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Use degenerate in a sentence

Definition of degenerate:

  • (noun) a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior
  • (verb) grow worse
  • (adjective) unrestrained by convention or morality

Sentence Examples:

Something or other has left, in its traces upon his face, the history of two degenerate years.

Cows and sheep degenerate when the demands of nature are not met, and men degenerate not less.

Frequently, in the degenerate classes, the ears of the same individual differ as much as one inch in height.

Yet, these were the legends of ages less degenerate than this, and states of society less corrupt.

Such shows were the best possible form of advertising, but in time they degenerated into absurd performances.

The greatest part of all our charities is in the service of the defectives and the degenerates.

The sexual multiplication is accompanied by shedding of all the foreign bodies and of the degenerating nucleus.

A state of nature is held to be the ideal condition, and all social relations are regarded as degenerate.

That was his attitude towards a coarse, degenerate humanity, which did not understand how to appreciate him.

Was it not because they lost the fire without which all praying degenerates into a lifeless form?

In these degenerate days it seems perhaps strange to hear a son say that he loves his father.

Really, on my word, everything degenerates, even cooking, and you begin to live very badly at your court.

And the secretary saw them seize a degenerate-looking wretch and begin pounding him with their fists.

He originally meant Boffin really to be corrupted by wealth, slowly to degenerate and as slowly to repent.

To undertake the regeneration and education of the degenerate, is to combat crime, and therefore to promote morality.

Mine is the face intended for me: yours is the face into which this degenerate mold might sink.

When later they returned home from the war, it was remarked that they had much degenerated.

These adventures are common in antiquity, but very rare in our days, in which all things have degenerated.

These are not typical Indians, and it is unjust to judge a whole race from such degenerate specimens.

In fact, they must be degenerates, if the word is to be employed in its most comprehensive sense.

The degenerate subject, on the contrary, can do nothing with life; he is blind and deaf to it.

Incoherent sentences drop from him, requiring painful explanation to prevent them from degenerating into perfect nonsense.

I do not see a slave degenerating without endeavoring to stop the process by a word of warning.

Those who regard every prostitute as a degenerate being will reject a priori any attempt to rescue them.

There, as elsewhere, the degenerate is everywhere a degenerate who gives the impression of being an ordinary man.

The discussion was in danger of degenerating into an exchange of personalities, when a division was called for.

After this address he proposes a question which shows that he considers he has fallen upon degenerate days.

Men (said I to the Prefect) are highly indebted to you for preserving love, degenerated as it is.

We must recognize, however, the sad change in the gardening as well as gardeners of our degenerate world.

Her status had degenerated from that held in ancient times until her position was extremely degraded.

This practice, as I understand, has become obsolete, and they behave like other fish in these degenerate days.

Only all such emotion must be kept well in hand must never be suffered to degenerate into passion.

In some genera the teeth degenerate in the course of time, but this merely indicates a change of diet.

The degenerating Romans fixed the ages of legal marriage at thirteen for females, and fifteen for males.

I am afraid that all these feelings that are so strong in me would degenerate into something ugly here.

Even in the present day, though they have degenerated, they preserve still much of their primitive character.

A picnic unduly prolonged degenerates rapidly through all the stages of discomfort, and ends in actual hardship.

In some way they seem to get a wrong start in life, or else are degenerates from the first.

The degenerating organs become compacted into a rounded mass, known from its color as the 'brown body.'

Here, in the tube, things degenerate into a riot because the assembly is too numerous for the narrow space.

There is no need to quote the conversation in full, for it degenerated immediately into the polite and commonplace.

The violin soon became fashionable in a girl's hands, and from a fashion it has degenerated into a rage.

In these regards the birds and lower animals are much truer to nature than is, degenerate, man.

They have also a good deal degenerated from the high standard of morality which was maintained in earlier days.

Three men only have been found among them who were somewhat degenerate, but they were not defective.

You may use every possible means of improving the breed, without improved feeding the race will degenerate.

They are therefore not degenerates, ruins fallen from some former high estate, some condition of pristine nobility.

An ancient, long deserted city of the Martians, the ancestors of the degenerates who hold us captive.

She can inflict no severer punishment, and therefore gives herself no further concern about her degenerate children.

The religion that opposes art must direct the art impulse into other channels or the religion degenerates.

In the hands of others it degenerates into slang, or into some personal jargon closely related to Double Dutch.

When missing a meal or two brings discomfort, it is always a sign of a degenerating or degenerated body.

The unfortunate people who get into the habit of using these drugs degenerate physically, mentally and morally.

You are not like your mother's people in that respect, such as they are in these degenerate days, at least.

When fate wronged me, I had not the wisdom to remain cool: I turned desperate; then I degenerated.

Let us teach their mechanical fingers to do something useful, and give them, even the degenerates, some chance!

Now man can relapse into something lower than a brute; the only genuine brute is a degenerate man.

Smith and Dwight were sent by the A.B.C.F.M. to examine the degenerate and antique churches of the East.

He should have known that something of the sort would be going on in that black-bearded degenerate's mind.

He did all that was in his power to do to prevent his authority from degenerating into tyranny.

Such a degenerate face, body, and unstable nervous system is a fruitful soil for the germs of tuberculosis.

Stooping, bending, stretching, all these must be practiced if the muscles are not to be allowed to degenerate.

Such persons are really degenerates of their peculiar kind, and need to be saved, perhaps by desperate measures.

We formerly made war in order to eat; but in the long run, all the admirable institutions degenerate.

If it can be shown that man has not degenerated, the cause of the Moderns is practically won.

When these lines are read without a pause after the words fruit and taste, they degenerate into prose.

Claims are being laid by the former provinces which may degenerate into revolts and lead to civil war.

Like all customs, even those originating in deep spiritual influences, this is too apt to degenerate into a mere form.

Cellulose has also been stated to occur in degenerated human spleen and in certain parts of the brain.

No degenerate sons could rob him of his Moor, though they might leave him terribly alone on it.

Born a gentleman, there were in him some degenerate characteristics which heart could not drown or temperament refine.

In every transmission the method seems to degenerate, and in this picture it seems to have touched bottom.

And all experience goes to prove that a life of perfect liberty is apt to degenerate into a life of license.

We find even gentle Roger Williams asking for "one of the drove of Adam's degenerate seed" as a slave.

And as time went on the terrible truth slowly declared itself; the degraded class was really degenerating.

Lack of food and sanitation, the usual adjuncts of poverty, are powerful factors in the production of degenerate individuals.

Not only do the heart and other voluntary muscles thus degenerate, but those of the arteries also.

The wrath of the ancient chief was awakened by a symptom of what he conceived to be degenerate luxury.

Many served for life and so had no opportunity of marrying and rearing families to perpetuate their degenerate traits.

I hope he may not degenerate in his present circumstances and calling, as so many of his class do.

Here we have every nation, it seems to me, and often the very liberty of choice degenerates into license.

When they degenerate from this state, arts and inventions promote deterioration by ministering to luxury and vice.

Besides, the large, airy houses of the past generation do not suit the degenerate taste of the present day.

He would rescue it even at the risk of his life, no matter how morally degenerated he might be.

He was very reserved, and surveyed the faces of degenerate men and women without offering any criticism.

He could bless the memory of his father for having freed the land from that degenerate race.

The guns supplied to the naval and military forces had degenerated to the lowest point in quality.

There were shouts of laughter, and everybody felt that a good game had suddenly degenerated into a ridiculous exhibition.

If our love meets in one perfection, and if it is the self-same love, how can its fruits degenerate?

I shed them for the most ungrateful, the most degenerate child which this earth has ever seen.

You, yourself, Madame, must be aware, as you belong to a medical family, that the French are absolutely degenerate.

Would he gaze at you with sad, sad eyes, and weep over you as the degenerate sons of noble sires?

The Bible rule for divorce, laid down by the Great Teacher, is little regarded in these degenerate days.

For the psychologist and the student of degenerate types of humanity, this collection is of the greatest interest.

As these patients are not recognized for a long times as insane they often marry and produce degenerates.

It is evident that if for any other reason an animal should adopt an inactive fixed life it would degenerate.

The worker ants are clearly degenerate females, among whom sexual sensibility has been completely transformed into maternal sensibility.

Even to his first superficial investigation they presented the appearance of a degenerate race of people that was dying out.

Donnell, in a tone which implied that gratitude in children was not to be looked for in this degenerate age.

The Freudian then proceeds to develop what may be true of the hysterical degenerate into a complete view of life.