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Use bashful in a sentence

Definition of bashful:

  • (adjective) self-consciously timid | shy | not liking to be noticed
  • (verb) be silly or tease one another

Sentence Examples:

He was in the way, he recalled, however, because, unlike his other brothers, he was not bashful.

There he found the Merry Little Breezes stealing kisses from the bashful little wind flowers.

Walter looked a little bashful, but spoke first, and said: "Well, Brother Bowman, I was mistaken."

She knew his voice, and cast herself in his arms with half bashful but uncontrollable emotion.

All is well that is well over, but when you have been once bitten, you become doubly bashful.

She ordered people about, started amusements, hunted gentlemen up, found partners, and shook up the bashful.

That twilight, when Monsieur Satan joined her, he looked as harmless as ever, only a trifle more bashful.

Anna seemingly paid no heed to his bashful words, but her eyes sparkled with some glint of annoyance.

Sometimes he desires to destroy an enemy, sometimes to win the love of a cold or bashful beauty.

Nevertheless, as his wants required satisfaction, he walked up and down before his eyes in a bashful attitude.

Do not look upon him so much, he's a poor bashful youth, you'll put him out of countenance.

Bob Steele was a big, yellow-haired boy, rosy cheeked and good-natured, but not a little bashful.

"Reckon I'll have to," she assented, with a bashful smile and took a step or two reluctantly.

Everywhere he went he was greeted with a regard that made him still more bashful and ashamed.

She had already discovered that I was bashful; she would take advantage of it to torment me.

Being more bashful than at our former interview, she tendered me her fresh cheeks with a blush.

I must confess that the wretched girl defended herself for a few minutes with bashful reserve.

I cannot say that I was very bashful, but I always endeavored to be respectful to my superiors.

Each stops, as a stranger passes, to make a bashful salute, and bid him welcome to their country.

You are so bashful, Burleigh, that you'd never get along in this world, if I didn't help you.

With a bashful wonder, but with right hearty will, Danny Mains availed himself of this gracious privilege.

Bashful he seems to have been to awkwardness; but he was by no means a model of the virtues.

It lies upon your lordships, therefore, particularly to take notice of such whose modesty makes them bashful to speak.

Man has a tendency, under the proper conditions, to be fearful, bashful, angry, curious, sympathetic, grasping, etc.

Brown made a seat of his boot-heels and surveyed her, being much too bashful to open up a conversation.

Others are shy, reserved, bashful, and are afraid to do what they love quite as much as the others.

"Yes," I said, "But you are certainly not the young, bashful, scared, Will Price of that event."

We have learned the songs too, and if we were not bashful, we would sing and dream before you.

Franklin offered to teach my mother the guitar, but she was too bashful to become his pupil.

Their children were intelligent in speech and manner, and not either forward or bashful, but just well-bred.

Clair Simmons have all something personal in their work, a bashful tenderness beneath what is seemingly arid.

Jasper was an exceedingly bashful fellow, but a magnificent soldier, and he fairly gloried in the battle.

She took two steps with the bashful awkwardness of some wild creature, stood still, and looked down.

Dick, though a little inclined to be bashful when he entered, had quite got over that feeling now.

We ain't rich, of course; but there's enough to fill another mouth yet awhile, so don't be bashful.

In fact, the young woman seemed a wonder to her by the side of her own bashful awkwardness.

And however did you pluck up courage, you dear, bashful, nervous old thing, to ask such a price?

Curtis, who were not at all afraid of the platform, but they were not, like Hawthorne, bashful men.

Although I was a little bashful before the teacher, I learned how to do it perfectly in twenty lessons.

He never had paid any attention to Lydia before, and she was bashful toward the older boys.

Rose dropped to her knees in the wet grass, and gathered the bashful child against her tenderly.

At this question, perhaps, the bashful child backs towards its nurse, or its mother; but in vain.

Bashful and trembling, she drew away from him as if at the approach of some unseen beast of prey.

Much of what Helen wrote was enthusiastic anticipation of the fun she expected to have with bashful cowboys.

Ezra was even more bashful than Ruth, though in him the sentiment wrought less attractive tokens of itself.

They are dull of comprehension, slow of speech, bashful but otherwise bold of person, and red of skin.

A few of the more bashful ghosts thrust their hands in their pockets and looked awkwardly another way.

And the strange thing was that she made me too bashful before her, although I was her servant.

The fourth was an awkward looking young man, not over twenty-one, who seemed bashful and ill at ease.

It is a bashful part, and, if you make any mistakes, people will think it is part of the play.

He was pleased enough when I started talking to him, and awfully bashful, too, just like a silly calf.

He delights in such sort of work, and is not over bashful in describing afterwards what he has done.

Gilbert was not bashful individually, but something, for which he knew no name, held him silent now.

Two young Englishmen, rosy and bashful; a Dane as pale as Hamlet, and a Spaniard, fell to my stare.

It is unnatural to speak standing still, and none but a lazy, sick, or bashful man will do it.

He dined with Goethe, but was too bashful to accept an indirect invitation to spend an evening with Goethe alone.

Juanito, with lowered, bashful eyes, brought coffee, ripe olives from the can, potato salad, and thick, hot steaks.

The pavement was not constructed with reference to swallowing up bashful young men who wanted to be swallowed.

Do not be bashful; it is a good while since noon, and you must be hungry from your long walk.

However, not being in the least bashful, she managed to obtain her share of the trade that remained.

Bashful men, too, must not be left without partners, and all should be provided with escorts to supper.

I said, 'she won't come; but when Venus is bashful let's stick to Bacchus, who's always our friend.'

Altogether different is the case with those who are habitually bashful, of whom the world holds many thousands.

Actually and in appearance he was about my age, while in his manner he was a bashful boy of seventeen.

They sat for a few moments like bashful children brought together for the first time and left alone.

There was candy for the children, gum for the bashful maiden, soda pop for the frivolous young.

The maiden raised her eyes and suffered them to linger upon her companion with a bashful and admiring gaze.

The tone, the look which accompanied the words, revealed at once, to the bashful youth, the love of Priscilla.

We have no blushes for our sins; while we are too bashful to be devout, and too timid to practice virtue.

Without a doubt, there were two or three pairs, not so bashful as Joyce, taking advantage of the moonlight.

I felt oddly like a bashful boy, and involuntarily lifted my hat as I approached, to cover my confusion.

And later, over a contract: "This mentions mighty little money," said Perry, "and that little bashful and meek."

There was a deep silence after they had shaken hands; all looking rather bashful for a few minutes.

You call yourself an interpreter of human character, but what do you really know of the maiden of bashful twenty-six?

"I am sorry I can not tell you his name; but he is a very bashful person," replied Aunt Elinor.

Asked a young woman with a full bosom and bashful, coal-black eyes, who was standing in the front.

"Is it any wonder the rising generation is cynical, and the young maiden of fifteen has ceased to be bashful?"

That you do not, is only owing to a little bashful struggle between you and yourself, as I may say.

He was really bashful; and when he saw them approaching he wanted to escape, but there was no way.

He was bashful, I thought, for he was not then twenty-one, and by way of rousing him to action.

She had two other girls with her and Joe, who was a bit bashful, turned to execute a retreat.

She was very bashful out of the classroom and the girls, as a whole, knew very little of her.

The young lady, seeing that I was very bashful, had considerable trouble in finding a lock that suited her.

There was nothing shrinking or bashful about her when she was mad, so I found out then and there.

When the children reached him, they were so bashful, that they did not dare to put out their hands.

He took a step backward, cocked his head on one side, and gazed at my hair until I felt quite bashful.

Jon wondered that he and the boys should ever have felt so awkward and bashful when they came together.

Moment so meet for the sweet question of questions, place so appropriate for the delicate, bashful, murmured popping thereof!

She was not in the least bashful, and was quite ready to cope with anything that lay before her.

Or were those states so bashful of a sudden that they dare not speak out and tell what they wanted?

I found I must make my way in the world, where I was quite alone, and bashful, rather than afraid.

"There's a little gentleman driving with us," and he covered his nose with his sleeve as though he were bashful.

I jumped out, and said I guessed I would keep on; for I began to feel bashful about seeing so many women-folks.

There was a certain tremor about both, but hers was from bashful fright, his, from scarcely suppressed eagerness.

Many a bashful man, thinking of Tom Titmouse, has become an acrobat in his determination to be lively and easy.

The painter followed, bashful and out of countenance, not knowing what to say, happiness had so dulled his wit.

Hard as it is for a bashful man to talk, it is still more difficult for him to close the conversation.

He's done all them things that people talk about, an' more, too, that he's hid, but he's plum' bashful.

This ghost may be of a bashful disposition, or possibly not good-natured enough to walk at your call in broad daylight.

By the bashful look I observed at our arrival, I own I thought that, at least, our labor was not lost.