution, yet opposing its anarchic individualism, aspired to regenerate society by the application of the principles of positive science.

Unavoidably, although the Government favors art as much as it can, the atmosphere is one in which art cannot flourish, because art is anarchic and resistant to organization.

It was published in 1816 by Dumont in company with Anarchic Fallacies, a vigorous exposure of the Declaration of Rights, which Bentham had judiciously kept on his shelf.

Either had unlimited power under a military despotism, in an anarchic and half-enslaved country; but whichever they were, he has the same answer to them of common morality.

She found Spain anarchic, without any power over disorders and with so many elements of disaffection that it seemed hopeless to think of making it a unified powerful country.

Now to a judge a political right, that is, a dogma which is above our laws and conditions our laws, instead of being subject to them, is anarchic and abhorrent.

The more anarchic modern may again attempt to escape the dilemma by saying that education should only be an enlargement of the mind, an opening of all the organs of receptivity.

Adams's retort to Paine's Rights of Man, that it is anarchic to trust government "to the custody of a lawless and desperate rabble," was Franklin's distrust of the unthinking majority.

The last twenty years of his life had been darkened for him, and proved troubled and anarchic in the extreme to his continental dominions; but in England profound peace reigned.

An immediate and significant example of this naturalistic riot of feeling, with its consequent false and anarchic scale of values, is found in the film dramas of the moving picture houses.

Whether the influence of woman, more inherently lawless, more anarchic than man, will result in the breaking down of conventions and the despising of the law, I do not know either.

The fact is that the devoutly religious mind is often quite anarchic in its disregard of all those worldly institutions and conventions which do not express human dependence on the Creator.

Nevertheless, the plain man almost always has a tendency to thwart the genuine impulse, because it seems anarchic and unreasonable, and is seldom able to give a good account of itself in advance.