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Definition of berate:

  • (verb) censure severely or angrily | to criticize harshly

Sentence Examples:

This was enough to set her off into a spasm of fury against the luckless tutor, who could not understand why he should be so berated over a simple question and its correct answer.

I berated myself for my conceit in imagining that I could play with such a dangerous man as Meeker proved himself to be, especially since I had seen through his disguise almost from the first.

The infant immediately sprang up, clutching the Gargantuan feeding bottle, and berated his mother in emphatic terms, delivered in a deep bass voice, addressing her as "Captain."

Chase was not satisfied, and berated Jarvis roundly, when, presently he came walking up to the porch with Neil, looking the picture of well-browned contentment.

In the end Yellow Handkerchief was overcome, and sullenly returned to the steering, while they soundly berated him for his rashness.

He quickly dismounted, seized two of the combatants, shook them, berated them, if tradition may be trusted, for their local jealousies, and so with strong arm quelled the disturbance.

Presently there were left to berate only the miller and the ferryman, and at last these also went sullenly away without having troubled to mention the witch's late transformation from age to youth.

Miss Susan had been very impatient at the long delay, and constantly berated the male sex and their inadequacy to great emergencies, and was offered by the complimented parties the privilege of engineering the train, an honor she respectfully declined.

As if he had forgotten that he had already berated them, the Apostle once more reproves those who provoke and envy others.

Here Fitz-Roy flew into a passion, berating the volunteer naturalist, and suggested a taste of the rope's end in lieu of logic.

Their fondest hopes were blasted, and they bitterly berated the United States Government in blasphemous language for stopping their expeditions.

He staggered back, turned ashen pale, and before he could recover from the surprise, in his own tongue I berated him as a worthless cur for deserting his employer over an accident.

He instantly obeys, though his reason protests and "berates him for a fool" in taking a roundabout way to his destination.

The officers hurried to the prison and roundly berated our boys because they did not give the alarm when their comrades were escaping!

Whereupon she centered her displeased attention on her helpers and berated them roundly for daring to set up an opinion contrary to her own.

Having sat at the man's table and partaken of his hospitality for several years, he was now guilty of the unpardonable offense of ridiculing and berating him.

I went back to the desk I shared with ten others, bitterly regretting the things I might have bought with the money and berating myself for my rashness.

The old woman began to berate them soundly, indignant at this attack upon her wares; and in the midst of it the two boys walked off.

Don't sulk and berate the editors who return your manuscript, but carefully read the contribution again, trying to forget for the moment that it is one of your own precious "brain children."

No doubt he had gone home and berated his sisters for their friendliness and had so intimidated them that they had no choice but to bow to his will.

King was fuming up and down, berating the departing conductor, and speaking his mind in regard to all the railroad officials he could think of.

He heard Skip berating one of the party, because some reference was made to their destination, and then ensued a noisy discussion as to what should be done with him.

My ears fairly tingled with anger at the harshness of the orders, but I stuck to the work, smothering my rage at being berated while doing my very best.

Often he had berated them soundly, but they all knew him as a decent fellow, and as one who had never badgered them unnecessarily.

To this they consented, but as they sat at supper the damsel continued to berate her champion, in such language that their host marvelled at the meekness of the knight.

My lady will not berate her maid for a fault as she will reprove her lover, and the head bookkeeper talking to a subordinate and to the boss would impress a listener as two different persons.

The Witch appears, scolding and berating the girl, whom she orders to prepare a magic pasty which will kill whoever eats of it.

She turned away and closed her eyes for a moment to shut him out, then opened them quickly and began to berate him charmingly for having neglected her.

Those up-start scientists across the way have berated my goods and stolen my customers until I have none left save a few old ladies.

Horne "berated the Lieutenant-Governor for treating with avowed rebels, and insisted that they were not in sufficient force to give any ground of alarm."

"I will sit beside you and tell you everything you wish to know, on condition that you stop berating yourself in a manner that fills me with indignation," replied Herbert, as they went to a distant part of the dusty enclosure and took their seats upon a rude bench.

Then her anger blazed forth again, and she fell to berating the girls in her own language, and the other women fell in with her until there was a perfect hubbub.

The very evils he had berated the most fiercely, were the things she had heard Wilson Jacobs deplore, and speak of more than once.

Molly avowed her purpose, and demanded her wages, which, after severely berating her, for her folly, were handed over, and the identical ticket was bought.

Drawing us aside, he vehemently demanded of the captain if he were mad, to berate in this unheard-of manner the touchstone of Bivouac sentiment, nationality, taste, and elegance!

Her attendant told me that the old woman never ceased to berate me for my truthful prognosis, and that from that time she gave up all hope of recovery, and soon closed her nefarious practice.

When he heard his mother spoken of harshly or when he overheard her berating his father, he was frightened and ran away to hide.

He faced them, berated them roundly, and threatened to "knock the first man down" who should dare to continue the disturbance.

Some small neighbors of mine did not catch grasshoppers and throw them into the water because they were cruel, although their mother berated them for cruelty.

A captain was violently berating his men for their cowardice and imploring them to advance, while his first lieutenant squeezed down behind the bank was yelling at them not to move.

Instead of being berated for a thief, if he acknowledged the corn, the conductor was discharged, half sympathetically, half apologetically.

Alfred was then in hiding, disguised as a farm laborer, and received a severe berating from the angry housewife for his carelessness.

They berated the men for quarreling over a matter so trivial as the employment of a single non-union man, who was, to say the most, merely an experimenter.

She usually came here to berate him, and she never failed to do it, if she found him in European garments, or had heard that European guests were being harbored and entertained.

Her mother at home could scold quite as violently as the cook was now doing, and she was more afraid of her anger, because she beat while she berated her.

She held out the can of kerosene oil to him, and asked if he would not add that to his dram, and began such a berating that he hurried off to escape from the violence of her tongue.

"It is only a freak of his; and if you would have the truth of it, I can tell you, that he is berating these vagabond priests, who give him no peace of his life."

When the men appear, to see what is up, they show no signs of resentment at my abrupt intrusion, but one of them follows the women into the room, and loud, angry words seem to indicate that they are being soundly berated for allowing themselves to be thus caught.

Old Ramon stood with hanging head, just out of reach of Ramirez, while the latter berated him in a voice too low for the words to carry to the eager ears of the two watchers.

Cesar was desolate that he could not please Patty, and berated his assistants down to the scullion for not knowing what the American young lady wanted.

He went away baffled in his endeavors, berating himself for a blundering fool, but strengthened in the belief that the blame was not all on one side.

Severing the bonds, he demanded to know how it all had happened, not forgetting to berate the poor fellow for being overcome by the robbers.

Away went the whale; and, after reflecting upon their situation a moment, the crew commenced berating poor Jack for his carelessness in thus endangering his and their lives, and losing them the whale.

Up the steep roadway the poor horses may be seen drawing their loads, while the drivers beat them and vociferously berate them with their tongues.

Hicks was limping around the mutton kettle, shaking his fist at it and berating it, though in a voice too low for them to hear.

In several cities, it became necessary for the military authorities to issue proclamations on the subject, berating the offenders for their "shameless behavior."

You berate me, but you used incomparable gifts to hold me near you, and the same gifts to let me have no more of you than would keep me.

The general tendency to berate the man of superior talent would seem to indicate, as before suggested, that disparagement has some sort of compensation in it.

It seems like ingratitude to write this, but the good old man's eccentric habit of berating himself and the world in general has grown wearisome, to say the least.

I sat very still and repressed, trying to remember the harsh, unkind things I had said to her, and berating myself fiercely for all of them.

King confronted Robin in the lower hall a few seconds later and roundly berated him for shouting up the steps that Hobbs ought to be invited to the ball.

It was one of the oddities of his nature that he should be continually berating the profession of which he was such an ornament and for which he really had a deep reverence.

On again emerging, there it lies as before; and if that mouse was profane, and had a soul to hazard, it would undoubtedly hazard it, and roundly berate that brush through compressed teeth.

Curiosity impelled the young man to take his stand upon a bench in order that he might get a glimpse of the man who was being berated.

Moodily he threw himself upon the grass, having staked his horse, and soon left off berating himself by falling into a sound sleep.

The Russian, following his usual custom, berated his companions, laying all the blame upon their shoulders for the events which had led up to the almost hopeless condition in which they now found themselves; but the sailors were in no mood to brook his insults and his cursing.

The rescued man, however, was quite off his head with rage and bluntly berated the fellow for having tried to assassinate him.