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Definition of demagogue:

  • (noun) an orator who appeals to the passions and prejudices of his audience

Sentence Examples:

Self-appointed popular leaders, crafty politicians, scheming preachers, aspiring editors, and ambitious demagogues crop up.

Members would be either millionaires or demagogues, and they would also become far more subservient to their constituents.

Leadership under these conditions fell to the "unprincipled Demagogues," half-educated lawyers, men "with nothing to lose."

He was an expert in virulent denunciation, passionately unfair beneath his mask of conversational decorum, an aristocratic demagogue.

Naturally, too, he cried out, but his lamentations, though echoed shrilly by the demagogues, seem to have been unavailing.

Humphrey Marshall ridiculed the proposition and called Clay a demagogue, for which he got himself straightway challenged.

There was nothing of the political bully or blustering demagogue in the champions of the cause of legislative independence.

Sir Geoffrey believed that his vicar kept company with rogues and vagabonds, whom he described genetically as demagogues.

A feeling of intense indignation exists against traitorous demagogues, who are undoubtedly at the bottom of all this anarchy.

The assassins of sanguinary demagogues nor the loathsome cells of the dungeon mar or destroy your feelings of philanthropy.

The fiction is dangerous because of its flattery; the demagogues have always flattered the private feelings of the masses.

He could not help looking at its leaders as demagogues; and towards demagogues he felt an unmeasured aversion and contempt.

He could bluster, when he wished, like any demagogue; and yet he could be persuasive, agreeable, and even personally charming.

Humphrey Marshall, a strong Federalist, and a man of great ability, denounced this resolution as the work of a demagogue.

Some of this opposition is, of course, mere envy; the disappointment of displaced demagogues and the spite of narrow minds.

They expected denunciation to follow, such as the demagogues revel in to confuse and inflame the minds of ignorant voters.

The American National Legislature is, indeed, a vastly purer body than demagogues, or the American press, would have an outsider believe.

They are not so much the conflicts of a divided people as the disgraceful brawls of ambitious demagogues and their adherents.

To be sure, we found a number of adventurers of the same nationality of a totally different sort, agitators and demagogues.

It often happens that the people are too ready to follow the demagogue and to repudiate and ridicule the honest reformer.

There is no hope that this generation will be intelligent American citizens, or be otherwise than the political prey of demagogues.

Scarcely did society present two characters which, in his opinion, less resembled each other, than a patriot and a demagogue.

Instead of this, Atheists and demagogues united to persecute religion, to revenge themselves for the old persecutions of the priesthood.

Harcourt belongs to "that particular type of society demagogue who slangs Peers in public and fawns upon them in private."

Poetic justice was fully vindicated or would be when he introduced this stunted demagogue to the daughter of a hundred earls.

Cyril, who is to be looked upon as a mere ecclesiastical demagogue, found his purposes answered by adopting it without any scruple.

To the lower orders it seemed the act of a courageous champion, to the officials the wild proceeding of a headstrong demagogue.

The demagogues collected mobs round the courthouse to intimidate the judges, and the judges proved as base as the accusers themselves.

This phraseology he denounced as a device of demagogues who were willing to conceal or abandon their principles in order to secure success.

The unreasoning obedience to a moral guide in school may become in after life unreasoning obedience to a demagogue or to a leader in crime.

Much was threatened as to the latter demonstration, by blatant demagogues, who described it as 'a challenge; an insult to labor.'

The burly red-faced demagogue looked round the swelling sea of sullen features and pointed to the light in the clock tower.

If you disregard it, you will become time-serving demagogues, playing upon the passions of the people for the sake of short-lived notoriety.

Why, the whole code of morals and of international law was repudiated in a sentence, and our demagogues distanced in the race.

Still less was there a dearth of aspiring demagogues, who felt how much consideration must attend real or affected patriotism.

Oligarchies also are subject to revolutions, from those who are in office therein, from the quarrels of the demagogues with each other.

He eschewed politics, avoided in everything the demagogue's ways, and never spoke ill of the whites, not even of Southern whites.

Democracies will always have demagogues ready to feed their vanity and stir their passions and exaggerate the feeling of the moment.

The giant was as unscrupulous as the puniest and basest demagogue who coined and scattered lies for our own last election.

He must have taken to frequenting one of those horrid, odious clubs that were springing up like fungi, be consorting with abominable demagogues.

We have more common sense, we are better educated, we are not religious maniacs, we shall not be swayed by a few demagogues.

For, in the last analysis, the demagogue, whether of the Right or the Left, is, consciously or unconsciously, an undetected liar.

Its public affairs were said to be run by a set of "demagogues and speculators," whose administration was "piratical mob rule."

More than any other class in this country, they are in danger of being misled by petty demagogues and small philosophers.

All the old despots were demagogues; at least, they were demagogues whenever they were really trying to please or impress the demos.

The common man, who is constantly misled by virtuous demagogues, can have no consideration from you, who do not believe in virtue.

The man who makes such a promise may be a well-meaning but unbalanced enthusiast, or he may be merely a designing demagogue.

The unfounded statements of the demagogues, both lay and clerical, were adopted with avidity, and commented on with surpassing ability.

It was the demagogues, generally aristocratic ones, like Catiline and Caesar, who subverted the liberties of the people by buying votes.

George indulged in rather a vigorous arraignment of the demagogues, national and state, who were hurting business in order to obtain political power.

You, a King, have made yourself a brother to the demagogue at the street corner; yearning for the cheap applause of the serf.

The exclusion of lawyers from law-making bodies was one of the darling plans of the ordinary sincere rural demagogue of the day.

Lincoln into imprudent utterances, or the indulgence of the rhetoric of a demagogue, this admirable reply showed how completely they were disappointed.

Demagogues had been haranguing the people for months, inflaming their minds to the point of madness on the subject of this draft.

With hands of iron they hold down this wild and dangerous animal, they, the new rulers, statesmen, generals, demagogues, organizers.

What a rebuke of party perfidy, of political meanness, of the common arts and stratagems of demagogues, comes up from his grave!

He was no demagogue nor artisan, though his eloquence and force had wonderful power over the impressionable craftsmen of the trading guilds.

The male adopted citizen, fawned upon by demagogues for his vote, is 'as good as anybody;' and why not Bridget and Katrina?

The ardor of his temperament, the eagerness of his ambition, make his conduct at times painfully resemble that of the selfish demagogue.

Or will you not rather transfer their leading from the hands of men taught to think to the hands of untrained demagogues?

Artful and designing demagogues are too apt to take advantage of those imbecilities of our nature, and to convert them to the basest purposes.

They have often been duped by designing demagogues, but now it seems Conservative Lords and Radical Dissenters are to be their deceivers.

Demagogues made themselves popular by misrepresentations and unfounded clamors, both against the right and against the law made for its protection.

There, to be sure, was a display of unexampled splendor; a galaxy of rank, a noble assemblage of aristocratic insurgents and titled demagogues.

There was a battle in the forum, the demagogues were slain, and four magistrates of the Roman people put to death without trial.

Perhaps at no previous period in our political history were demagogues, both in and out of congress, more busily or violently engaged than at this.

How can you, who took no pains to instruct them, blame them for giving ear to the demagogue who took pains to delude them?

Among the higher ranks, and especially the officers of the General Staff, there appeared already a new type of opportunist and demagogue.

It is by such means that the press may be elevated, the level of the cinema raised, the efforts of the demagogue neutralized.

This was thought at the time by most people to be the mere raving of a madman or the wild outcry of a revolutionary demagogue.

They reclaimed their partial independence, complained that their rights were infringed, and found demagogues, who were desirous and were able to lead them.

The plebeians, on the contrary, are depicted without appreciation of their sufferings or rights, as ignorant, imbecile, and the dupes of tricky demagogues.

The last decade has revealed signs that the demagogue, in the modern meaning of that word, is making his appearance in American civic life.

Between the demagogue and the highwayman the resemblance is close: both are leaders of bands and each requires an opportunity to organize his band.

The odium that resulted from this measure, was carefully fomented by the arts of demagogues, the most conspicuous of whom was Wilkes.

What distinguished his speeches was an unfailing moderation and good sense which even the visionaries and demagogues whom he combated were forced to acknowledge.

Again has the President vindicated his reputation as one of the smoothest of politicians and one of the most artful and designing of demagogues.

With all due respect to the sagacity and ability of our ruling demagogues, I should not wish them to be quoted as typical Americans.

True, there are quacks, charlatans, hypocrites, and demagogues, but none of these, nor all combined, avail to disprove the validity of the principle.

When the party arrived at the splendid dwelling of the great demagogue, messengers were instantly sent out to all his friends and retainers.

There is scarcely anything to record but riots and discontent among the lower classes, and the incendiary speeches and writings of demagogues.

A tyrant is not a democrat, for he believes in government by force; neither is a demagogue a democrat, for he believes in government by flattery.

It was certain that itinerant demagogues were visiting districts with which they had no connection, for the sole purpose of stirring up political agitation.

Their boards of management are comparatively free from interference on the part of party politicians and demagogues, or of those influenced by denominational prejudices.

We perceive, again, pretty clearly in several plays a dislike and contempt of demagogues, and an opinion that mobs are foolish, fickle, and ungrateful.

Demagogues fanned the flame, till it broke loose in arson, pillage, and other violent acts, resulting in a few instances in loss of life.

They were "blatant demagogues, who made great pretence of advancing the city's interest, but whose real aim is to enrich themselves at public expense."

These were the demagogues who, under the pretense of attacking the wicked interests, introduced bills for the sole purpose of being bought off.

A proletariat without any political rights in a republic is no more dangerous than an unintelligent mob which can be used in elections by demagogues.

The demagogues of this city would never have won their amazing power but for those sixty thousand persons who never read or write.

The people were a mere rabble, prompt to follow the demagogue who flattered their vanity, prompter still to desert him in the hour of danger.

This was a measure that, like so many others in popular programs, was a creation of the demagogue and was profoundly distasteful to his followers.

A fanatic sincerely possessed by these ideas is a more dangerous menace to American national integrity and the Promise of American democracy than the sheerest demagogue.

The royalty which suffers itself to be limited will end by the rule of demagogues; the divinity which is defined dissolves in a pandemonium.

In the intimate confidence of his employers, he has presented their side of a controversy to the men without any of the misrepresentation of a demagogue.

Insensibly a more sober standard of oratory is thus established, to the great gain of our deliberative assemblies, and acting as some check upon rhetorical demagogues.

They played on public opinion as only demagogues of high finance can, very plausibly of course, but from the most selfish and ulterior motives.

There are plenty of demagogues, who, for pay, will fan the flame of discontent, and the result is a strike, injurious to all parties.

This the young man admitted candidly in the very moment when he told himself that he detested the demagogue and all his works.

There were many sneers among his opponents, who pointed out that this fluent young demagogue had now reached the end of his tether.