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Use chivalrous in a sentence

Definition of chivalrous:

  • (adjective) being attentive to women like an ideal knight

Sentence Examples:

Lots of men are remarkably chivalrous.

What a chivalrous lad he is!

"It is very chivalrous of you."

McCardell is a chivalrous southern gentleman.

It was scarcely chivalrous, you know.

He was not a chivalrous opponent.

Monsieur de Chavernay, you are always chivalrous.

You're not chivalrous about it, are you?

The chivalrous nature of Ignatius was aroused.

He is truly chivalrous, I am sure.

He was as chivalrous as Don Quixote.

Their chivalrous enthusiasm was thus aroused.

"How chivalrous you are," she said.

He hurried home, feeling very chivalrous.

Another chivalrous impulse, I doubt not?

His sense of justice was chivalrous.

That would be chivalrous and fine.

The ancient Aryans were chivalrous knights.

In other ways he was quite chivalrous.

You can't cope with this chivalrous eloquence.

Give us credit for some chivalrous feeling.

You have been chivalrous and kind throughout.

She was sure he would be chivalrous.

His chivalrous nature is contrary to them.

You are proving so honorable and chivalrous!

It is the chivalrous thing to do.

Our very blood is feudal and chivalrous.

At that time men were still chivalrous.

His chivalrous nature was up in arms.

For she knew his chivalrous nature.

He was far too chivalrous for that.

The attitude of both was distinctly chivalrous.

Critics are always chivalrous toward beautiful women.

One must always be chivalrous with ladies.

Were your chivalrous notions any good, then?

He had a chivalrous enthusiasm for women.

Martin was so chivalrous, and so on.

To this there was a chivalrous side.

You are handsome and noble and chivalrous.

Society was feudal or chivalrous, not democratic.

Her chivalrous anger died down; reaction came.

"I shall not mention your chivalrous intervention."

"That's a chivalrous accusation to make," said he.

Then too, a good scout must be chivalrous.

He was a real hero, a chivalrous knight!

You are a true Moor, chivalrous and brave!

He evidently meant to be generous and chivalrous.

Chivalrous deeds always stir an Indian's heart.

The cowboy is chivalrous enough, but human.

The chivalrous deference touched the aged poet.

My handsome, chivalrous brother was your favorite.

Now she thought him fine and chivalrous.

Fanny was proud of his chivalrous tone.

The sultan of Cashmere was very chivalrous.

I used to think you were a chivalrous person.

We must tell briefly the chivalrous sequel.

Other country gentlemen were handsome and chivalrous.

As if we had no chivalrous principles in Europe!

Said the Chivalrous Youth, drinking his whiskey.

He became a knight both chivalrous and brave.

To all women and children he is chivalrous.

Their treatment of Jonah is generous and chivalrous.

It is thus that chivalrous opponents make war.

He is lofty and chivalrous in his bearing.

He described our men as gallant and chivalrous.

The young Prince is of a chivalrous disposition.

He was chivalrous, and would rescue Madame Burke.

He was a noble, chivalrous and courteous gentleman.

Was it a sudden whim of chivalrous courtesy?

They inquired the reason of this chivalrous championship.

He might also have added the most chivalrous.

In the end he had been positively chivalrous.

You see, you are such a chivalrous masculine beggar.

The gesture was infinitely chivalrous and caressing.

The old chivalrous Spain had passed away.

Still, I was bent on the chivalrous undertaking.

The chivalrous relics at Rhodes are very superb.

War used to be looked upon as a chivalrous proceeding.

He looked strong and sane, kind and chivalrous.

His nature was chivalrous in the highest degree.

It sounds so chivalrous and protective and high-minded.

Britain the mother of much fine chivalrous poetry.

From of old it was turbulent and chivalrous.

It was very noble; and so delicately chivalrous.

Gustavus was in truth a chivalrous, high-bred monarch.

He was perfectly chivalrous in his instant decision.

It was not like his high, chivalrous honor.'

Jacob Kalb approved of no such chivalrous impulses.

His chivalrous nature rebelled at the very thought.

"Poor Julien was always so chivalrous," she murmured.

He had always thought himself a chivalrous gentleman!

It is a chivalrous act worthy of ancient times.

Even this chivalrous determination, however, was of no avail.

I've never thought of myself as a chivalrous person.

We are the most chivalrous people in the world.

"Under the circumstances, too, it might appear more chivalrous."

He can afford to be chivalrous in that Fokker.

He is a most brave, a most chivalrous gentleman.

Automatically he thought of himself as pure and chivalrous.

What is this but chivalrous and honorable feeling?