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Definition of effigy:

  • (noun) a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture);

Sentence Examples:

Above the doorway is an effigy of himself in armor, kneeling and asking pardon for his offense.

Not until the following evening did she have time to take apart the sticky effigy of herself.

In several villages I counted as many as fourteen effigies of elephants, which had been used in former sacrifices.

The bust of an unknown man like myself would never find a place amid those illustrious effigies!

These were the effigies of distinguished ancestors, which served as a family-tree represented in a highly objective form.

In rural districts he was burnt under the effigy of a jack-boot, a rural allusion to his name.'

The Royal effigies are twice rendered: once naked in death under a tabernacle and again kneeling in prayer.

It is the effigy of a lady, aged and serene, with a delicately-carved face beneath her stiff head-gear.

Beneath one of the windows of the aisle are the monument and effigies of Captain Edward Bray, Capt.

In memory of which their effigies, after their deaths, were set up as they now appear in Guildhall.

On his faithful breast still hangs "the golden chain, with the effigy of the Swedish King."

A young lady had approached the sacred effigy, after having wandered away from a group of companions.

It is an effigy of Lady Jane in white marble, larger than life-size; she lies in a half-raised position.

They are of at least three kinds: the burial mound, the platform mound, and the effigy mound.

When Paine was burnt in effigy, in 1792, it appears to have been with accompaniments of the same kind.

About this time, too, that uncomfortable looking effigy of Lady Lancaster was put upon its massive altar-tomb.

It is not easy to make out, from the effigies, the character of the animals intended to be represented.

Oakley had climbed into bed, and was lying, straight and stiff as an effigy, under the quilt.

There were effigies of modern men, studying books, or working with mathematical instruments, or looking attentively at globes.

Another discovery was the life-size stone head of an effigy with a hood of closely set ring mail.

His effigy is at Hampton Court, and a tavern in Old Fish Street, London, once bore his name.

Did insignificant animals elsewhere receive worship: were their effigies elsewhere placed in the temples of a purer creed?

Throughout the entire evening our effigy of a host kept his post, where we found him on entering.

He added that, in the same tomb, he found half a hundred medals bearing the effigy of Marius.

Nothing remained of it but its ashes, a small white heap, the silver effigy fused to a mass.

The Gentiles are not allowed to introduce there any image or effigy; they only come there to pray.

In later days people learned to make effigies in wax, and some of them were no doubt very good portraits.

It is a popular superstition, in which for some years the writer shared, that such effigies represented Crusaders.

His little son is buried under an arch on the north, where there is a curious effigy of him.

It is quite natural that the effigy-mound builders should seek to perpetuate by effigy some of these early traditions.

We took the effigy to the lodge-room until such time as we required it, hanging it behind the door.

Two nuns stood one at each side of the body, like effigies of contemplation and prayer, telling their beads.

Clement, distributing to the different carpenters in town the several articles of dress worn by the effigy.

In the center is an enormous canopy and niche, in which is a modern effigy of the Blessed Virgin.

The dead Tammuz was probably represented in effigy, water was poured over him, and he came to life again.'

It was customary to make a straw man riding a straw horse, as an effigy to represent the guilty.

The custom not yet extinct of burning persons in effigy is doubtless a survival of this old superstition.

Above, in the chamber where prayers were offered for the dead man's soul, are now the wax effigies.

They made images and effigies of him to ornament their streets, and squares, and fountains, and public buildings.

On this particular occasion, a friend of Henderson noticed that a white man was being hanged in effigy.

Effigies of the first half of the thirteenth century show it both round and flat at the top.

Trophy representing the Glories of the Past, including Effigies of John Doe and Richard Roe, and other celebrities.

Common folk cannot have marble caskets and effigies, but even poor peasants are graced with decidedly elaborate funerals.

The colors and apparel of the effigies correspond on an arbitrary system with the forecasts of the Almanac.

In the hall hangs the portrait of the third Marquess; he whose bronze effigy lies in the chapel.

It maintained near the district burial ground a fine, large ancestral hall filled with family tablets and effigies.

On measuring this coffin, and comparing it with the effigy described above, they were found to correspond exactly.

Preparation for war consisted of practicing dodging arrows, shooting arrows, in some cases at effigies, and in dancing.

Yet this could not have been an effigy, for the interior is divided by a solid partition of stone.

The ruins are in fine preservation, and effigies of Stephen and Maud are on each side of the great east window.

It is now more than four centuries ago since that bronze was cast in the effigy of Victoria, Emperor.

In front of the effigy is a cushion, upon which both hands rest, holding a scroll and a pen.

It is the marble effigy of a great Virginian, who was, himself, the first head of a new government.

Neither his statue at the chief portal of Bordeaux Cathedral nor his effigy on his tomb is a portrait.

On the left side were represented, on a brass plate, (now long torn off) the effigies of her sons.

The mob hanged an effigy of Oliver on the tree afterwards known as Liberty Tree, and other outrages followed.

And the king ordered that the franchise should be held till the effigy should be handed over.

A modern stone monument, with a brass effigy of Queen Eleanor, was placed under the East Window in 1891.

After he had made a speech there were games and the burning of effigies of Atheism, Selfishness and Vice.

The name of the Emperor alone would have appeared on all the papers and his effigy on the seals.

As he succeeded in making his escape from prison, he was hung in effigy, and his books were burnt.

The sun, that in the early morning was no more than a pale effigy, poured on us a heart-warming fire.

As custodian of that illicit effigy I had my uses, and they hardly cared to dispense with me.

Raymond Gonzales de Montes was his companion in prison, but succeeded in escaping, and was burnt in effigy.

In order to terminate the latter's career he burns or buries the effigy, uttering magic words as he does so.

Patrick hung in effigy upon it; the indignant Irishmen cut the pole down, and it was never replaced.

When the contents of the effigy were displayed, we found we had more good liquor than we had room for.

By a series of ropes this effigy was made to move from right to left, as if walking his beat.

There were some effigy vessels, representing animals and birds, which had shallow basins hollowed out of the backs.

On the top of the monument was seen the marble effigy of the Great Captain, armed and kneeling.

Baldwin and some other prominent members of the Reform party were attacked, and the owners burned in effigy.

No proud effigy marked those simple graves; the monuments of the dead were in the hearts of the living.

They knew him in a moment, he looked so much like his effigies that they used to make in their yards.

An old document speaks of the "molds and imagines" which were in use for casting effigy portraits, in 1394.

One looks at the stern, quiet features of his effigy and wonders what was the truth about the man.

Some hundreds of people followed the conveyance, in which two effigies were erected and exhibited through the principal streets.

The arms of this sovereign company represented the effigy of an old river-god leaning upon a horn of plenty.

At the top landing is posted a cock in effigy, representing the one that crowed witness to Peter's denial.

The ceiling is blue with gold stars, and there are large painted effigies of the apostles in the porch.

Her effigy lies on the top of the tomb, and portraits of her children appear in the panels below.

The upper and lower portions only of the effigy appear, the intervening wall and inscription dividing them.

The feet of the effigy rest against a lion, in whose jaws the point of the sword is inserted.

This cruel allusion was made in reference to the gold and silver effigies that lay scattered about the highway.

Men claim descent from the sun, call themselves by his name, and wear his effigy as a badge.

The canopy was removed by Wyatt, and the effigy is now leaning on its side against the wall.

There the king's head may be seen in effigy high up on the wall at the corner of the street.

And so posterity sees nothing but the stern effigy representing what he wished, or permitted, or authorized to be seen.

Upon the inner side of the effigy is an elevated circular space covered with stones which have been much burned.

One effigy alone is minus this grim feature, as it represents the lady in whose lifetime the monument was erected.

At the close of the ceremonies the Green George, that is an effigy of him, is thrown into the water.

Monumental brasses, which now lend their assistance to our search, were far less costly memorials than such effigies.

The statues of several of them have been destroyed, but there are still three effigies of knights in full armor.

It employs no idols, images, or effigies in its worship, and teaches no doctrine of the immortality of the soul.

Donatello himself made the priceless relief of the Assumption, also the effigy, and the two attendants standing above it.

Immediately a flash of lightning came from the sky and struck the effigy, melting off one of its ears.

The bronze effigy lies on the top of an altar-tomb under a canopy upheld by two slender bronze shafts.

The effigy is then hung on a bamboo pole, which is planted at the place of sacrifice outside of the house.

On an altar-tomb of great beauty and well restored is the canopied effigy of a lovely woman, who died in 1412.

In her left hand she carries a straw effigy of her victim; in her right she grasps a hammer.

Paul in gold, holding a sword, which, together with the head, hands, and feet of the effigy, was silver.