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Definition of cartel:

  • (noun) a consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service

Sentence Examples:

Exchanges of directing personnel and of capital amongst the branches have been recorded for which the term "cartel" is no longer a fair description.

From the relatively loose pre-war combination held together by common price interests, the organization has passed through the cartel to what is now practically a form of trust.

Newton was heartily welcomed again at Lieu Desire, where he remained three weeks, when a note from the governor informed him that a cartel was about to sail.

The vessel being old, and of little value, I released her on ransom bond, and converted her into a cartel, sending some forty-five prisoners on board of her, the crews of the last three ships burned.

Cartel wandered, now humming a passage under his breath in accompaniment to his playing, again raising his soft, southern voice in an abandonment of enthusiasm.

Cartel's door was very softly turned, and Jacqueline slipped forth into the shadowed landing.

Cartel, lifting his head, broke in with the single electric cry of Julian the lover: 'Louise!'

Whilst we were fighting those battles of their interest and as their soldiers, how should we feel, if we were to be excluded from all their cartels?

"The papers of this morning announce that a cartel has been arranged, and the prisoners held on both sides will be shortly exchanged."

The wagon was drawn off the road, and the weary oxen let loose, while we stretched ourselves on the cartels, but found the heat too great to let us recover any of our lost sleep.

Prices should not be arbitrarily raised by any wholesale merchant who happens to be in a position to do so, or by any cartel of dealers in league for that purpose.

The cartel of exchange had been agreed upon long before; yet these men, who had no charge against them, were still held.

At the elections of 1890 the coalition, which in truth had been built up by the Government on the basis of a cartel, or agreement, suffered heavy losses.

I accompanied them to the cartel, where, having satisfied myself that they had every comfort, I left them.

He then sent down a flag of truce in military style, proposing a cartel or exchange of prisoners, the corporal for the notary.

I foster nationalist organizations with one hand and build up international cartels with the other, do I?

Immediately on the conclusion of the definite cartel of surrender, General Sherman issued orders for the future movements of his army.

Cartel said it would take me years of hard work even to begin to be an artist, and I thought I could just show him.

Cartel also signifies an agreement between two hostile powers for a mutual exchange of prisoners.

In late wars, ships of war fully armed, but under cartel, carried commissions for settling peace, as flags of truce.

All, therefore, that I shall be able to do further in this respect will be to get signed by Mr Jones the copy he sent me of this cartel.

Somewhere in the crowd, perhaps, were the two men who ruled the cartels and directed the struggle for the Galactic empire.

In itself that was a minor factor, already accomplished by man's acceptance of the jungle ethics of the cartels.

Far more important, if one of the cartels controlled the patent, it had a weapon that would ultimately destroy the other.

Either term could apply to the clinics run by the two cartels; or, for that matter, to the largest of them all, operated by Eric Young's union.

Only a top-ranking cartel executive could arrange for a deliberate interruption of service.

There was a good chance that he could play one cartel against the other, and in the process get Ann away from both of them.

If they fought to the top there, they were integrated as adults into the hierarchy of the cartels.

It would be a difficult deal to pull off in the capital city, where operatives of both cartels swarmed everywhere.

In the beginning the street had been preserved as a museum piece while the cartel city had grown up around it.

Hunter could see the silhouette of the cartel castles rising against the sky, two gigantic masses of stone.

Each cartel suspected the other because they hadn't yet adjusted to the idea that a third cartel existed: Eric Young's union.

Dix comes this way, he would make him a subject of the cartel of exchange which he (Dix) had a hand in negotiating.

Howell Cobb has been sent down the river under flag of truce to negotiate a cartel with Gen.

Not only is the Government one of the associated concerns in certain cartels, but by its railroad policy it gives an immense impetus to dumping.

The coal cartel determined its policy irrespective of the interests of the coke cartel, which in turn fixed its prices irrespective of the interests of the iron industry.

You do not pretend to have made any attempt, except by the way of the cartel, the John Adams.

"Because Sir Thomas would scarce carry a cartel to one unable to reply to it," said the Captain.

The reason why he did it so secretly, and why you were not taken to the regular cartel, is because he does not want, for reasons of his own, to attract public attention just at present.

Under his influence the Conservatives and National Liberals formed a coalition or Cartel by which each agreed to support the candidates of the other.

It was near morning when Captain Foster came over to General Arnold and agreed with him to a cartel by which certain prisoners were exchanged.

The Essex Junior was transformed into a cartel, and the prisoners sent in her to the United States, on parole.

It would be of no use, therefore, to inquire, and in any case we could not secure his exchange, as we have now no exchange cartel in force.

Lewis was sent to England in a cartel for exchange of prisoners, and after his return frequently mentioned to his family and others the circumstances.

Cartels may be concluded during peace in anticipation of war, or during the time of war, and they may provide for numerous purposes.

This order, however, was resented by General Grant as contrary to the cartel and should not be executed.

Possibly, the best use that can be made of them, is to give them in exchange for as many Americans in the cartel now operating here.

The existing cartel, owing to these disagreements, is virtually suspended, so far as the exchange of officers on either side is concerned.

The result was a cartel, by which prisoners of either side should be paroled within ten days after their capture, and delivered on the frontier of their own country.

Yet the prison records of the Confederacy, in no instance, show the detention of prisoners while the cartel was in operation, unless held under grave charges.

You have now in custody officers who were in confinement when the cartel was framed, and who have since been declared exchanged.

With these transactions ended all exchanges under that provision of the cartel which provided the delivery of prisoners within ten days.

The facts which we have stated, showing the suspension of the cartel to have been occasioned by the bad faith of the Federal Government, are upon record, and can not be disputed.

The suspension of the cartel was the direct cause of those terrible sufferings which were afterwards endured by the true men of both sides.

This parole was regular, formal, and final, taken at a regular point of exchange, by an officer duly appointed under the express provisions of the cartel.

Themistocles at Salamis, when threatened with a blow, did not send a cartel to the Spartan commander.

An hour later came his cartel, borne by no less a personage than the Secretary of the colony.

These are the trade restricting arrangements: monopolies, cartels, trusts and other illegal organizations.

Would that I might venture the experiment of getting your name included in the next cartel with any prospect of success!

He protested that he learned, for the first time, of the cartel from information furnished to the council of state.

As your Commander, I sincerely hope that every officer and soldier of my command will cheerfully obey the orders given, and carry out in good faith all the terms of the cartel.

It was a week last Friday since we were told to hold ourselves in readiness to be exchanged, and no signs of a cartel appears.

It is so long since we heard of a cartel that the greater part in prison begin to despair of its coming.

The wind hauls round to the northward and eastward, which gives us now to hope that our cartel will be here in a few days.

Somebody would start the story that a cartel had been agreed upon, then would come a long discussion upon the probabilities of the truth of the story.

I was going on board the cartel, when I was stopped by a lady who asked me to take a young girl on board to see her brother.

The Prudent, when she left us, was extremely healthy, and continued so till a flux broke out in July, which was communicated by some men from a cartel, who were ill of this disease.

This has furnished the idea of calling her a cartel vessel, and pretending that she came as such for an exchange of prisoners, which is false.

At his urgent request he was landed, the cartel, after a few hours delay, proceeding on her course.

This event gave rise to a long and animated discussion between the two Governments; and even prevented, during the whole of the war, a cartel for the exchange of prisoners.

This seems to be indicated in the exterior forms of union, such as capitalist economy practiced in its associations and cartels.

The challenge or cartel took different forms; and it was supposed to be good style to keep all arrangements within the strictest etiquette and politeness imaginable.

My answer to that was that such conduct to the bearer of a gentleman's cartel was unheard of.

Was the old form of a combat between two persons, at a time and place indicated in the challenge, cartel, or defiance borne by one party to the other.

A cartel ship was not allowed to carry guns or arms, nor any merchandise; if it did the vessel was liable to be seized.

Protected by its agreement with the trusts by which it guaranteed them the monopoly of its supplies, the cartel did not exert itself.

Eight of these ships were sunk during the War, and when the cartel was asked to build new ones it refused, "so as not to give offense" to the great trusts.

Nor had the government yet sought to lessen the injury by arranging a cartel for the release of the unfortunate commander.

It's the day of the big concerns, of tremendous trusts and cartels, who didn't even have to bother with the task of squeezing out tiny competitors like himself.

The cartel was then sealed with the common seal in testimony that the combat had duly taken place, and all the legal formalities been observed.

Presently the door swung open, and at the same time the cartel above it began to strike the hour.

A challenge was in consequence sent him by his new brother-in-law, but the cartel was not accepted.

This combination is called a cartel and during these years each member of the cartel is assigned a given amount of the total production and given a definite share of the profits of the combination.

These same techniques also apply to law enforcement agencies targeting international crime and drug cartels using the highway.

Key, pacing the deck of the cartel ship, to which he had been transferred, could not guess the cause of this.

He had a large chest on board, and, as privately as he could, he put the cabin boy into the chest, locked him in, and carried him on board the cartel.

The cartel was immediately boarded, as she had not yet left the port, and the boy was found and brought back.

The latter was now turned to account by being sent in to Rio de Janeiro as a cartel with the prisoners.

This fact explains the difficulties which have been associated with the formation of cartels in Belgium.