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Use fawn in a sentence

Definition of fawn:

  • (noun) a color or pigment varying around a light grey-brown color;
  • (noun) young deer
  • (verb) show submission or fear
  • (verb) try to gain favor by cringing or flattering;
  • (verb) have fawns; "deer fawn"

Sentence Examples:

"She has literally almost fawned upon me."

It was a fawn contending with a lion.

You are thinking of the little spotted fawn.

Wariness is an instinct born in the fawn.

"What have you done with the fawn, sister?"

It was a fawn about eight months old.

Better a dog fawn on me than bark.

Stopping, he stroked one of the fawn-brown oxen.

A more fawning, wretched fellow one never saw.

Dogs, easily won to fawn on any man!

Yet she is a pattern of fawn-like grace.

Do you watch when the doe bears fawns?

Or are we mean, self-serving, world-flattering, fawning slaves?

Merritt came forward with an admiration almost fawning.

Lycurgus rubbed his hands together and fawned.

The fawn stumbled and fell and died.

It is composed of fawns as well as adults.

Behind them played the young fawns together.

The sound filled the fawns with uneasiness.

Will you be run to death like a fawn?

It looked like a fawn popping up its head.

Now the fawning manner was put on.

Better a dog fawn on you than bite you.

The arrow went right through the fawn.

Then he fawned on me for a ten-cent piece.

A small fawn was the only one killed.

That little fawn that came here last June.

The faithful dog came fawning to his feet.

Then Fleet Foot turned to the larger fawn.

Then came a big surprise for the fawns.

They would not fawn on him so much.

Bell killed a doe and wounded the fawn.

They attack tame poultry and also young fawns.

I look for treason from this fawning hound.

It does indeed look like an elephant escorting a fawn.

They behold a white fawn in the forest.

Midnight approached the mule deer and her fawn.

A thousand fawned upon him for personal reasons.

And a fawn-colored laugh sucks in the night.

Amy was left in peace with her fawn.

We felt we were "gone fawn skins," sure enough.

He repeated in a fawning manner, fearful and pitiful.

She rose and fled as lightly as a fawn.

I have found a doe with two small fawns.

He has made the doe and fawn real people.

She's as graceful as a fawn; she's white, too.

He fawned, pointing in the region of the assault.

Yet this fawn-eyed maiden would have none of them.

We are fawned upon for political or commercial reasons.

Nurse, please can you tell me anything about fawns?

Did man from him first learn to fawn?

The fawn heard, and started to run away.

She has a little spotted fawn with her.

Then came the cows; behind these the fawns.

Now the dog was fawning at Stafford's feet.

How the women fawned upon him last year.

Rough as a bear, he is gentle as a fawn.

Little Thunder laughed again and the fawn trembled.

We shall fall like the fawn and be broken.

Didn't you see the poor fawn and its mother?

I'd fawn like a dog for a kindly look!...

Now the fawns had been told to lie still.

And close behind each doe came her two fawns.

The fawn would run to him to be fed.

A white fawn is outlined against the dark herd.

"Yes, and a tame fox and a little fawn."

What could have made the tiger love the fawn?

Foes a moment back, now they were fawning friends.

Of the color of a fawn; light yellowish brown.

You should be fawning gratefully upon me, not laughing.

She sprang from the carriage like a young fawn.

Why can't you both be as tame as my fawn?

Better a dog fawn on you than bark at you.

The fawn was timid and would not jump.

He even taught the fawn to come when he whistled.

All he would do is fawn over me all evening.

Once Compton sneaked up on a doe nursing her fawn.

Young fawns may be captured in the way described.

Little waves fawned by, partisans in the same mockery.

The buck and fawn will remain near the spot.

When a woman is lovely the world will fawn.

As she did so, the dog fawned upon her.

The waves outside fawned and bounded in answering excitement.

They fawned on the rich from need and habit.

Once he had seen a fawn's eyes that looked like hers.

Harrison would have thought of fawn color and rose?

Madame Angelina, rich cream, fawn center, medium size, distinct.

The doe and spotted fawn are not stupid creatures.

Declared Case, who had stepped up to the fawn.

She answered, and stroked the head of the fawn.

She loves the fawning voice of her own servants.

The little sporting fawn had become a stately deer.

Fawns and old golds are good for this type.

The woodland paths are crisp with fawn-colored oak leaves.

Sometimes one and sometimes two fawns are brought forth.

Place pie in oven and brown a light fawn color.

The finest are made of the skins of young fawns.

It is of a fawn color, marked with dark spots.

She has sported along before me like a little fawn!

She was as meek as Moses, while Leonie absolutely fawned!