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Use degradation in a sentence

Definition of degradation:

  • (noun) changing to a lower state (a less respected state)
  • (noun) a low or downcast state;

Sentence Examples:

She could picture his face as he recognized her and listened to the horrible story of her degradation.

His rage, killed, as it were, at its height, left him with a sensation of emptiness and degradation.

It has abolished slavery, and is lifting woman from world-old degradation to equality with man before the law.

Drake went home, reckoning up the harm he had done with a feeling of degradation quite new to him.

On these points, at least, a feeling of superiority is sustained, and therefore the tendency to degradation is diminished.

Without such knowledge, the manifold changes in Buddhism will but form fresh chapters of degradation and decay.

This degradation of the personnel and the institution proceeds at an accelerated rate as public opinion grows more bitter.

Graver issues were raised when such ancient customs as infant marriage and the degradation of child widows were challenged.

The result is that the female population is, if possible, in a lower state of degradation than the male.

Yes, there is a state of misery, a state of degradation, far below all that you have yet heard.

Arts, religions, laws, as well as vice and crime and degradation, have their source in this central economic condition.

Contemplate this scene of gloom and degradation; now turn to this other canvas, all sunshine and prosperity.

He had reached the point of his moral degradation when right for Helen meant wrong for him.

We shall see how rapid was his downfall, and to what a state of degradation he sunk at last.

Each state of greatness endured the same degradation; every party has the same need of modesty and mutual respect.

Here is one incident which struck him more than any story of cruelty, as showing the degradation of slavery.

No, if they must remain in their present situation, keep them in the lowest state of ignorance and degradation.

No, if they must remain in their present situation, keep them in the lowest state of degradation and ignorance.

"You may call me anything you like, but don't subject me to the degradation of being styled a person."

You may view him at the very highest point of cultivation, or at the very lowest point of degradation.

It was still an attractive face, even in its degradation, and the forehead was that of a capable man.

I can conceive of no greater degradation of Richard Strauss's genius than the illustration of this play by music.

For I believed that it would be a degradation should any other woman lodge in those same rooms afterwards.

It is beside the bed of the dying that I feel the degradation and the grandeur of my nature.

If she erred in the ways characteristic of her sex, it should at all events be a conscious degradation.

As my health and strength returned I became increasingly conscious of the degradation of my present mode of life.

Our enemies will not return to them again, for they are branded with the seal of weakness and degradation.

Never again could she know contentment among the dogs and filth and degradation of her own village.

By the degradation of women, I do not mean to imply any doubt of the purity of their manners.

Their degradation arises, not from their own conduct, but from that of all other parties about them.

The truly loving woman will gladly and voluntarily share material misfortune and social degradation with her lover.

In the case of chiefs and high-born women it was held to be an unspeakable degradation, personal and political.

They read in your success the slavery of the human race, the annihilation of laws, the degradation of society.

To relieve their sisters from sorrow and save them from degradation, should be the aim of all good women.

How can one wonder at their degradation, when a man like you permits them to drink in that manner?

Was it a necessity created by an upward effort, by an elevation of humanity, or by degradation and decline?

Never in my life before have I seen such utter degradation by the power of the endless hunger pinch.

In all cases in which such imitation is attempted, instant degradation to a still lower level is the result.

The world must judge which system is responsible for the larger share of woman's ignorance and degradation.

I had seen something of the same sweeping away of a code and the resultant evils and degradation in Japan.

At the end of four or five weeks I fell again, and this time my degradation was deeper than before.

Besides their sense of degradation in this companionship, superstitions had been bred in them which doubled their distress.

I reflect with astonishment and horror on the steps which led to her degradation and to my calamity.

You might quite easily have got off on the degradation of the English language owing to the spread of slang.

Orators for years have told you of the degradation and want that the "social glass" brings us to.

Her attic, miserable as it was, was a haven of happiness and respectability compared with her present degradation.

She looked upon him as responsible for all her troubles, for her degradation and sacrifice of her womanhood.

Forgetting the weariness of the streets and the degradation of search, he would sometimes prick up his ears.

Even in the lowest depths of his degradation, a certain sentiment had restrained him from parting with them.

There was no truce with them but at the cost of incessant payments and every sort of degradation.

He appealed to her more now in his illness and degradation than he had ever done in his splendid sanity.

Blind to his own slavery and degradation, can I expect him to perceive the wrong suffered by others?

There is very little doubt that the primitive fungi have been derived by degradation from the lower algae.

Well, I have spoken of three qualifications to that degradation of our dwellings which characterizes this period of history only.

Sir Alexander saw that, in proportion to the celebrity of the work, was the degradation of the author.

Let her have lost her child, and she would speedily have fallen into the last stages of degradation.

These have within quite recent years fallen from a position of great eminence and prosperity to one of comparative degradation.

Used as she was to sights of misery and degradation, she was hardly prepared for the spectacle within.

Sir Alexander saw that, in proportion, to the celebrity of the work, was the degradation of the author.

He flung himself at my feet, and, clasping them, prevented every effort to save him from this degradation.

It was the moral degradation that ate into her soul, and induced her to end her unhappy life.

It is suffering with profit, for it breaks up a most vicious habit, and it is suffering without degradation, too.

By this means advancement may be purchased, degradation compounded for, and the winner of a high position rewarded.

Worst of all, his native servants considered it a degradation to have to stoop to milk such creatures as sheep.

Is punishment a degradation to a nature which, is so self-degraded as to be incapable of being moved by anything better?

They rapidly name, in chronological order, the events that have been instrumental in bringing about the degradation of labor.

Three weeks after the wronged husband and all the world knew the revolting story of her degradation.

Thus, we see, that it was the wickedness of Ham, which involved his race in ignorance, degradation and slavery.

Shame and its consequent degradation follow the loss of our own good opinion rather than the esteem of others.

A native considers it no degradation to borrow money: it gives him no recurrent feeling of humiliation or distress of mind.

Without this little crowning of something higher, their degradation would have been intolerable to themselves and to each other.

She longed to pour out her woes to Forbes, but she could not bring herself to confess her degradation.

Indians were seen on the streets occasionally, but they were usually in the last stages of dissipation and degradation.

With the appearance of still another generation of artists upon the scene, the degradation of the school was complete.

Moral degradation had strongly affected the nation, and ruin was sure to come, unless help were soon at hand.

To complete his degradation the deceived husband accepted a large sum from the old lover in lieu of damages.

The evidence was such that I should have risked degradation and punishment, if I had refused to arrest him.

The more stubborn, we may reasonably assume, perished in their bonds, passing from one condition of degradation to another.

The notion that society, as organized at present, is reducing him to poverty and degradation takes possession of him.

In old age this process of differential degradation is complete and only the hardest rocks maintain a slight relief.

She thought of Stephen as he had stood that evening in the sunset, and this proposal seemed a degradation.

Polygamy, with all its dreadful misery and degradation, was prevalent in former days all along the coast.

The deep degradation of the savage is due as much to the brutal poverty of his language as to other causes.

His intense delight in the higher forms of beauty was a force which resisted any easy lapse into degradation.

The Bantu race and languages cannot be an evolution from something inferior; they are a degradation from something superior.

I do not believe it to be any degradation to live by charity when one cannot live in any other way.

It can be indulged in more constantly without visible degradation; but surely it saps the powers of the mind.

She had touched the lowest depths of degradation; he could do nothing more to her than he had done.

It combines every kind of suffering, physical, mental, moral, and in the end it means either death or degradation.

The great bank will last a good while, gradually suffering degradation, but still protecting the Road pretty well.

"What I see is this," Ford answered, thickly, "that I'm to hold my life at the cost of your degradation."

The doctor believed he read the reason of this joy in Valentine's anxiety to prove the depth of Julian's degradation.

Stung by her degradation, Violetta goes home to die, and too late Alfred learns the real sacrifice she has made.

There, she told herself bitterly, lay the degradation and the ultimate danger of the life she had led.

It seems to me a practice of inconceivable degradation: one asks in trembling if it is to be extended to the Psalms.

His moral and intellectual degradation, which is essential to its very existence, constitutes the true argument against it.

The term retrograde here is used in a purely theoretical sense, and cannot be held to imply any actual degradation.

Writers on this question differ as to the cause of the universal degradation of woman in all periods and nations.

Through what degradation, to what public shame would he, the most refined and sensitive of men, be dragged!

As a race they are solemn even in their looks, and no wonder, such is their degradation, misery, and despair.