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Definition of decimate:

  • (verb) kill in large numbers; "the plague wiped out an entire population"

Sentence Examples:

Finding their yoke intolerable, the Sultan decimated them by sending them to fight in the mountains.

The world was decimated by war, producing not only wholesale slaughter, but captivity and slavery, the utter extinction of nations.

"My dear Lyndon," he said, "in return for what you've done for us, you could decimate the police force if you wanted to."

At last, in 1685, the fatal blow was struck which decimated the subjects of an irresponsible king.

It is, perhaps, not generally remembered till what a very late date armies and navies were more than decimated by disease.

Fortunately both of them had so far escaped the illnesses which had already decimated the army.

In 1667 the city was laid waste by an earthquake which killed over twenty thousand people, and this was followed by a terrible visitation of the plague, which further decimated the population.

By the sword and the lance, by famine, by drowning, by fire, decimated by fever, worn out by fatigue, the Spaniards perished.

For another reason, the end of the universe seemed near; such cities as had been forgotten by Attila were decimated by famine and plague.

There is much evidence to show, however, that some stocks enjoy a partial or complete immunity from diseases which destroy, or decimate, others.

He knew that he could decimate them if continual efforts were applied the way one wipes away a group of ants again and again.

Once start him at the water supply, and before we could ring him in, and catch him again, he would have decimated the metropolis.

When their numbers are decimated as they are being at present, there must eventually result a serious upsetting of the balance of nature.

For all this, one must not picture to himself the decimated, broken, and, by the new parliamentary regulation, humbled Mountain altogether too unhappy.

"You might even have a battery of machine guns on board, and decimate the hosts of heaven."

For we have tested our army well enough to know that only when it is decimated will it ever retreat from its main line of defense.

The country people were still living in a hopeless struggle with the packs of wolves, and there were few villages in which every winter men and animals were not decimated.

The regiment was recalled, and the weary troops, now almost decimated by the slaughter which had taken place in their ranks, were permitted to breathe once more.

The inhuman treatment which they received during the voyage, followed by hunger and disease, decimated their ranks.

If we know that a certain step will decimate it ... clearly we have no right to take the step.

As their ranks were decimated by battle, disease, starvation, death, the hearts that were left swelled higher and higher with holy zeal, sublime courage.

Forced marches, insufficient food, the want of tents to shelter them from the weather while they slept, continually decimated this army.

He must surrender, or have his men burned in the fort, or decimated if they should leave it.

There was enough grain to store so that the population was no longer periodically decimated by famine.

The first wave of this plague, in 1348, decimated the population by about one half in the towns and one third in the country.

Such examples as that of a prince who punishes only the leaders of rebels or of a general who has a regiment decimated, are of no importance here.

Passing through Suez, it decimated the population, and in August it reached Cairo and spread to Upper and Lower Egypt.

And here, now, losing everything to a War in which her country played no part, but was decimated nonetheless, killing her husband.

When at length the now decimated line was re-formed, the horror of the action was plainly seen.

Very often before the white wolf had caused the pack to run into dangerous and decimating trouble, but always with a feed at the end.

The emigration, by decimating the upper ranks of the army, left space for him, and he was named general, by length of service.

They die for the most part, decimated by that disease to which science does not dare give its real name, want.

Does it know the number of brain fevers among its pupils during the last thirty-six years; or the despair and the moral destruction which decimate its youth?

Meantime the king's enemies multiplied, and these visionaries decimated the ranks of opposition to the wrong; but come what would, King Arthur served.

The general situation now was that the Flanders front was held by tired and decimated Divisions withdrawn from the big battle in the south.

It was the same drink he had started with, just as a regiment that has been decimated and recruited up to strength a few times is still the same regiment.

General Howe now ordered the brigade to fall back, and the decimated regiments left the front line, and fell behind the strong position held by the Vermonters.

Our troops had been so decimated by the murderous fire that scarcely more than a hundred remained.

Are men and women to be decimated by consumption in the poisoned atmosphere of some of our factories?

"The Germans ... a whole company being decimated, the only survivors, a captain and seventy men, surrendering."

Jealous of his comrades, he had been known to hold his troops back while, close to him, other divisions were decimated in a desperate struggle.

He had destroyed the political power of the Huguenots, extended the boundary of France, and decimated the nobles.

Half a dozen of our poor fellows have died during the night, and the army will be decimated unless something is done to arrest the disease.

Typhus decimated them earlier and more universally, probably owing to the way in which they were crowded together.

Without arms to defend their lives, they saw themselves decimated week by week, for whenever the natives came to seize some of their number for their ovens they came in force.

It was reported to me that a battalion was largely decimated, and the positions which we ought to have gained remained in the hands of the enemy.

It is true our ranks were terribly decimated, but the enemy had suffered far worse than we, and therefore we were confident.

If we had located their positions, so had they located ours, and their shells fell thick and fast along our lines, decimating our ranks.

We learn from geological investigations that throughout an indefinite lapse of ages the whole animate creation has been decimated again and again.

Not only was there absolutely no trade to be carried on with the natives, but the crews of the vessels were decimated by fever.

Cowardly, weak, and decimated by sickness, this race had up to the accession of Sir James Brooke in 1840, led a life of slavery and oppression.

It lasted for sixty years, appearing again and again in the same place and decimating whole communities.

I counted them again, and came to the conclusion that almost the whole of the decimated company must be ashore.

Any two regiments here ought to be decimated if they did not beat in the field the whole force of the Massachusetts Province.

By the summer of 1915, the epidemic had spent itself, after decimating the army and the civil population.

He saw the risk of attempting to guard the right flank with only the two decimated brigades of his own division.

The two brave troops were more than decimated, though a considerable number succeeded in escaping with their lives.

Discipline counted for little or nothing in contending with men who fought single-handed and from ambush, decimating the ranks of an invading column, who in turn could only fire at random.

No wonder that the city is annually decimated by yellow fever; the surprise is that it does not prevail there every month in the year.

He would have had one or two of the worst regiments drawn up, and would have decimated them as a lesson to the rest.

His army had been decimated by sickness, and eight thousand men had passed into the hospitals; but those who were with the colors were of high heart, longing eagerly for action.

The difficulties, however, gradually increased with the dangers and fatigues of a country decimated by the smallpox.

And had safely passed through one of those plague areas that come up once in a century out of who knows where to decimate any population that happens to be in the way.

Brave though they were, the French had been so decimated in their mad rush that it seemed as though there could not be enough of them left to overcome the resistance of the defenders of the works.

They came in time and again, surprisingly courageous, Joe had to admit, and time, and again he decimated them.

Murder, suicide, poison, dagger, lightning even decimated their ranks, and when the curtain dropped there was not a soul of them left alive.

Between these and the squirrels the pine forests of the future are decimated before their seeds have been planted.

Many who had seen the regiment leave for the war three years before, and now witnessed the decimated ranks were effected to tears.

Scarcely a family but has given some of its members to the bloody war that is still decimating our nation.

If I find that a single goose has been stolen from the village, I will have your captains hung, and you decimated.

A dreadful famine prevailed, and the population was decimated by hunger; ten to twelve pounds of corn were sold for a dollar, and the man was fortunate who could buy it at this price.

The upper bourgeoisie were decimated and ruined in punishment for their rising against the young king and his uncles.

The Mexicans made the mistake of believing they had been decimated by the discharge, and charged upon what they supposed were the few survivors.

What if your soldiers have been decimated in the struggle for the triumph of the faith and royalty!

These have decimated the rats since their arrival, but they have multiplied to such an extent as to be a serious menace to the native fauna.

Cruelty and cunning could not retain them, but it could decimate a population and lose an army in the attempt.

The decimated population surviving into the breeding season of 1949 failed to make substantial gains.

A governor of a prison said to us, "If the assassinations boasted of by these scoundrels were really committed, the population would be decimated."

The families of the country nobility being decimated, the Imperial court was very ready to procure a new nobility for money.

The population of this island having been recently decimated by the great epidemic, the refugees were warmly welcomed.

The Germans were decimated, and the Americans held their new line, just east of the forest.

William's aim evidently was to decimate the population, and thus make any further revolt utterly impossible.

They struck the wall of iron breasts and sharp spears, and beaten, decimated, returned again to the attack.

Stir not from this spot, for if I find out that so much as a goose has been stolen from the village, I'll hang up your leaders and decimate the rest of you!

For the young so released, the incidence of recovery was remarkably low, seeming to indicate that they were subject to decimating losses.

Besides seeing himself defeated by the enemy, the Admiral saw with dismay that his crews were decimated by fever.

I was now ordered, though I felt unequal to the task or honor, to take temporary command of our decimated regiment.

The seed of the white dragon shall be swept out of our gardens, and the remainder of his generation shall be decimated.

The poor Indians were decimated not only by war, massacre, and forced labor in the mines, but the white man's diseases played havoc with them.

The ranks of the caravan were terribly decimated, and dozens of men were left dead or dying along the roadside after each march.

Her ports being closed by the blockade, she was becoming exhausted by slow degrees being decimated by disease and lack of proper nourishment, as well as by the bullets of the enemy.

His leading brigade was decimated, but his others pushed to the front to take and pursue the assault.

We find that for the sake of preserving the yellow fever germs millions and millions have died, and that whole nations have been decimated for the sake of the little beast that gives us the cholera.

At that time the Indians had been decimated, numbering fewer than four hundred, while the whites had increased to eight hundred souls.

Here also we may imagine several ways in which a particular variety may resist or escape the epidemic attacks of fungi which in the same neighborhood decimate other varieties.

Besides, who would have had the heart to desert the party now that its ranks had been so decimated and each member was of so much value?

The health of everyone up here is excellent, and the horses are suffering less from the disease which has almost decimated them in the lower ground.

He and his comrades stood among the decimated squares on the plateau, where the battle had shifted for a moment, and where the smoke was rising.

Osman decimated them in war, and executed many who drank wine; but they were too strong for him, dragged the unhappy Mustafa again from prison, and again declared him to be the ruling Sultan.

The royal family of the House of David, numerous and flourishing as it once was, had recently been decimated by cruel catastrophes.