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Use anthropology in a sentence

Definition of anthropology:

  • (noun) the social science that studies the origins and social relationships of human beings

Sentence Examples:

The 'possessed' of anthropology are epileptic patients.

A journal devoted to anthropology and ethnology.

Gabriel de Mortillet, deceased, as professor of prehistoric anthropology.

Extra-terrestrial anthropology's always been a sort of hobby of mine.

Like the Ionians his grasp embraces cosmology, physics, and anthropology.

This view comprises archaeology, physical anthropology, ethnology, folklore, religion, etc.

Without constant help from the philologist, anthropology is bound to languish.

In the field of anthropology Wallace could never be an uninterested spectator.

In the department of anthropology the system of installation inaugurated by Prof.

It has been the same with magnetism, chemistry, and even criminal anthropology.

Papers in the fields of biology, geology, anthropology, and astrophysics have predominated.

It falls under the three heads of anthropology, phenomenology and psychology proper.

A solid foundation was now laid for the science of ethnology and anthropology.

They conceived the notion of applying these nauseous theories in the field of anthropology.

Every student of biology, anatomy, anthropology, ethnology or psychology is familiar with these facts.

The literature of experimental psychology and anthropology is crammed with such examples as the above.

My friend is a man of education, an artist, and a student of anthropology and ethnology.

It by no means follows, that because there is an anthropology there is an ethnology also.

The scope of the volumes may be defined as African anthropology in the widest sense.

As a point of anthropology this may be of value: in ethnology it has probably been misinterpreted.

The greatest contribution which anthropology has made to the study of early Roman religion is "animism."

Lombroso studied the prisoners in the various penitentiaries of Italy from the point of view of anthropology.

"Curious researches," the king said, emerging from the conference, "that require both physics and anthropology."

Those who are familiar with Indian philosophy will recognize this anthropology as identical with its own.

Psychology is generally made (by English writers) to include, also, what is here called anthropology and phenomenology.

According to the warring schools of anthropology, nearly all magic is sympathetic or mimetic in its nature.

"Well, well," he concluded, "you must take not only your zoology, but your anthropology as you find it!"

He takes the keenest interest in anthropology and ethnology, on which subjects he has contributed many papers.

The book is written for the general reader, rather than for the specialist in anthropology or ethnology.

The collections in anthropology, as they stand to-day, cover a wide field in a broken and disconnected way.

To a student of anthropology and heredity it requires no great brain power to trace these results to causes.

After a few jocular references to anthropology, for the benefit of the waiter, he got down to business.

It is the method alone that enables us to be eloquent in defense of pedagogic anthropology, against such an accusation.

Each should acquire the elements of science, not only of physics and chemistry, but also of biology and anthropology.

Incidentally, we proposed to shoot them with the bow and arrow, and thereby answer a moot question in anthropology.

These included ethnology and anthropology, which names caused Patty to feel a sudden awe of the young man beside her.

The doctor was much interested in anthropology and kindred topics, and my husband found in him a congenial friend.

There is a general agreement among students of folk lore, comparative mythology, and anthropology, that religious ideas rest ultimately upon an interpretation of nature that is now generally discarded.

In recent times the advances made in the theoretical and practical studies of the sciences of anthropology, physiology, and psychology have exercised an enormous influence on educational theories and practices.

The immense practical importance of criminal anthropology lies in this: that it enables us to discriminate between criminal and criminal, and to apply to each individual case its appropriate treatment.

Criminal, medical, and pedagogical anthropology owe their progress to the application of anthropological methods to individuals of various classes, such as criminals, the insane, the sick of the clinics, scholars.

In the anthropological group I include all studies specially concerned with man: human physiology and psychology (between which no sharp line can be drawn), anthropology, history, sociology, and economics.

Now in anthropology we are always making fresh efforts at the imaginative understanding of men far removed from us, and naturally, therefore, we are always slightly correcting and modifying our conceptions.

Since then the importance of Taboo and of systems like it in the evolution of religion and morality, of government and property, has been generally recognized and has indeed become a commonplace of anthropology.

That which seemed to our primitive ancestors a living reality, a separate and independent being, proves, when submitted to the tests of anthropology and psychology, to have been a creature of their own dreams.

It thus stands in sharp contrast to the anthropology of Kant, which opposes human development conceived as the gradual manifestation of a growing faculty of rational free will to the operations of physical nature.

In other words, the criminal sociologist is not in duty bound to conduct for himself the inquiries of criminal anthropology, just as the clinical operator is not bound to be a physiologist or an anatomist.

During the last century, which can be regarded as covering the whole period of scientific investigation in anthropology, the opinions of those who have devoted attention to such inquiries have undergone the strangest fluctuations.

It is possible, of course, to discover a very early origin for criminal anthropology, as for general anthropology; for, as Pascal said, man has always been the most wonderful object of study to himself.

While recommending zeal and confidence in the pursuit of these studies, he urged that the conclusions should be as mature and as assured as possible, or criminal anthropology would risk its authority and prestige.

If they do not constitute such a factor, they can only be accidental productions, the sport of exceptional circumstances not in the line of evolution, and as such they are not of much use in anthropology.

In these series are published original articles and monographs dealing with the collections and work of the Museum and setting forth newly acquired facts in the fields of anthropology, biology, geology, history, and technology.

The student of language should be a student of the people who speak the language; and to this end the book has been prepared, with many hints and suggestions relating to other branches of anthropology.

And it is purely as a question of anthropology (a department of biology to which, at various times, I have given a good deal of attention) that I propose to treat of the evolution of theology in the following pages.

And it is purely as a question of anthropology (a department of biology to which I have at various times given a good deal of attention) that I propose to treat of the evolution of theology in the following pages.

Some of my correspondents, I fear, had not so much as heard whether there be a criminal anthropology. England has, however, in the past been a home of studies connected with the condition of the criminal.

To sum up the situation briefly, anthropology and psychology have never devoted themselves to the question of educating children in the schools, nor have the scientifically trained teachers ever measured up to the standards of genuine scientists.

The great importance that attaches to the new science of sociology is due to its close relations to theoretical anthropology and psychology on the one hand, and to practical politics and law on the other.

Of all the sciences, psychology is the nearest, though anthropology, sociology, political science, economics, area studies and other specialties all have something to contribute; but it is psychology which indicates the need of the others.

Objective methods so-called are all very well; but if, as sometimes happens, they lead one to forget that anthropology is ultimately the science of the inner man, then they but batter at a closed door.

Anthropology, utilizing all the methods at its disposal, will throw light on the determining causes of anti-social actions, and thus by anthropology we shall be guided in our choice of means for the preservation of social security.

In fact, these three scientists may be called the founders of the new tendency in Anthropology: the first leading the way in criminal anthropology, the second in medical anthropology, and the third in pedagogical anthropology.

In the present study, which has profited greatly by criticisms of the first passed by scholars in Britain and in France, the original literary point of view is combined with the broader point of view of anthropology.

It is true that scientific pedagogy is rounded out by hygiene, anthropology, and psychology, and adopts in part the technical method characteristic of all three, although limiting itself to a special study of the individual to be educated.

Nor is there any book more useful to the student of anthropology than the illustrated and explanatory catalog of 1847 of these objects prepared by General Pitt Rivers, and published by the Science and Art Department.

As he went deeper into anthropology, he was struck by the fact that this science lacked a leading thread and was guided by no general idea but reduced to mere measurements, very precise and detailed, it is true.

It will seem incomprehensible that the fundamental error of the desk should not have been revealed earlier through the attention given to the study of infant hygiene, anthropology, and sociology, and through the general progress of thought.

We do well to gather in every available fact which biology or anthropology or psychology can give us that throws light on human behavior, or on primitive cults, or on the richer subjective and social religious functions of full-grown men.

It is one of the chief sites of the far northwest for systematic thorough exploration, and such exploration is a growing necessity for all branches of anthropology interested in the problems of the Bering Sea and Asiatic-American connections.

For example, let us suppose that a certain teacher has studied anthropology in books: if, after that, he is incapable of making practical observations upon his own pupils, to what end does his theoretical knowledge serve him?

Even after 1902 Lombroso continued to write upon this subject, more especially in his periodical devoted to criminal anthropology; and down to the last year of his life he followed closely the progress of international research in this field.

They will help us to see how far the facts of anthropology, which begin far behind the historical world, have to do with the problems presented by folklore as a science having to deal with the historical world.

The child, together with woman, who, in so many respects in which the essential human characteristics are concerned, so much resembles him, is now beyond doubt the most prominent figure in individual, as well as in racial, anthropology.

We cannot omit taking this opportunity of casting a side glance at the very hazardous position which Virchow, in total opposition to his boasted cool skepticism, has taken up in anthropology as it is called, now his favorite branch of science.

The four courses of instruction in the museum were attended by sixteen students, and these, with others, make twenty-one persons, besides the curator, who are engaged in study or special research in subjects included under the term anthropology.

Only the fact that the Australians are hairier in face and person even than the whites saves us from the temptation to adopt into anthropology the popular superstition that the long beard is correlated with the superior brain.

The great significance of the role played by religion in the sphere of morals is impressed upon one who glances over the works of those writers who have approached the subject of ethics from the side of anthropology or sociology.

We find in works upon anthropology some expressions which call for an explanation here; they are frequently employed, since they enable us to express by a single term the relation which exists between the dimensions of any particular skull.

On the legal side, Dimitri Drill is engaged on a great work, of which one volume only is published at present, in which he deals thoroughly with the organic factors of crime, and with the social applications of criminal anthropology.

Yet the real remedy, I take it, against the misuse of analogy is that the student should make himself sufficiently at home in both branches of anthropology to know each of the two things he compares for what it truly is.

If history is not merely eloquent writing, but a serious scientific investigation, and if we are to consider that it is not mere anthropology or sociology, but a science of states, then the study of history is absolutely the study of politics.

Folk-lore associations are multiplying and the students of literature and anthropology are joining forces in the effort to discover and classify the variant superstitions and legends of the past and of the races and tribes still in their childhood.

The second method consists in the historical explanation of conduct or of art as a part of anthropology, and seeks to discover the conditions of various types of character, forms of polity, conceptions of justice, and schools of criticism and of art.