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Definition of cessation:

  • (noun) a stopping; "a cessation of the thunder"

Sentence Examples:

There was here a cessation of light, such as had occurred in that vault when the lantern failed.

A cessation had, therefore, taken place in our communication with them, in re-establishing which I anticipated considerable difficulty.

It is the highest example of wrath and strength in the elements, exerted without any cessation or rest.

On the first day it lasted without cessation from seven in the morning till four in the afternoon.

And the unexpected cessation of every noise seemed almost supernatural to George, whom an inexplicable fright kept alert.

That which now exists as the movement of masses, implies the cessation of an equivalent molecular movement. ??????

With the arrival of the railroad and cessation of hostilities with the Indians, a new era was begun.

I felt no grief, but something gloomy and terrible in the sudden cessation of the usual household activities.

In Munster, a new Parliamentary party had time to form its combinations under the shelter of the cessation.

The flaw once found, the work of devastation and desolation begins; and, once begun, it continues without cessation.

Within a year of the cessation of war, there is no reason why your national dream should not be realized.

The joy of it, had I dared joy at such a moment, would have been the cessation of sensations.

This continuous employment without even a fear of cessation is an advantage, the value of which it is difficult to estimate.

Six months later the flow again appeared for the second time, and lasted three weeks, without cessation.

Yet the silence that came about five o'clock with its sudden cessation was in a manner quite as oppressive.

With these words she sank again into a stillness profound and fearful, as if the cessation of life itself.

They all labored for their lives, both officers and men, and toiled without cessation to the end.

Only negative happiness, the cessation of suffering, is possible, and can be obtained by the annihilation of the Will-to-Live.

There is no death, no cessation, in literature; and the sadness and decay of certain periods is mere fiction.

The huge airport, now unused on account of the complete cessation of air traffic, was closed to the public.

The cessation of increase in the currency should not be achieved merely by restricting the issue of legal tender.

The cold chilled his sweating body with the cessation of motion, but Gavin was as badly off.

There was a cessation of all other discussion to make room for the consideration of this bit of news.

Again, when a man has been in a state of enjoyment, and the enjoyment ceases, this cessation is painful.

Within the last year or two there has been almost complete cessation of Adolf's attempt to become a lawyer.

Please let me know whether there is anything that you see in my 'cessation of selection' different from W.'

After the cessation of Jones' exertions the old apathy returned, and continued till within a few years.

There was a cessation of hostilities for one year and nothing more, based upon the actual condition of affairs.

The action lasted for an hour and a half, then darkness coming on there was a cessation of hostilities.

Communication once more came to an end, not abruptly, but by natural cessation, because the thought had been expressed.

On the 14th of July, a cessation of arms took place from seven o'clock in the morning till one.

The great cricket stops singing, she says, at half-past four: the cessation of its chant awakens her.

Rest, cessation of consciousness of the outer world, and of action upon it, are set forth by the figure.

The resulting extraction caused cessation of active malaria symptoms for a few days, and then had to be repeated.

She asked her question with a cessation of her entire being, as if her heart had missed a beat.

The anniversary of the Prince of Wales's birth was observed by a cessation from all kinds of labor.

Jean could tell of nothing but the sudden cessation of the tumult and the floating of his litter.

He went on without cessation for two hours, and then stopped in an exhausted state, gasping for breath.

It was not, however, the absurdity of her remark, but the cessation of her caresses he protested against.

My attempt by harmless means to compel the cessation of hostilities and the abolition of war has failed.

It was one of the most weary nights I ever spent; for we were allowed no cessation from our toil.

At the end of a month, as I have said, it was she who suggested a slight cessation of affection.

This does not involve the cessation of suffering, but of the sorrow, the anxiety, the bitterness of suffering.

Suddenly there was a cessation of the clicking and quickly following this the sound of a falling body.

If the King would not permit a cessation by law, they would bring about a cessation by force.

The only marked symptom directing attention to the womb, is the cessation of every sign indicating sexual desire.

These noble truths were about sorrow, its cause, its cessation and the path which leads to that cessation.

The sudden cessation of resistance caused Kirkwood to fall forward across the still quivering body of his enemy.

Cromwell was an enemy of the duel, and during the Protectorate there was a cessation of the practice.

In those sorrowful hours which followed the cessation of firing, no man was in greater demand than he.

It is evident that if there is a long cessation of rain, there can be none to fill the reservoirs.

During this time the loud voice of an orator was heard from the village repeating a curious name without cessation.

The higher neurons have been stimulated into reflex activity twenty-five minutes after complete clinical cardiac cessation of activity.

The disappearance of daylight is, for the majority of living creatures, the signal for cessation of active life.

They united their youthful zeal "day after day, uninterrupted" and "with little cessation" to the labor of translation.

There is a tendency toward cessation and rest, which gradually brings upon us that passive condition called sleep.

The chief damage in all snow storms results from the temporary obstruction of roads and cessation of business.

In all these cases the removal of the decayed tooth or teeth procured the prompt cessation of pain.

After the cessation of hostilities he was very busy mustering out troops and putting the garrison in shape.

I suppose he had learned from experience to associate cessation of farm work and peculiar preparations with a day alone.

Death is only a cessation of work, so it is clear that its condition should be like that of sleep.

On this brilliant Sunday afternoon, although many small shops were open, I noted the cessation of street traffic.

There is no cessation of activity, no turning aside of consequences, no delay in the transformation of causes into necessary effects.

Something tells me that this cessation of the eruption is only partial; the internal fire is not all extinct.

In the meantime, while this little episode was in progress, we on the gun deck were laboring without cessation.

In such a person, therefore, even on this side of death, there is a cessation of the individual in the supreme.

A flag of truce in a boat asks no cessation of hostilities, except so far as the boat itself is concerned.

On the cessation of light again, the current of response disappears and there remains only the feeble original current.

They began with a mutual cessation of firing, and finished with embracing amid shouts of Long live the Emperor.

The cessation of the menstrual epochs is a sign equally certain of the loss of the faculty of reproduction.

During this partial cessation our antagonists had drawn near to each other, although at a considerable distance from us.

I felt a contraction of my stomach, an icy chill, a gradual though rapid cessation of consciousness and being.

All night long, without cessation, the batteries of both sides, knowing exactly their opponents' range, fired perpetually.

The cessation of foreign colonization now done for the purpose of exploiting foreign peoples for the sake of gain.

The conception of the general strike that prevailed during this period was that of a peaceful cessation of work.

The restoration of Stanley government in 1660 therefore caused as little friction and alteration as its temporary cessation had.

This was hoped to be merely a transient state, which time and absolute cessation from labor would soon remedy.

The weather continued stormy, with rain nearly every day, and frequently for several days together without cessation.

The same applies to the difference in time between the advent of maturity and the cessation of bodily growth.

A few illustrations of typical buildings are given, together with photographs of the strength at the cessation of hostilities.

Many people signed petitions for a cessation of planting for one year for the purpose of increasing the price.

While the dead were being buried and the wounded removed, there was a long cessation of the savage struggle.

Cessation from labor, and the observance of certain religious duties, are by no means one and the same thing.

The cessation in the work gave him relief, and enabled him to recall his scattered and confused thoughts.

The irritations and enmities created by the civil war did not end with the cessation of active hostilities.

It is true that virtues acquired through acts decrease and sometimes cease altogether through cessation from act, as stated above.

I found small rooms on O'Farrell street and continued my work without cessation until the beginning of 1875.

He kept the men at work for three hours without cessation, after which they were dismissed for breakfast.

His notes were gradually growing louder, and soon rose to a height that caused a general cessation in the discourse.

I am convinced that the Mexicans, whatever my wishes might be, will not grant any cessation of arms.

With the cessation of reproductive activities, a pair continues to restrict its other daily activities to the same general area.

On the contrary, the principle of reproduction indicates decrease in the intensity of growth and becomes a cause of cessation.

We think the most fair and true construction is, that it relates to the date of the cessation of hostilities.

Captain Elliot was bent upon getting the trade opened, and no less so upon bringing about a cessation of hostilities.

It is inevitable that this quantity is exhausted in time and that no power can prevent the cessation of passion.

The root-infesting forms continue to multiply, and in warm climates there is no cessation of this process even in winter.

For more than two weeks cannon had been thundering and rifles crashing in the valley, almost without cessation.

Here, judging by the cessation of the dark mound and its crown of trees, was what he sought.

Bennington took the broom from her and swept until the cessation of the flood made it no longer necessary.

The present is a state of rest, of suspension of labor, or at least of cessation of open and visible activity.