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Definition of embargo:

  • (noun) a government order imposing a trade barrier
  • (verb) ban the publication of (documents), as for security or copyright reasons
  • (verb) prevent commerce

Sentence Examples:

That this opinion, if received by the house, must be the subject of an address, is in itself manifest, and the reason for which an embargo is required, proves that an address ought not to be delayed.

He was rather unsteady on his legs, but exceedingly eloquent on the question of Jefferson's embargo act.

We each commanded a vessel which began a warfare on English commerce, defying all their embargo acts and neutrality laws.

My impression is that it could not be done without legislation and that a treaty provision agreeing in a certain event to impose an embargo against another nation would be void.

The embargo, if it had continued six weeks longer, it is said would have forced this country into any measures.

More than ever must it be so now; that was as natural as the maternal embargo in which Catherine seemed almost to glory.

The embargo and non-intercourse act, levelled at a stroke a forest of shipping, and sunk millions of capital.

Because of this, more stringent embargo laws were passed, and finally, in 1809, a "Force Act," to compel obedience.

During the long embargo and the war, manufactures had arisen, and one question now became, "Shall home manufactures be encouraged?"

In either case it was usually deemed expedient to prevent the dissemination of his supposed principles, by laying an embargo on his person.

His first act was to lay an embargo on it for the government, as containing the proceeds of slave labor.

Sometimes governments have used embargoes, bounties, or tariffs as weapons to injure the trade of other nations and to secure diplomatic or commercial concessions.

It is all very well to talk of the patriotism and quiet submission of the people of the interior; they cannot help submitting, they will have no opportunity to break the embargo.

If the people had been united, the embargo might have done what Jefferson expected it would do.

They rioted in the towns, doubled the taxes, put an embargo on trade and export, crushed the industries; worse, they took the young men and sent them away to Karl Gustav's wars in foreign lands.

There were no commands, no wishes to obey in the matter, no embargo upon the comings and goings between the two new friends.

The properties of many of our citizens have been destroyed or embargoed, the lives of several have been sacrificed, and the liberty of others has been restrained.

In this case the point was the distinction between a temporary embargo and one of unlimited duration.

Webster upon the administration, whose friends carried first a modification of the embargo, and before the close of the session introduced a bill for its total repeal.

It had indeed changed since the embargo of 1807, but not since the imposition of that of 1813, which was the one under discussion.

Word has reached me, that you are starving several of the united districts, in the north, with an embargo on their trade!

The general depression of business on account of the embargo and the war of 1812 had its effect upon the canal.

When ships are seized for the purpose of obtaining satisfaction for a particular injury, or security against a possible event, that seizure is only an embargo.

The embargo of secrecy was lifted; and the very first step toward righting the ancient wrong was to let the full facts be known.

The embargo seems to have been resolved upon, because at the moment they did not know what else to do.

He had no other view in issuing his restrictive proclamation; but, failing in that, he tried what the embargo would produce, and there he has been foiled again.

Having already left his old place the legal embargo was also against his return there, and so his only course was to leave that place and wander about with his stock and family.

Militia was mustered, the army recruited, and embargo laid upon shipping in the ports, and all things were put forward in April of that year, before war was declared in June.

He hadn't asked, for instance, whether Rose's embargo on news of herself to him had been made effective also in the other direction.

Jefferson, in truth, averse in principle to commerce as to war, was happily logical in his embargo system.

I wanted to climb up and look into the upper part of this antique piece of furniture, and it seemed to me I could at once put my hand on a package of "papers relating to the embargo."

It was asserted that the Japanese had forty thousand men in various ships of the Dutch and Portuguese which they had embargoed, and in a great number of their own vessels.

What can be the justifying reason for an embargo on the face of it so silly and arbitrary, if not senseless?

The further details are not yet settled, but I believe it is perfectly certain that the embargo will be taken off the 4th of March.

His Imperial Majesty has ordered the immediate raising of the embargo placed upon the English merchant ships.

How this man expected to submit to the personal restrictions and embargoes imposed by modern fashions and society was known only to himself.

I shall need a great many beasts to carry corn to Elvas, and will apply to the Juiz de Fora to embargo them among the first.

When stopped from sending live meat, they tried to send dead, but the embargo was promptly extended to salt provisions.

There have been times, indeed, when she discriminated against them by embargoes on cattle or boundary concessions to cement peace with foreign powers.

Sedgewick moved several resolutions, the objects of which were to raise a military force, and to authorize the President to lay an embargo.

An oppressive embargo upon the shipping business had been the first weight upon his head, and other misfortunes came in painful succession.

The embargo became operative under a method of license procedure, so that all shipments could be watched by the government authorities.

On the subject of the embargo, however, and the delay of assembling parliament when the country was in such critical circumstances, ministers had a harder battle to fight.

When the bill passed it was in an amended state: the amendment including the advisers, as well as the officers, who had acted under the orders of council in enforcing the embargo.

It was generally understood that she was a widow, who had to get on in the world as best she could, and thus the public sympathy was secured, and an embargo laid upon gossip.

There was something in her husband's personality that sometimes lay upon her like an embargo.

Whether the embargo was a wise and efficient or a futile and useless measure has little to do with the question of his conduct.

On the contrary, he hoped that the passage of the embargo would allow of the repeal of its predecessor.

He found that it was the embargo or nothing, and he thought the embargo was a little better than nothing, as probably it was.

The embargo has brought into and kept in the United States almost all the floating property of the nation.

Rumors came of an intention to call a convention of the five New England States, with New York, if possible, to take ground against the embargo.

By this time, it was definitely proved that as a means of coercion the embargo was worthless.

I will send over and let your father know that I have laid an embargo on you, so that he must not expect you until you appear.

And if by chance he gets involved in debt, or for the debt of one of his kindred, one third part of his daily labor is embargoed by the creditor.

I very soon found that I was under an embargo, and was not on any account to be allowed leave of absence.

Perhaps it was the result of this embargo that the next morning early the Tramp wanted to see me.

In some sections of the country they were able to arouse an opinion favorable to the establishment of an embargo.

As the lifting of the embargo on speech was not known to him, she knew herself to be insured against direct address.

From the first Napoleon had welcomed the embargo as a measure likely to contribute to the success of his continental system.

The importance of the embargo, Jefferson never tired of repeating, was not to be measured in money.

Under the circumstances it was easier to continue the embargo than to face the probability of war.

Collectors were authorized to refuse permission if in their opinion there was "an intention to violate the embargo."

Vessels which the embargo and the restrictive policy and the hazards of war had kept in port now put to sea again.

An embargo was laid upon commerce for thirty days and then extended over another thirty days.

There had been a general embargo on all sea-going folks for a day before, so that there was not a fish to be had for love or money in the settlement.

This was agreed to, and when the publisher came back, a few days later, the embargo was removed.

Oliver Cromwell is said, by a doubtful tradition, to have only been prevented from crossing the seas by a royal embargo.

During the war manufacturing became largely developed, partly through our own embargo, partly through the armed hostilities.

An embargo was laid on the shipping; provision was made for raising men and supplies and providing transportation.

On the third the nurse raised the embargo for a few minutes, and Shirley, breathless and afraid, went to the door through which the other had gone.

The league cleared northern waters of pirates, and used embargo and naval power to subdue rivals and promote trade.

How the demand was settled, and whether the embargo were formally taken off, is not recorded.

He withdrew his request for the trading vessels as they were "fully under the influence of the embargo."

As, however, prices were rising, all parties agreed that the embargo was in itself a justifiable measure.

I believed that a system to that effect might be formed, ultimately far more economical, and certainly more energetic than a three years' embargo.

In case of war, some part of that revenue will remain; but if embargo and suspension of commerce continue, that which arises from commerce will entirely disappear

The fundamental error of conception, of course, was in considering embargo an efficient alternative for war.

In my judgment, if public sentiment could be brought to support them, wisdom would dictate the combined measures of embargo, non-intercourse, and war.

The weather had changed, and was now quite pleasant; besides, the embargo on fires was lifted, so the discomfort of the previous night was only something to be laughed about.

What must be the necessary result if the continental embargo were more thoroughly enforced?

The market boats were forbidden to come near us; and in this state of embargo we remained during two days, all the time confined merely to the government allowance of food.

The high bounty, and the love of country, induced the embargoed sailor to turn soldier; to these were added young mechanics, and the sons of farmers.

From all the other boats, still stranded though they were, loud cheers greeted the first to be released from the long embargo.

The measure acquired a conspicuous place in the war legislation by reason of the embargo provision.

By the middle of August, however, a number of them began to show decided restlessness over the embargo upon their business.

"See if you can get the embargo lifted on that food down at your end of the table and ease a little nourishment up here!"

What a fool a man must be not to see that he is preparing misery for himself by laying embargoes on the recreations of his nearest companion!

Before the end of the year the failure of the embargo was patent to every fair-minded observer.

This would have involved the complete loss of the cargo as a result of the English embargo.

President Washington recommended an embargo of thirty days, which Congress promptly voted and then extended for thirty more.

Alexander would not listen to the embargo project, nor to Francis's desperate suggestion that they should continue the war.

His flag was upon every tree and roof, his seal upon every door and window, and his embargo upon every path and highway.

While now and then restrictions and embargoes of longer or shorter standing are removed, there is still the same tendency to enact other restrictions and prohibitions.

"The wonder is owing to the fact that my mother inhibited the payment of the amount to me, and this embargo can only be removed when I am married to a man of rank and honor."

An embargo has been proclaimed by the President; it is for thirty days, and will be extended to thirty more.

This was the case, perhaps, in his negotiations with the English minister after the failure of the embargo.

What right have these rich men to lay an embargo upon the beasts of the field, and the fowls of the air?

Philip deemed it prudent to lay an embargo on all her subjects, together with their ships and goods, that might be found in his dominions.

No embargo had as yet been put upon her correspondence, and therefore she could send her reply without external difficulty.

You came near being somewhat late, with your embargo, and you have betrayed me into an exhibition of the vilest humor, for which I most humbly apologize.