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Use carnivore in a sentence

Definition of carnivore:

  • (noun) a terrestrial or aquatic flesh-eating mammal;
  • (noun) any animal that feeds on flesh;

Sentence Examples:

This family contains the typical carnivores.

And a herd of carnivores hears the commotion.

Many were taken in traps set for carnivores.

Current techniques in the study of elusive wilderness carnivores.

Chief enemies are hawks and the various small carnivores.

I am always hungry, but I am not a carnivore.

Most of the body had been eaten by some carnivore.

And the great carnivore lay directly in her path.

Homing tendencies have been reported in wolves and other carnivores.

In all carnivores the canine teeth are relatively very large.

The carnivores selected the vegetarians, and fitted them to survive.

We know of no other reports of this carnivore from the area.

A similar condition is found on the feet of many small carnivores.

Most carnivores work at night, but there should be a few about.

For the attitude of the great carnivore was one of awe and adoration.

How trifling, in comparison with them, are the numbers of the carnivores!

He was a courageous dog, but he could not face the great carnivore.

All these bird-like carnivores were small as compared with other contemporary forms.

Such quiet stretches also attract carnivores to exploit the greater variety of prey.

Are the cheek teeth flat, or sharp-edged like the cheek teeth of carnivores?

"You've forgotten to specify the precise carnivore that will perform the operation."

The almost complete absence of carnivores at this camp was a great surprise.

And without another glance at the carnivore he moved off toward the horses.

There are indeed carnivorous whales of gigantic size, but no very large land carnivore.

By and by, from mere priest he developed into the deadlier carnivore, the Inquisitor.

Those lived who succeeded in running away from carnivores like lions, hawks, and men.

Preying upon them were certain carnivores grimmer and more terrible than any now existing.

His eyes were almost closed as he watched the wary carnivores slip closer to him.

This is no special effort as carnivores generally range for miles in search of prey.

In a moment three hundred and fifty pounds of carnivore would launch itself upon them.

Most of our specimens were caught in steel traps, at meat baits, set for small carnivores.

Survey spent thirty years here, balancing the ecology, wiping out the bugs and carnivores.

Each carnivore has its own worms, as it has its own prey which introduces them.

It is the smallest living member of the carnivores and weighs no more than a meadow mouse.

This includes chiefly the Lynx and Fox, but in less degree all the small carnivores.

As with the Tiger, a northern variety of this Carnivore has a closer and longer fur.

These carnivores have come to hunt the rats and rabbits making a mad dash across the road.