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Definition of debilitate:

  • (verb) To make feeble; to weaken.

Sentence Examples:

And if he can contrive to add to his seclusion a debilitating and somewhat critical illness, his perceptions upon this subject will be rendered considerably more vivid.

The white women and children, though rather pasty and washed out after at least two years' residence in the country, do not appear debilitated after their long tropical sojourn.

The opinion that warm baths generally relax is erroneous: they are, no doubt, debilitating when used by persons of a weak and relaxed constitution, or when continued too long; but, on the contrary, they invariably give tone when employed in the cases to which they are properly applicable.

Ennui crept over me, when I found myself a perfectly idle man, with nothing to do, and, what made it worse, with eyes so debilitated that I had no power of doing anything with them.

Uninvolved in the debilitating routine of human affairs, they frequently displayed an energy which, from every impartial observer, would have extorted veneration.

Those whose constitutions are debilitated, or whose occupations are studious or laborious, require rather more; but the best rule in all eases is to sleep till you are refreshed, and then get up.

The lords of the creation too, debilitated from early dissipation or a life of debauchery, sued for remedies and charms, which, alas!

We can undertake small responsibilities, which we shall be ashamed to neglect; we can, so to speak, diet our minds and hearts, avoiding unwholesome food and debilitating excesses.

Consumptives, and those who are generally debilitated and who need a fresh stock of good blood, cannot do better than confine themselves, so far as meats are concerned, to beef and mutton.

Surely this incessant solicitude for mere existence debilitates the mind, and impairs even its passive faculty of suffering.

He was in such a debilitated state, that it was with great difficulty he supported himself from the wharf on which he landed to the governor's house.

That he sometimes complained, that the state was debilitated by ease and indolence, and lulled by sloth into a lethargy, from which nothing could rouse it but the sound of arms.

The great labor he performed at a period of unexampled danger to the republic, and of difficulties with foreign nations, operated seriously upon his debilitated system, and hastened his end.

The excitement of the burning scene, consequent exposure, and great nervous shock to a system already debilitated with disease, a few months afterward brought to the grave this veteran patriot.

These girls also encountered a special danger in the early morning hours as they returned from work, debilitated and exhausted, and only too easily convinced that a drink and a little dancing at the end of the balls in the saloon dance halls, was what they needed to brace them.

He visited the ship between decks, was astonished to see so few people on board, and the greatest part of them in a debilitated state, and inquired if they had lost any men at sea.

The debilitating effects of heat and humidity, aided by tropical diseases, soon reduce intruding peoples to the dead level of economic inefficiency characteristic of the native races.

It is universally known, that ailments of the body are, in many cases, sufficient to destroy the mind, and to debilitate it in innumerable instances.

To punish them with lesser penalties would be to debilitate the commonwealth, and make the nation miserable, which it is the business of government to render happy and flourishing.

As the disease progressed, attenuating and debilitating the physical man, his intellectual faculties grew brighter, and brighter, assuming a lucidity almost supernatural.

However, more frequently this follows certain debilitating diseases such as influenza or local infectious inflammation of the parts which results in degenerative changes and rupture follows.

The horrors of war were brought directly to the face of the people, as the ten thousand invalids dragged their debilitated forms from the transports to their detention camps, or to the hospitals, some too helpless to walk, and many to die soon after greeting their native shores.

He came out weak, debilitated, no strong young son to stand by him, his little business gone glimmering, and not a farthing.

To ascertain how the socialistic temperament thus debilitates the faculties, it will be enough to note certain characteristics distinctive of those possessing it.

Anything more wild, debilitating, and ruinous than the life led by this boy, who had barely emerged from childhood, can hardly be imagined.

In patients who are not extremely debilitated the slough may be excised, the raw surface scraped, and then painted with iodine.

As an oak cannot grow from a flower seed, neither can weak, puny and debilitated parents give birth to strong, vigorous and mentally sound and active progeny.

It not only builds up and rejuvenates the general system, but it brings vernal strength and power to the weakened and debilitated organs.

This is why this double treatment, intelligently carried out, cannot fail to rebuild the most debilitated and exhausted constitution and check the most serious drains and losses.

For this reason is grape juice the best possible food for fever patients, consumptives, and all who are in a weak and debilitated condition.

He therefore prescribed that the change should be postponed for a few days, until he had applied some stimulants and restoratives to the debilitated frame.

To some the continuous use of the colon-flushing treatment is inclined to be debilitating and in rare cases complaints have been made that it dilates the colon and weakens its muscular structures.

Its manifestations everywhere cripple political will, debilitate the collective urge to change, and poison national and religious relationships.

This sly satire of the eloquent Quaker was received by the men of Bradford with cheers; and, indeed, it is true that college education sometimes weakens more than it refines, and many of the masters of our generation have been so lucky as to escape the debilitating process.

He lost flesh, the color faded from his cheeks, the lids of his dark eyes were livid, and he was evidently debilitated and infirm.

The rainy season was upon them, and the trails were wet and heavy, and the atmosphere and humor of the tropic lands had been debilitating, as indeed they are to the European of today.

In regard to present issues, however, the book deals in the usual proportion of rather one-sided dialogues, and of arguments studiously debilitated in order to be knocked down by other arguments.

Any bodily weakness, or lassitude, or lack of tone and vigor, is, perhaps, first felt in the weakened or debilitated power of decisions.

The perspiration induced by exercise is healthful, because it increases the appetite; but the perspiration produced by excess of clothing is debilitating.

The surgeon states in his report, that the food supplied at the establishment is 'wholesome, and ample;' and the health of the convicts seems very good, for only two had died up to that time, and both of these were landed in a very debilitated condition.

Numerous reforms were undertaken with respect to the finances, the exploitation of the country's resources and the reorganizing of the army, which had been debilitated by intrigue and corruption.

The minister, to be sure, ought not to consider health as such as the greatest good, but he will not forget that a wholesome devotion to ideals cannot be carried through when the attention is absorbed by the sufferings of the body and the mental powers are debilitated.

The single resource that occurred to their debilitated souls was the familiar armory of suppression, menace, violence, and tyranny.

The time will come soon enough, when the demands of adult life will create a necessity for these indispensable accompaniments of civilization; but before the time when the girl enters upon the active duties of a woman, they only stimulate to debilitate.

An animal is predisposed to pneumonia when debilitated by any constitutional disease, and especially during convalescence if exposed to any of the exciting causes.

When pneumonia follows another disease, the system is always more of less debilitated and requires the careful use of stimulants from the beginning.

If the patient becomes debilitated, the stimulants as prescribed for pneumonia should be used according to the same directions.

When the lungs are so diseased that they can not be filled with a large volume of air, and in heaves, the cough is weak, as it is also in weak, debilitated animals.

The presence of worms in the intestines, overwork, and debilitating diseases and causes of every kind weaken the vitality and lay the system more open to attack.

If the system is debilitated, and the danger is rather from a want of blood than too much blood, nourishing food, tonic medicines, and perhaps some stimulant, are called for.

This depression was not due to the African fever, because science had been able to prepare his system to resist that debilitating agency.

The atmosphere of European courts is debilitating to American Republicanism, unless it be a profound sentiment of the heart.

In others, overwork, or other debilitating causes, may have produced the state of the digestive organs which usually causes the boils.

For a similar reason the sexual commerce is more debilitating, and the capacity for it sooner extinguished in hot than in temperate climates.

Their government must have known the inevitable consequences of putting three hundred debilitated men on board an infected ship, where there were not enough well to attend on the sick.

It is commonly a disease of old persons, those prematurely old or debilitated, and occurs most frequently on the neck, back, or buttocks.

Weakened by the debilitating summer and unable during that period to make the necessary provisions for the winter, the settlers, their ranks depleted, also fared poorly during the next five months.

Kossuth issued from prison, in 1840, bearing in his debilitated frame, his pallid face, and glassy eyes, traces of severe sufferings, both of mind and body.

It is rarely a direct cause of death, but from its debilitating effects may predispose to serious and fatal complications.

Exposure to cold or inclement weather may produce the disease, especially in debilitated animals or animals fed improperly.

The southern expands most widely in latitudes whose debilitating monotony of heat and moisture is the worst of handicaps to human progress.

I expected every moment that the next stroke would be on my own head, and sat in readiness to seize the weapon, and, if possible, debilitated as I was, to wrench it from his hands.

He was unable to enter the river owing to contrary winds; and the condition of his crew, debilitated by lack of proper food and suffering from scurvy, caused him to hasten on.

During the following summer she was seized with a violent fever which, though soon broken, left her so debilitated that it was thought prudent to anoint her.

The treatment of distemper consists in avoiding all and everything which can debilitate; it is, simply, strengthening by medicine aided by good nursing.

The dog having the bladder gorged, and not so debilitated as to be deprived of power to move, or by paralysis disabled, mostly lies, but even then it is never at rest.

With certain somewhat thin and debilitated animals it had a marked effect in getting flesh on them, and all horses eat it greedily.

Under Indian teaching, I had often passed hours in the water; and though now debilitated by long sickness, I felt that the cause would supply me with the strength I needed.

I think you will find it true, that, before any vice can fasten on a man, body, mind, or moral nature must be debilitated.

Now the habit of chewing on rhymes without sense and soul to match them is, like that of using any other narcotic, at once a proof of feebleness and a debilitating agent.

She was still weak and debilitated from her illness, her bodily strength impaired, and her mind broken by suffering, when this new shock came upon her; nor could she at first be made to understand the full measure of her misfortune, nor to what it exactly tended.

The reasonable traveler, of course, ought to remember that with a climate which has seven months of debilitating heat, and three and a half additional months of summer weather, the attention of the natives is not strongly turned towards devices for warmth.

The applications received show unmistakably that the poor and the debilitated are most anxious to adopt family limitation, and are deeply grateful for the necessary information

Its medicinal virtues are now generally discredited, except as a restorative agent in the loss of hair resulting from debilitating fevers.

Or if it is to be admitted that sleeplessness is exceedingly debilitating in its tendencies, must there not have been in addition some exciting cause still more striking?

In truth, I was, in the end, greatly overworked and debilitated, and my system most admirably prepared for the reception of disease.

It is too late in life, my constitution is too much debilitated by speculation, and indeed it is too late a period in the war, for me to think of girding on a sword.

The intense heat of those July days was very debilitating, and a variety of ingenious plans were tried to lower the temperature in the sufferer's room.

They must have been sufferers of various kinds of debilitating afflictions, but now they were certainly ambulatory, if not downright sprightly.

Is it more barbarous to scourge the body than to gall it with irons, or poison and debilitate it by confinement, or wear it out by inches at hard labor?

It has obtained its odd appellation from a singular noise which it gives forth, and which resembles the voice of an old woman debilitated with extreme age.

Tell me, is it merely a debilitating southern wind come this way, transforming heroes into effeminate dreamers, and weaklings?

The only one who looked cheerful was Chimer; all the others appeared to be absolutely terror-stricken, their faces gleaming pallid under the sickly rays of a debilitated paraffin lamp.

At the beginning of a period of pain we stand it well, as a rule, but its continual nagging debilitates us and heightens our susceptibility until we cannot nerve ourselves to further endurance.

I did not remain here long; for, finding that my broken and debilitated constitution could not possibly withstand the severity of a winter in this climate, I was ordered to be examined by a board of medical officers, who recommended my return to England without delay.

The side-whiskered advertising doctor who magnifies symptoms and proclaims them to be grave forerunners of awful, debilitating disease, is nothing short of a criminal.

Here it was that Franklin, debilitated by the exposure and shocks, to which his frame had been subjected, began to apprehend that he had undertaken a fatigue which, at his time of life, might prove too much for him, and sat down to write to some of his friends by way of farewell.

Chemotherapy ravaged the body and tainted the mind just as the cancer against which its debilitating powers were supposedly aimed.

The heart muscle is first stimulated, and if too large a dose is taken, or too much in twenty-four hours, the muscle becomes depressed and perhaps debilitated.

That garrison, debilitated from the long siege and the climatic conditions of Mesopotamia, were marched right across Asia Minor with hardly any clothes, no money, and insufficient food.

Food which would disgust the healthy appetite, will not quicken into action the debilitated and flickering sensation of taste.

This custom is very pernicious; it debilitates the mother, overworks all parts of the living machinery, and being in direct opposition to the laws of their being, their progeny must degenerate.

Here are three different forms of physic for cattle, which do not debilitate the system, like aloes and salts, because they determine to the surface as well as the bowels.

Kossuth issued from prison in 1840, after an imprisonment of three years, bearing in his debilitated frame, his pallid face, and glassy eyes, traces of severe sufferings, both of mind and body.

The food is not assimilated, the fowls become debilitated, and though they may give a fair share of eggs, these eggs can seldom be depended upon to hatch.

The result of this erroneous management was a deficient development in their intellectual faculties, and a debilitated frame, which gradually led to a state of imbecility.

The extreme thinness, the waxen pallor, the delicate texture of debilitated skin and unnatural brilliancy of the eyes, gave her a remarkably youthful appearance.

Alcoholic descendants are often inferior beings, a notable proportion coming under the categories of idiots, imbeciles, and the debilitated.

Its salutary effects in cases of this description are often as remarkable as they are gratifying, restoring the functions of the debilitated organ, and imparting vigor and health to the whole system.

Even intellectual pleasures, though certainly less liable than others to satiety, pursued with too little intermission, debilitate the body, and impair the vigor of the mind.