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Use endearment in a sentence

Definition of endearment:

  • (noun) the act of showing affection

Sentence Examples:

Pole said, in cooing tones of endearment.

And numerous other names of inventive endearment.

English people dislike endearments, she had found.

Is "Lubber" a term of opprobrium or of endearment?

Brent's endearments with a happy sense of irresponsibility.

It lavishes flattery and endearment galore upon the olive.

She hung over her daughters with inexpressible endearment.

She seemed in nowise embarrassed by these overt endearments.

She lavished on him terms of even fulsome endearment.

After lavishing prayers and endearments, anger overpowered him.

John had a tendency towards plebeian endearments, she thought.

She crept up slowly, using hypocritical terms of endearment.

Each of his infantile endearments came fresh upon my memory.

After that prefatory act of endearment, he made his inquiries.

And that sharks are lovable, witness their domestic endearments.

His letters often address her in terms of idolatrous endearment.

Some dogs do not appreciate graceful attentions and captivating endearments.

He loved to fondle her, to exchange endearments with her.

Even terms of endearment are prefaced with an unintentionally opposite preamble.

He was once the object of sisterly love and domestic endearment.

Hal called her "Small woman," as an especial term of endearment.

She aggravated him with all manner of caresses and endearments.

He was irresistibly impelled to address her with words of endearment.

They were filled with tender endearments, the most passionate riotous words.

She made haste to atone for the slip by an unusual endearment.

A look of outraged astonishment at the unheard-of endearment came over Irene's face.

Complaint and remonstrance have usurped the place of transport and endearment.

"Haystacks" and "old man" were both terms of endearment and familiarity.

Caressing, caresses, endearment, soft words, expression of affection, billing and cooing.

Baskerville made no attempt to take her hand, to beguile her with endearments.

She caressed the tearful maiden, and every tone was like an endearment.

French diminutives and English endearments were to be heard and strange nicknames.

She turned a pallid face to him at last, resentful of his endearments.

The reciprocal endearments have, to me, something hypocritical and unnatural in them.

There it is a term of honor, of endearment, of trust, and of approbation.

His terms of endearment had died out thirty-nine years before with his courtship.

"Indiscriminately, she also addressed her maids waiting at table with the same endearment."

They pet and fondle and kiss each other and use words of endearment.

Many are the pledges of conjugal endearment which help to tenant these graves.

Serfs often use feminine terminations in referring to a man as an expression of endearment.

The lovers delight in endearments, in avowals of love, in comparisons of their regards.

No doubt their fangs had been completely extracted before he indulged in these endearments.

Then, as he recovered, he began to murmur broken words of thanksgiving and endearment.

She pulled her hands away, and shunning his endearment, rose to her feet.

Equality, parental solicitudes, and sisterly endearments, would be wanting to lighten the yoke.

It is a fact that mutual suffering begets an endearment stronger than ties of blood.

With a strange, instantaneous reaction she thought with loathing of his words of endearment.

He was a talking bird, but indulged neither in fatuous endearments nor horrid oaths.

He called to her frantically, coaxed her with endearments, wholly oblivious of his shocked audience.

The green parrot screamed after his mate, uttering his wild notes of endearment.

I said nothing, and in his cracked old voice he mumbled endearments to the baby.

When these soft endearments had been attended to there was time for another yearning.

And with many profane words of endearment he hugged it against his breast, unashamed.

Every word of endearment stabbed her straight to the heart, and made her writhe.

The feeling of protection which is extended to small objects engenders the notion of endearment.

He held her closely a moment, with little mumbled endearments, softly patting her cheek.

Her conversation, too, was spasmodic, devoid of all endearment, and of a sort alien to lovers.

Since the kings also called themselves shepherds, no especial endearment is conveyed by this designation.

He referred to the sea, uttering the word 'hussy' as if it were a term of endearment.

He was beside her with a smothered exclamation of endearment, and an eager hand seeking hers.

Without knowing why, she felt an instinctive repugnance to her, notwithstanding her words of endearment.

Fear of the dark is one instance; the use and disuse of terms of endearment offer another.

As the afternoon progressed the Cowardly Lion grew positively embarrassed by his terms of endearment.

He held the disgusting object to his lips, and lavished endearments on the putrid corpse.

Said Peter, but the sorry epithet expressed a world of relief, even, I thought, of endearment.

At his time of life, was this fat and feeble creature approaching her with conjugal endearments?

The thousand nameless endearments of childhood, its gaiety and its innocence, are alike unknown to them.

Whereupon, Eli would chuckle the harder, mutter odd endearments, and stride off on his way.

A couple of bunnies watched these endearments, ready to pop into their burrows if a terrier appeared.

Him she licked and caressed with many mumbled endearments, making sure that he was unhurt.

He leaned over his horse's neck, shouting encouragement, speaking endearments to it as to a woman in travail.

Sweetest endearments encountered my return, and fondest entreaties would have delayed the hour of my departure.

And Esther would proceed to read, picking her way among the endearments and the diminutives.

Without knowing why, she felt an instinctive repugnance to this stranger, notwithstanding her words of endearment.

He encircled them all in his arms, soothing them with caresses and words of fatherly endearment.

She continually repeated the name, with all the intonations of endearment, supplication, reproach, and even terror.

His latter days were sweetened by family endearment, and all the charms of a country life.

They rushed me into the apartment behind the store, pelting me with endearments and with questions.

Dreams of joy, and conjugal endearments, and parental delights, have been experienced in this chamber of death.

Kisses fell upon my forehead, cheek and lips, and words of endearment came in copious pearly showers.

In their prayers to her, they are prodigal of the most expressive epithets of endearment and admiration.

That mumbling term of endearment, coming, as it were, through a mouthful of cotton wool, reassured him.

Lindy held them, her own body rocking with grief, her lips murmuring endearments, prayers, supplications.

He was about the last person, she thought, to whom terms of indiscriminate endearment could be applied.

The mutual crime closes a double gate, and posts inexorable sentinels against the endearments of the past.

He said, with the tenderness of eye and voice which, with him, came instead of expletives of endearment.

"I express my devotion in terms of endearment, and she babbles like a parrot of flour and butter!"

For long moments ejaculations of delight, phrases of tender endearment, were the only words that escaped us.

"And I wish you'd reserve your endearments for people of your own size, you great, fat, hulking monstrosity."

Angela blushed, but did not reprove the term of endearment which had slipped unawares from his lips.

Except for the repetition of accustomed endearments, they ceased to be love letters in any sense of the word.

Half an hour later she had forgotten all unpleasantness and went away leaving many endearments behind her.

The aged sot in trousers is offering marriage to the aged sot in petticoats with frightful oaths of endearment.

She closed her sleepy eyes, and nestled closer, awake only to catch every soft word of endearment.

Just as conjugal caresses and endearments ought to be private, so ought admonition and scolding and plain speaking.

The prohibition might be taken as applying to the epithet of endearment, and thereby her conscience be satisfied.

"Tell me," she said, as soon as she could free herself from the importunate endearments; "has he proposed?"

How the wrecked mariner on some desert isle longs for a mother's fond endearment, a sister's kindly care.

This work of art produced so deep a sigh that I abstained thenceforth from repeating such sanguinary endearments.

Veronica is small for her name and has a disarming habit of introducing terms of endearment into her conversation.