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Use carnivorous in a sentence

Definition of carnivorous:

  • (adjective) predatory or flesh-eating.

Sentence Examples:

Almost all spiders are carnivorous.

The look in his eyes as he felt the keen edge and glared at me was positively carnivorous.

Habits exhibit a boldness and cunning peculiar to their carnivorous propensities.

He combined and made war upon his carnivorous enemies.

It is a carnivorous animal, considered very ferocious.

They were carnivorous, and where they came they stayed...

I wonder if you have been very carnivorous with me!

He seemed to have the agility as well as the semblance of a carnivorous animal.

He is almost exclusively carnivorous and consequently fierce.

"Even carnivorous animals thrive better on a vegetarian diet."

You come here treating me as though I were a carnivorous beast.

I have, on the contrary, made a carnivorous animal enter it.

Among the carnivorous insects the matter may develop to a tragic termination.

Yes, I should say: yes, by the fact of its germ every animal is originally carnivorous.

From beginning to end they remained carnivorous.

Scratches from the claws of all carnivorous animals are dangerous.

There are indeed carnivorous whales of gigantic size, but no very large land carnivore.

Carnivorous animals bolt their food.

Is it not a reproach that man is a carnivorous animal?

They are not carnivorous, however, and only tear their enemy to pieces without eating it.

Their flesh is very much prized as food by all the carnivorous animals of that country.

In carnivorous animals it may be so much reduced as to be practically absent.

Stronger grew the odor that invariably marks the den of carnivorous animals.

Of the carnivorous animals there were wolves and cats of large size.

With the deer, of course, such is not the case, as they are not carnivorous.

He is almost wholly carnivorous in his habits.

It is not carnivorous, and, generally, its disposition is harmless and playful.

They are not carnivorous and therefore must be fed from the labors of man.

Even a carnivorous animal fed on such a diet soon shows evidence of failure.

Wild carnivorous animals do this as do also wild men who live largely upon flesh foods.

To find their food, for they are carnivorous, and require a great deal of nourishment.

"Man," says Taine, "is a wild beast, carnivorous by nature, and delighting in blood."

Nor need our carnivorous friends be afraid of it.

They may be called truly carnivorous plants.

The wolf and carnivorous animals of the same region.

Carnivorous tendencies are displayed by many of them.

The reverse holds good with carnivorous birds.

There are numerous growths that are primarily carnivorous.

Some of them are pure vegetarians; others are carnivorous.

A giant carnivorous fish, very tough.

Why should these vegetables turn carnivorous?

It was not another tiger: they were carnivorous.

The association shows that a powerful carnivorous animal is meant.

All carnivorous creatures prey upon the weaker.

I have spoiled you by good treatment, you ungrateful, carnivorous dogs!

The carnivorous animal then took to my ducks and hens.

However, they are more strictly carnivorous than the gray fox.

I find that foxes are not strictly carnivorous (flesh eating) animals.

The perfect insects are for the most part nocturnal and are believed to be carnivorous.

The fox is not strictly a carnivorous animal.

Living upon these monsters was a swarm of carnivorous Dinosaurs of a corresponding size.

It is probably strictly carnivorous, and lives principally on the seal.

Others, of less size, although still gigantic and more active, were carnivorous.

The carnivorous animals were not to be eaten and were declared unclean.

With the carnivorous this is not the case.

Some are even of advantage to us by their carnivorous propensities.

There were no animals to be devoured by the carnivorous beasts.

They occur in moist situations, and are carnivorous, feeding on insects and small animals.

These carnivorous teeth show that we are creatures of prey.

Venison is good, and a hungry man is carnivorous.

Flower in his general account of the Carnivorous skeleton.

Each of these animals is active and carnivorous, and has a head.

I never before knew that domestic rabbits would fight with any carnivorous antagonist.

The flesh of carnivorous animals is seldom used as food.

They are all strictly marine in habitat, and are all carnivorous.

Most of them are carnivorous, but few catch any very active prey.

Or were, perhaps, the carnivorous animals created only at a later period?

He disdained the carnivorous diet.

This carnivorous animal was represented by about eighteen to twenty individual specimens.

The structure of the teeth leaves no doubt as to the carnivorous habits of the creature.

They are the smallest of our carnivorous animals, and will probably long survive.

The carnivorous animals are confined in a series of dens.

Carnivorous Plants.

Our carnivorous creatures were not yet in existence.

This insect is carnivorous, living upon small flies.

In like manner protection was afforded by the teeth and claws of carnivorous animals.

It is a carnivorous tree.

It is said that wolves have a liking for it, while other carnivorous animals have not.

It is very carnivorous, and very active, and often attacks those of its own kind.

All carnivorous animals which have strength and weapons hunt naturally.

Lions are carnivorous.

They are all equally carnivorous, and enemies to other animals.

Birds of prey with carnivorous instincts live in the most solitary places.

The same principle applies to other carnivorous animals.

With the carnivorous fishes, to feed represents the chief activity of the organism.

Of late years Sir James Crichton-Browne has shown more benevolence to carnivorous habits.

They are carnivorous, feeding on small insects and other "fry."

Man is naturally a carnivorous animal.

Man resembles no carnivorous animal.

The stomach of the carnivorous ...

I know all this sounds very carnivorous, but I don't care.

It is not till other food fails that the bear becomes carnivorous.

Bears are carnivorous when they get the chance.

The Crocodiles are exclusively carnivorous, and are ferocious animals.

Man, therefore, being partly carnivorous, will doubtless be able more or less to stand it.

The animal is carnivorous.

All carnivorous enemies, the daily menace of the younger world, have been killed off.

In some cases, the carnivorous appetite is withheld.

In this respect their habits resemble those of most carnivorous and predatory animals.

All poisonous snakes are carnivorous.