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Use darn in a sentence

Definition of darn:

  • (noun) a euphemism for `damn'
  • (noun) something of little value;
  • (noun) sewing that repairs a worn or torn hole (especially in a garment);
  • (verb) repair by sewing; "darn socks"

Sentence Examples:

It would have been just as well, Mary Lee, if you had been giving some attention to darning your stockings.

Here she produced an infinite number of gigantic stockings (male) from a work-bag, and proceeded to darn them.

If you had not darned Maud's white silk stockings so beautifully, I would not forgive you so easily.

You thought yourself a darned sight better than me because you could play the piano and speak French.

The netting should be laced as tightly as possible, it being far easier to darn on than when loose.

The cross stitches are then worked in darning stitch with very fine cotton wherever two threads meet.

Among other families you might find that only wife and children work, and the husband darns stockings.

Tapestry needles, similar to these, but with blunt points, are useful for canvas work and darned netting.

The clusters, as they now stand, are bound together in the middle, three by three, with darning-stitches.

The spring training is just one darned drink after another and still the player is always thirsty.

I wanted to borrow some darning wool, and as I couldn't find you I helped myself off your dressing-table.

And she smoothed the faded folds of her skirt so that a neatly-darned spot was distinctly conspicuous.

The original cloth was still doing duty, but was patched and darned in nearly a dozen places.

Then she hadn't so much as a darned stocking or a cleaned pair of gloves in all her wardrobe.

Let the creatures breed as much as they darned well please; that's what they are there for.

In the sitting-room they found Marian with her basket of work, and grandma, who was darning stockings.

Look here, sir, what trouble you do give to poor servants that have to darn and mend after you!'

The cowboy silently wondered how long he could keep from making "a complete, triple-expansion, darned fool of himself!"

Near as I could make out the lesson was that divorce, nowadays, is darned near as uncertain as marriage itself.

The nurses were handsome young women, and they wore white lace caps, and beautiful long darned lace aprons.

When I left school I could make my own dresses, and was a proficient in marking and darning.

When the neat piece of darning was ended, the housekeeper repaired to the closet to put on a loose writing-sack.

He lent it to me because he realized how darned hard-up we are and felt sorry for me, I suppose.

And at this she laughed, only inwardly, of course, for one can never see when a Darning-needle laughs.

It was thus that the Darning-needle kept up her proud bearing and lost none of her good humor.

She darned without comment the knees of many stockings that gave way before the edge of the table.

The fire in the base-burner was quite warm, now, and his wet, much-darned stockings were beginning to dry.

That old fool knew well enough I couldn't hit him, but he was pretty darned sure Justin could.

Because in the first place they're yellow, and in the second place they're a darned lot of bother.

"You told me not to say 'darn,'" he protested, "but those girls all said it about every other word."

It results from the way of working that you get in darning an interrupted line characteristic of the stitch.

No, Creighton is not scared of crooks, so you could notice it, but he's not a darn' fool either.

I was so darned interested in that sub and those men I forgot about the danger to you, Tom.

Besides darning, Meg had promised to take care of the children for the afternoon, as Esther had gone out.

"That George Warden lived here alone for a while and that man must have lived like a darn bear."

A suitable spark gap for this purpose may be made of two darning needles mounted in double binding posts.

Catherine finished her darning, her mind playing with the idea of the graphs she was working on.

You'd never have been so darned fresh if you hadn't had some John in the background, paying the bills!

Such minute attention must be given the wardrobe to preserve it that I have learned to darn like an artist.

Rising she laid aside the silk blouse she was darning and went to the wardrobe for her wraps.

There were stockings to be darned, pillow-cases to be neatly repaired, and an apron of stout drilling to be hemmed.

In the camp he was as busy as an old housewife, and occupied his leisure time mending, stitching and darning.

I mean that, every darn word, and the chairman and half this fool committee are voting for it.

The threads were drawn and then whipped into a net on which the design was darned with linen.

The Downs family mending went into Mary's basket, and Billy's darns and patches alone were no small matter.

Bill said that we would follow so "dash-darn" close that we would be up in time to attend the funeral.

I struck the first chord, and found the darned instrument was all out of tune with the orchestra.

However, mamma darned them very nicely, and as everything else looks so new, perhaps it's just as well.

For everyday stocking darning, one does not have time to stop for every loop at the edge of the hole.

They just put us on ice in here until they get darn good and ready to do something about it.

I procured another and stronger one for darning my stockings, but neither of them produced the required result.

If you can make good biscuits, light and sweet, and darn stockings well, you are quite a little housekeeper already.

It is better to run a fine thread around a hole and draw it together, and then darn across it.

Casey swears that he told her it didn't make a darn bit of difference to him what she wore.

He rose and turned slowly away from the fence and tried to imitate Darn Darner's off-hand style of leave-taking.

Dresses were made over and over, were darned and patched as long as the cloth would hold the stitches.

Finally, she had darned them so much that not a single particle of the original material or color remained.

Suspend one of them freely as we suspended our darning-needle, and bring the other near it; what will occur?

"Here comes an egg-shell sailing along," said one of the boys; so they stuck the darning-needle into the egg-shell.

"I don't know anything about your darned race, and here I stand till I get orders from my officer."

"It is indeed well done," said the Pasha; "much better than the darn you made in that canvas bag."

"You've been a darned sight better to me than I would have been to you, under the circumstances," he said gratefully.

"Then send the Darn?e," urged Vargas; "she will find him and do the business better than any."

If any space is left between these two rows of tracings fill in with other rows of uneven darning.

She wished she were so "darned" busy that Peter Coleman might have to scheme and plan to see her.

Now as far as I can make out you must be well up in years, and you write darn good stories.

"I should love to," said Friday, "but I have the parlors to sweep, and a huge pile of stockings to darn."

Putting on his old coat, full of darns and patches, he ran out of the house without another word.

That is how, I suppose, the doctor came to guess there was a stocking half-darned under the sofa cushion.

"If I have, it's because I have taken darn good care to keep out of the way of lawyers," Abner retorted.

Asked Polly, after a pause of intense thought over a breadth with three darns, two spots, and a burn.

The darned old thing (although, in truth, she is not old, save in boy eyes and in boy ways)!

The needle proved to be one of the kind used for darning; very long and bright, and exceedingly sharp-pointed.

"If I have to travel with his darned servant, I don't see why he should not travel with mine."

These color-games are played with silk wound around flat cards, like those on which we often buy our darning-cotton.

One night when Ben and I were away, the last night we were away, a darned nasty thing happened.

She was weaving a poem, a play, a romance, as she sat with her basket of stockings to darn.

Though I admire it, as I admire the siege of Troy, or the battle of Waterloo, is a piece of darned foolishness.

Cordelia is a darned sight higher rank than you are, and yet she does not give herself your mighty airs.

Come now, is this the way to greet a fellow that's so darn glad to see you that nothing matters?

She would sit beside me by the hour, darning and counting, while I struggled with the "Joyous Farmer."

Would they put him out, or would they think he was so rich and famous he didn't give a darn?

Darned if I'll sit cross-legged on a pillow and eat candy, like that Titian blonde over there on the floor.

The chain stitch, besides being ornamental, makes one of the best darning stitches, reproducing the stitch in knitting.

"You've got the whole darn house down on you already, and the Coffee-colored Angel will never forgive you."

The passage is so high and narrow, that "one might almost compare it to the eye in a darning needle."

It was Saturday, and except for mending and stocking darning the girls might amuse themselves as they wished.

When Friday came, and Jerry's party was in progress, she sat darning in Bobs's room, thinking it over.

Life on Wall Street for my kind, my good sir, of late has been just one darned vacation after another.

I've a darned good mind to put the note you sent me to-night in an envelope and address it to your mother.

Duly darning one evening, while Mary was away putting her boy to bed, Tom entered from his wine.

Lucy pushed her darning basket aside and leaned back in her chair, her hands clasped behind her head.

"That's right, my dear," says Joe, "but think what a darn handy thing it is in case of a scrap."

If young George Peyton was to make you the same offer, you'd jump at it, pretty darned quick, I guess.

Two or three times she drew her empty darning-needle through the heel of the stocking she was mending.

At home, it is probable that mother, older sister or a kindly aunt have done her darning and other mending.

Send her away because she does not take the spots off your coat, because she does not darn your stockings.

He nodded to the Sergeant who disappeared, and I'll be darned if he didn't return with a glass of ale.

Trace the outline of the collar on the grounding with thick cotton, and begin to darn it from illustration.

Vera thinks she must have been sitting there darning incessantly, day and night, ever since she had been away.