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Use canister in a sentence

Definition of canister:

  • (noun) a metallic cylinder packed with shot and used as ammunition in a firearm
  • (noun) metal container for storing dry foods such as tea or flour

Sentence Examples:

Keep them from the air in tin canisters.

The tea-pot was got where she seemed to know it would be found, so also the tea-canister.

Most of the men had brought their tackle with them, and their tin canisters of bait.

Immediately the Allies discharge grape and canister on the advancing host.

An examination disclosed canisters of powder instead of bars of soap.

He then ordered them to load with canister shot, and took the match in his own hand.

These canisters are made near at hand.

"Stop one moment, Swinburne; put another dose of canister in."

From another he drew a linen bag and a tin canister.

Willis handed them the canister, and they filled their noses with the treacherous powder.

Failing lead, tin canisters filled with metal scrap may be made to serve.

They rise above the houses and shoot across my sky like a charge of canister.

Solid-shot, grape-shot and canister crash like the cracking of doom.

"There's time enough to make up a few tins of canister," argued my father.

A battery here did fearful execution among the Rebels with shell, grape, and canister.

It proved to be a small green canister.

The tea that came from this canister I wish I could describe.

Isabel always made the tea out of a canister the old lady kept locked.

Singular habit that, locking tea up in a canister.

The three sizes of shot are frequently mixed in the same canister.

This shot is used for the same purposes as the canister.

I heard the canister explode before I reached the first bend.

Her father emerged from the pantry with a tin-canister in his hand.

There was a pinch of tea in the canister.

In the canister that she held out to him, the two pearls rattled like dice.

"I was glad to hurry home; perhaps that is the reason I forgot the canister."

The Howitzers, on field-carriages, in place, and loaded with canister.

Then did the village doctor begin to praise his canister.

The canister of supplies he had left by the cave entrance ...

The natives swarmed up the ship's sides like ants invading a sugar canister.

The canister with its contents would be placed in silence upon the Professor's table.

A whole charge of canister seems to have gone through him.

As the water steamed and boiled, she caught up a tin canister.

Chester's section kept firing canister until the rebels were within fifty yards of him.

You get me an old canister.

I wish you would have a canister and let the men load the gun properly.

I promised him a present of a few pound canisters.

For a moment I trembled and felt ready to drop the canister, and run for my life.

Then the string followed, and the canister stood upright before us on the desk.

The fort, meantime, fired showers of grape, canister, and round shot.

The guns had been loaded with grape and canister.

He picked the canister up and twisted four valves.

The turtle shook off shot and shell, grape and canister, and answered with her bow gun.

My artillery opened with canister, and for a few moments our front seemed to be cleared.

My men stood well to their work, and the two guns fired canister into the enemy.

A third rewarded him with a canister of tea and a twenty-pound bag of ground coffee.

His batteries open with shot and shell, then with canister.

I have brought this canister of powder at his request; but he is nowhere to be seen.

This done, the grape and canister told with fearful execution.

The canisters for all these various provisions contain from one pound to six pounds each.

The best effect of canister is within two hundred yards.

And that worthy smiled as he pointed toward an open canister of that dainty.

"What a pity we didn't have a chance to use that gun and the canister against the Yanks!"

"I'll give 'em one dose of canister, if I die for it!"

One had a ghastly wound in the breast, which must have been made by grape or canister.

Nipper, clap a canister of grape over the round shot in the bow gun, give it to him.

Burrows was struck by a canister-shot, which inflicted a mortal wound.

It was noisy, but didn't kill often unless at close range and firing grape and canister.

There's some still left in her little canister.

The trim waist was bulged out by a belt of canisters.

When it dies the canister may be removed and the contents examined.

It is riddled with grape and canister.

He wheels his guns, and is ready to cut them down with grape and canister.

I feel his camp-kettle, and a canister of powder!

One more round of canister would have made a wreck of us.

Canisters of chemical which give off flame and smoke when exposed to sea-water.

They used canister against those columns with terrible effect.

He had his gun loaded with double canister and ceased firing.

Sergeant Gray replied: "Don't waste double canister on one man."

If it had been grape or canister, it might have done a good deal of damage.

The battery changed from shell to double charges of canister.

Under the head of case shot we had grape and canister.

Shells screamed overhead and grape and canister rattled like hail.

We piled up more canister, and waited again.

Several times three canisters were fired.

In this mass our canister was doing deadly work, cutting lanes in every direction.

Instantly we turned our guns upon them with double canister!

The artillery was opened upon him, with canister, but did him no damage.

Barlow was dangerously wounded from a canister shot, and Miles took charge of our affairs.

Still no bullet from the rifle-pits, no canister from the forts.

This battery and ours fired canister in the evening.

On these the fleet now turned its fire, sweeping their decks with grape and canister shot.

One of the guns happened to have a round of canister in it.

They carried at the same time a present of a canister of shot from me to the king.

The man nodded quickly over his little canisters of food-concentrate.

Then we gave it to them in good earnest, the artillery with double charges of canister.

Opened on them with canister, which soon had the desired effect of "drying them up there."

Our batteries were then firing canister into them.

The film canister of Paula's interview was gone.

As she was putting the canister in its place again, Betsy came in.

Are the energetic shouts of Green, and the canister tears through the ranks.

Hazlitt was firing canister from the top.

The tea was at first kept in canisters, whose lids served as a measure.

Let the canister be touched with the finger to discharge it perfectly.

Then let the ball be lowered into the canister.

On touching the canister this last charge goes to earth.

Replace the ball again and touch the outside of the canister; the leaves will collapse.

Quickly the decks were swept of all but guns, canister and shot.

He put a large coffee canister on the arm of a chair.

The cannon had been loaded with shell instead of canister.