Sentence Examples:
Meanwhile, celestial voices proclaim the words of the oracle to musical strains that are pregnant with mysterious suggestion.
The Celestials are pretty sure to look after their own interests in the matter by forming trades unions.
Counteracting celestial weapons with celestial, and human weapons with human, what man is a match for Arjuna?
And the king graced with high prosperity proceeded thither like the thunder-wielding chief of the celestials himself.
Celestial modesty and pride were in it, and joy which looked at itself and doubted if it were joy.
Celestial mechanics do not differ from terrestrial mechanics, however tremendous and imposing the result of their activities.
Striding fiercely up to the poor Celestial, he said to him in a loud voice, "John, you are fined two pounds."
People crowd to the Bookshops for it, as if looking out for a celestial phenomenon that had been predicted.
The distance of a celestial body from one of the nodes of its orbit, upon which the latitude depends.
My disciples, from those celestial beings, which long for the Perfection, come all changes of the moon.
The shadow which the earth casts is indeed not noticeable to us until some celestial body passes into it.
As if, in avoiding the material contact of terrestrial bodies, we could prevent the virtual effect of celestial bodies.
Over his head is an automatic celestial globe invented by Tycho and constructed at his own expense in 1590.
A bluff, hearty old salt finds the celestial regions very different from the traditional descriptions of them.
At the top of these objects there is generally the figure of the celestial serpent rolled up or outstretched.
Was it not a picture of the contrast between life on earth and life in the settled celestial habitations?
Thereupon, out of curiosity, that one of perverse understanding consented to the proposals of the chief of the celestials.
It was to her a large blurred celestial world of beauty and color, and abundant delicious air and sunshine.
Ursula, who had previously appeared to her in a celestial vision, and encouraged her to carry out her inspiration.
One might fall out now with the celestial laws of Ptolemy, and head a movement to set them aside.
Now, my new friend, open for me the gates of immortality, for you are in truth a celestial porter.'
At that moment the celestial waitress returned with the hot water, and Tony made known her determination.
I have recovered from my trance, and what I dreamed was celestial I will demonstrate to be mere woman.
And he beheld there celestial cars by thousands, capable of going everywhere at will, stationed in proper places.
And then the celestial forces looking upon him as their leader, surrounded him on all sides in thousands.
At its best it strikes deep into the nature of things, has a celestial quality which invests it with awe.
Here we halted for the purpose of hunting and drying our provisions, and making the necessary celestial observations.
Apollo, however, was more tolerant, and offered her an asylum on the top shelf of the celestial library.
All heaven is divided into two kingdoms, one called the celestial kingdom and the other the spiritual kingdom.
In the celestial regions, the will of the Creator is understood and obeyed; and there dwells eternal peace.
All the preparations for the appropriate reception of these celestial visitors failed to bring about the desired result.
The object loved appears to him under celestial colors, which veil all the defects and miseries of reality.
I have coached you for years in celestial navigation; if you remember my lessons you will have a prosperous voyage.
To the earthly Venus the sacrifices were such as were more trivial; to the celestial, such as were more holy.
It should transcend the other three as the seventh heaven transcends all the lower stages of celestial bliss.
The telescope is furnished with a driving clock which keeps the celestial object in the field of view.
She was forever searching some explanation of them, since she considered them in the light of celestial visions.
She did not play with the children of Heaven, or take her pleasure with celestial youths and maidens.
Claiming to be of celestial origin, the religions have drawn their secret spell from the human heart itself.
And what again is this power compared with the pure celestial knowledge to which magic delivers the key?
Language cannot do justice to the radiance, the brightness, the celestial calm and glory, of these spring days.
I wish you may have the good fortune next year to be a spectator of this all but celestial dance.
Other believers endeavor to be still more concrete, and point out definite celestial bodies as the homes of immortal souls.
The next step in celestial measurement was far harder; it was to find the distance of the Sun.
Love of the good of others is something that shines in every page of Dickens with a truly celestial splendor.
Hooke, the latter affirmed that he had demonstrated upon that principle all the laws of the celestial motions.
Music came from within, and as she pushed it open a vision of celestial yet familiar brightness burst on her.
Scientists had treated the problem as one of pure mathematics, regarding it only as an interesting case of celestial mechanics.
The points on the celestial sphere directly above and below the observer are the poles of the horizon.
Hermes, as we have already remarked, begins to replace the more vigorous Apollo as the youthful type of celestial beauty.
There we see actual specimens of celestial bodies which we can feel or weigh, and which our chemists can analyze.
A candid confession, for once, of perfect identity of celestial personages and of borrowing from every pagan source.
Column and arch and dome rise upon his vision, radiant in painted light, and trembling with celestial music.
And when the mother with her offspring approaches the celestial gates, they fly wide open to receive them.
The altitude of a celestial object is its distance above the horizon measured on the arc of a vertical circle.
The old lady stood looking on in silence, pondering what she was to do with the celestial beggar.
Let your Majesty, therefore, ascend at once the celestial car of Indra; and, grasping your arms, advance to victory.
Their object was to behold the wondrous things of the sea not to be found in the celestial sphere.
Only as his soul glows a spark of love does it recognize the celestial ether in which it is an atom.
You look through the telescope toward that part of the sea directly beneath the celestial body to be observed.
Being with her resembled floating in a barge on a fabulous Celestial river between banks of high green bamboo.
I would die of joy to be written by you; not even a movie actress ever had a celestial press agent!
A graphic account of the formation of new stars from the collision of dead suns or other celestial bodies.
On withdrawing the lance some drops fell from it and produced an island, upon which the celestial couple descended.
If one only wants to get a few glimpses of a celestial object, this mounting will answer his purpose.
They also thought they saw the figure of a celestial being standing beside it, screening it from the wind.
On earth, what could celestial indexes mean but such as were appropriated to the contemplation of the heavenly bodies?
Why then could the celestial Soul not say, "I have passed this part, I have now arrived at another"?
And she said to herself that an intervention of the angels, a celestial accident, had restored him to her.
Had it not been for this, I doubt whether we should ever have got further than the celestial city.
Suppose that I get information, apparently from a celestial visitor, which upon being tested is found to be correct.
Fulfilling a previous prophecy, and following a celestial mandate, in 1869 she founded a bank and published a journal.
All that is given to us, therefore, is the shape, the position and the motion of visible celestial bodies.
They simply embody a comprehensive command against making a graven image of any kind whatever, celestial, terrestrial, or aquatic.
When he dropped to sleep at last, his heart betrayed him, and strayed away into celestial worlds of dreaming.
This spherical surface is commonly spoken of as the sky, and is known to astronomy as the celestial sphere.
Those celestial beings, though beautiful beyond the conception of finite man, were not of the highest order of angels.
We're about as near being in the company of the celestial hosts as we'll ever be and remain alive, I reckon.
Juno and her celestial beauty has vanished, and in her place there is nothing but a phantom of vapor.
If so in this world, amidst imperfect holiness, how much more so in the pure society of the celestial state!
She was mounting upwards, upwards, upwards, through celestial morning to her castle at the top of the world.
The lover reproached the woman for contradicting herself in claiming earthly and celestial happiness at the same time.
Woman assumed among kings and barons the importance which she was supposed to have in the celestial hierarchy.
The son of the chief of the celestials became filled with remorse and breathing heavily, drew his sword.
The fifth book is devoted to the investigation of the movements of the celestial bodies around their centers of gravity.
Suppose his rocket crashed upon a planet, or the star itself, or became a captive satellite of some celestial body?
We can hardly doubt that the celestial hierarchy has often been recruited by the souls of the dead.
You have, indeed, harmonious motions among the celestial bodies, and, if no disturbing cause come in, you have endless motion.
The following narrative is an attempt of a celestial being to convey by words a conception of its glorious life.
They seemed to shine with their own celestial whiteness, set in their melancholy green among the fallen leaves.
She preferred that I should see it reflected in her celestial temper and in a capability as of the angels.
A man who can take celestial observations correctly is not very likely to be deficient in a knowledge of navigation.
To the ancients the celestial sphere was a reality, instead of a mere effect of perspective, as we regard it.
The ears were made, not for such trivial uses as men are wont to suppose, but to hear celestial sounds.
We learn this fact from the circumstance that the old constellations do not cover the entire celestial sphere.
For no creature besides man can understand the motion of the heaven or estimate the celestial bodies and their revolutions.
There is a truth even in the illusion of the celestial vault and in the apparent movement of the stars
He wondered if he would ever talk to such celestial creatures, for whom life went so smooth and so fair.
His first observations at once threw a flood of light on the nature of our nearest celestial neighbor, the moon.
The awful tremor of that celestial praise passed into Isaiah's frame, and it seemed like the pangs of instant dissolution.