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Use empirical in a sentence

Definition of empirical:

  • (adjective) derived from experiment and observation rather than theory;

Sentence Examples:

The knowledge of them at first could not fail to be empirical and precarious.

No, my lady, we will discover our month of honey by the empirical method.

After all, such terms must be empirical.

It is your own empirical generalization, and it is correct.

He plants himself in the empirical flux of things and gets the impression of what happens.

These deal with empirical atoms and molecules as he finds them.

Learning, he would say, is an empirical fact, which he is simply describing.

This ratio is derived from empirical curves.

It was a testament in favor of empirical evidence.

The defect contemporary medicine was that it was almost wholly empirical.

Distinguishes between the empirical and the rational mode of treating Ethics.

He denies that the notion of duty that has been taken above from common sage is empirical.

We're both bound by our profession to admit an empirical test.

We derive also the empirical method, by which almost all real knowledge has been acquired.

His own method is essentially historical though by no means empirical.

Modern Spiritualism, with its empirical methods, is not adequate to reply.

All this chemistry was empirical, and acquired by instinct.

That's empirical knowledge; but when you explain causes, you give a man a new pleasure.

An empirical discovery of the first importance marks the middle of the century.

Empirical science may deal with separate products of nature.

These are capable of empirical scrutiny.

Men sought to combine faith in revealed religion with the empirical philosophy of Locke.

Note that behind all this there is a notion of empirical space.

I rather draw attention to the change from empirical knowledge to definition.

The impossibility is logical and not just empirical.

Inconsistency cannot exist, in the true empirical sense.

The knowledge which they possessed was empirical.

Scientific conceptions are to precede empirical experiences.

It is, in fact, not easy to say sometimes where the "empirical" begins and where it ends.

At the mention of empirical evidence, she seemed to lose interest in being angry.

He has been called the father of empirical psychology.

My own book, on the other hand, was of a directly tentative and empirical character.

It is no mere empirical theory.

Possibly in time it will become a science something more than empirical.

Let us here apply this empirical law, and admit that it contains a first principle.

The empirical method is the very best way to get it firmly rooted.

Modern empirical voice training has little practical value.

Empirical teaching based on the singer's sensations is of no avail.

Empirical knowledge must be the basis of every science.

There is no possibility of conflict between empirical and scientific knowledge.

As a matter of fact, as will now be seen, this empirical knowledge has never been lost.

This is a purely empirical description of perfect singing.

The mechanical doctrines are used in the attempt to interpret the empirical knowledge.

Little remains to be said of the nature of this empirical instruction.

Several empirical observations support this theory.

Empirical methods of instruction seem to have sufficed for the earlier masters.

Second, the manner of investigation generally called empirical.

No master of the later transition period deliberately discarded his empirical knowledge.

Here the great value of the empirical knowledge of the voice is seen.

The registers of the voice are handled by modern teachers in a purely empirical fashion.

The method from that time on is about of the type described as empirical.

The empirical result is very much the same.

My own book, on the other hand, was of a directly tentative and empirical character.

This is simply an experimental and empirical fact.

Magic also remained half empirical and half religious.

It has the empirical composition of cellulose.

It is clear, therefore, that the process is of purely empirical value.

Here lies the root of the distinction between pure and empirical science.

What may constitute empirical proof?

In wall work empirical methods are nearly always followed.

Psychology is as empirical as any other science.

Rational necessities and empirical facts are out of joint.

The logical result is, in any case, a purely empirical theology.

They would have shrunk from the empirical freedom that results from a little beer.

Machine Drafting and Empirical Design.

That is a question of faith and empirical evidence with which we are not here concerned.

They are solely empirical methods.

This is taken as an empirical fact, patent to every intelligent individual.

His approach was largely empirical, as we use the word today.

Look at the empirical evidence before and after increasing the level of protection.

The contrary arguments and empirical evidence were ignored, minimized, explained away.

One empirical study seems to challenge this assumption, though at modest levels.

The empirical factor is so emphasized that we lose all grasp of the real world.

His adherence to the empirical method is too decided.

Eddy the habit of a highly empirical use of English.

Empirical methods may suffice.

Such empirical attempts do more harm than good.

There are two possible empirical tests of this view.

There is, however, one empirical test which seems generally applicable.

In other words, it is purely empirical and contingent.

The uncertainty of the empirical result amounts to a few seconds only.

The diagnosis is in both cases empirical.

Empirical laws are derivative laws, of which the derivation is not known.

Therefore, the name Empirical Laws will generally be confined here to these.

In any case an approximate generalization can never be more than an empirical law.

Politics must be mainly empirical.

Because of Chancellor Bacon's discovery of the value of empirical investigation?

I should as soon expect agreement among doctors in their empirical profession.

He pointed out a difficulty which a mere belief in empirical continuity does not solve.

If this theory were sound, science would be confined to the observation of empirical laws.

It is at bottom not a case of logical inference at all, but of empirical association.

The very terms have changed and have become more concrete and empirical.

If the mind-body problem were solved in a concrete, empirical way, what then?

What was necessary was a critical movement at once concrete, inductive and empirical.

Is natural realism, permissible in logic, refuted then by empirical fact?

Space is no empirical conception which has been derived from external experiences.

No such distinction, however, can be drawn between a priori and empirical judgements.

From this point of view empirical judgements present no difficulty.

We had examined the empirical stage through which every science has to pass.

At present, we have to look for the early traces of the first or empirical stage.