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Use banter in a sentence

Definition of banter:

  • (noun) light teasing repartee
  • (verb) be silly or tease one another

Sentence Examples:

Bursts of laughter punctuated his banter.

After some conjugal bantering they retire.

The bantering, whimsical tone was gone.

They were in a gleeful, bantering mood.

He asked in a tone of conciliating banter.

Weary bantered, his eye on the buckskin.

"You're a deliciously pretty child," he bantered.

A desultory conversation waxed to lively banter.

She was still too tremulous for banter.

His eyes belied the banter of his words.

He would entreat you with friendly jovial banter.

Genteel irony, polite banter or raillery, delicate ridicule.

The tone was exultant as well as bantering.

You bantered and cantered away your last chance.

He asked, with a touch of wistful banter.

She asked, in a tone of mere flippant banter.

How she hated this bantering English girl.

Laughter and bantering without stint went around.

"They look like Imprudence's," he bantered as he rose.

He did not like the bantering, impudent tone.

"Repress your jealousy," replied the King in banter.

His bantering tone sank into one of half plausibility.

I replied breathlessly, giving no heed to his banter.

He was in no mood for chaff and banter.

He came unwillingly, and she made some bantering remark.

Muttered the old man, with a bantering look.

Bantering indifference was the keynote of that reply.

The lady's weighty bantering had raised his temperature.

There is a good deal of banter and some scolding.

Billy was becoming slightly nettled at this banter.

An urbane smile removed the offense of the banter.

There was a sly, fascinating banter in her voice.

There was no banter of melodrama about her now.

Clark looked a little vexed at the bantering tone.

Reynolds was jostled about in congratulation and good-humored banter.

And they banter us deliciously to their hearts' content.

Destitute was his answer of all merriment or banter.

"Must have a taxicab waiting for you," bantered Blake.

She turned rather listlessly to meet his bantering look.

He grimaced and gave a bantering flirt of his head.

He asked, an undercurrent of seriousness in his bantering tones.

Said he, with a tone of mingled banter and defiance.

The tone changed to that of a humorously bantering introduction.

You banter with your lips, but your look belies your words.

Under the seeming banter of her tone lurked real resentment.

From first to last, he begrudged no man his banter.

Underneath the banter we heard the undercurrent of deep affection.

He fell in with her extravagance, meeting it with banter.

Perhaps if I had bantered them they would have retaliated.

Seeing that he was nettled, I dropped my bantering vein.

"You'd better look to your laurels," was the bantering reply.

His look of perplexity tempted Hiram to banter him further.

He smiled at her quizzically, his face a mask of banter.

Do not indulge yourself in a habit of raillery or banter.

To his chagrin he found his bantering had fallen flat.

Said Barnard, giving him a bantering push and laughing merrily.

The trench resounded with laughter at the exchange of banter.

Newell met his banter with a look which quelled it.

Asked the old man, with a ludicrous attempt at banter.

There is something so odious in this trite and universal banter.

This sort of banter did not appeal to the Indian girl.

None of them bantered her gaily to coquettish interchanges of wit.

They enlisted under the spur of example, of banter, of pique.

His voice had changed from a bantering tone to excited harshness.

That movement only brought on me a fresh volley of banter.

On a bantering note he added: "An appreciable advantage, is it not?"

Gross was the banter, but at mention of "ladies" it purified.

Set at ease by this pleasant, insinuating bantering, I told all.

The bantering note was but a sop thrown to his impatience.

Their talk was as it should have been, aimless, bantering, idle.

Woodward, we sometimes require a bantering; and, what is more, a remonstrance.

He cried, his solemnity swept away by a mood of extravagant banter.

I agree with you that banter is the worst species of wit.

It is hard to parry banter of that sort from a woman.

"The meek shall have herrings on earth," repeated George with soft banter.

Noel Curtis was unable to reply to the bantering of his captor.

He never could resist the temptation of bantering and snubbing them.

"We build fort after breakfast," he replied, unmindful of my banter.

She winced under his tone of banter, but did not speak.

His bantering mood fled with the swiftness of all his changes.

He had been baffled, and, moreover, bantered and almost openly ridiculed.

A ghost of the old bantering smile lighted her winsome features.

He drank, frolicked, bantered and even indulged in sallies of aggressive sarcasm.

Bill's bantering tone nettled the old lady, but she said no more.

The very word wears a droll face, as though accustomed to banter.

Almost at once it began, with pleasant banter, adorned with personal compliments.

Here was a chance to mischievously banter that habitually careful little woman!

Even the chaplain had not been unmoved by the bantering of Dennis.

He said, at last, reverting somewhat to the old, airy, half-bantering tone.

The mistaken matter of such banter indeed was uppermost in Selina's thoughts.

She would banter him at first and gradually veer to more serious topics...

Blake, uncertain how to answer this cataract of words, took refuge in banter.

She said in a voice from which the girlish banter had gone forever.

This was the old Marian again; lightly bantering, deliciously good to look upon.

Then he turned to me with a bantering, quizzical light in his eyes.

She tried to hide her extreme trepidation beneath a tone of gay banter.

We shuddered at the mere sight of them, a bantering, conceited, happy mob.

"I tell no tales out of school," rejoined the man, continuing the banter.

I came home, and instead of wrath at such abominations, I found banter.

The half banter passed from his voice, and the bronzed face hardened.