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Use gait in a sentence

Definition of gait:

  • (noun) the rate of moving (especially walking or running)
  • (noun) a horse's manner of moving
  • (noun) a person's manner of walking

Sentence Examples:

His tail was up, however, and his gait as sprightly as ever.

He looked up and saw them, and their gait, and ominous compactness.

The whole population wear slippers, and move along with a slip-shod gait.

"You stoop, brother, in your gait," she said, "that's a slovenly habit."

I rode towards him; he still cantered, but his gait was labored.

Moreover, the uneducated jog is neither a fashionable nor a desirable gait.

His lameness had been suddenly cured; his gait was even and agile.

A sort of impassioned abstraction expressed itself in his gait and bearing.

A nation of freemen, we alone of all others have the gait of slaves.

You know some breeds of horses gain speed by quickening their gait.

It shuffled forward with an odd, rocking gait, and paused near her.

His legs were stiff, imparting a halting, jerky motion to his gait.

Not till then did she slacken the hurry of her gait.

He acquired the shifty, sidelong gait of the meaner sort of predatory creatures.

With that tireless wolf-gait, he put the rugged miles behind him.

The signs were to be seen in the stooping figure and listless gait.

Then, striking a panting gait, we soon took position under a heavy fire.

This is a means of instilling a lot of energy into the gait.

There was no suggestion of the mariner's roll in his steady gait.

When I wished to quicken his gait, the horse broke at once.

It proved to be a coyote, though at first its peculiar gait denied this.

He quickened his horse's gait, and looked smilingly down into Jessie's face.

Two other men walked slowly toward us with a queer, hobbling gait.

Now put your caterpillar down, so that you may observe its gait.

The horses, still apprehensive, showed no disposition to resume their vehement gait.

Presently they gradually quickened their gait and disappeared in the darkness ahead.

He stoops very much (he is eighty-four), and shuffles in his gait.

And the train with infinite weariness shuffled along at a quicker gait.

"Those fellows are hitting up a pretty swift gait," the lad muttered.

We did not loiter, for it took our fastest gait to keep us warm.

With true Oriental tolerance, the Turk lets things gang their ain gait.

This was a tall fellow, with a slouching gait and round shoulders.

Jack and Dave slackened their gait at the foot of the stony divide.

A mischievous mood of impish frolic gives a new turn of saucy gait.

Then his eye caught the look of dejection in my gait and figure.

There came a feebleness into his gait, a slight uncertainty into his movements.

The gait is slouching, and there is a want of spring and elasticity.

Something in their gait showed them to be seafaring men, or the like.

There he did not slacken, but took the rise at a great gait.

For all his ungainly and unpleasant gait, Martin covered ground fast.

They moved along with the curious shuffling gait peculiar to their kind alone.

With this face is usually associated a thin body and a languid gait.

A mincing gait was soon acquired, but I found sitting still more awkward.

For his appearance, it was as insular as his gait or his accent.

The gait of an animal with a crippled neck becomes mincing and constrained.

To my dismay, our reprobate came into the room with very uncertain gait.

He had the noiselessly padding gait and the furtive air of a fox.

Most all forging will be done jogging, or going an ordinary road gait.

Part huge of bulk Wallowing unwieldy, enormous in their gait, Tempest the ocean.

He is our sad philosopher, who has just as dependable a gait as P.D.

Its pace is hobbling or shuffling, something like the awkward gait of a bear.

A whole family may show a peculiarity of gait which is at once recognizable.

Their horses blown and dead-beat, many of them staggering in their gait.

He insisted that we keep up a steady gait and sprint at the end.

Something curiously unlike Val, something inelastic, shackled, struck him in her gait.

Then, with lordly gait, he strutted on his way through the bazaars.

Reappearing almost immediately, he came on along the beach at a more deliberate gait.

Six stout mules drew the unwieldy vehicle along at a slashing gait.

For a while we moved rapidly; but soon subsided into a more reasonable gait.

The outcast knew the sound of that halting gait only two well.

He made a careful study of the peculiarities of age, in feature, in gait, in voice.

And with the detective went a man whose gait was slinking, craven.

And I like them blond, with a certain gait, and a swan neck.

Leary's gait became a desperate gallop, and as he galloped he gave voice in entreaty.

Then, always awkward in his gait, he retraced his steps to the house.

Violet ran from the window with a buoyancy of dancing in her gait.

All that was indecisive and vague in his gait and gestures had disappeared.

Those silk stockings of yours must not be wasted in a mincing gait.

His actions were frightfully menacing, and I urged Mac to a faster gait.

About all we've got to do is to outrun the gait of a walking horse.

He was a large tall man, of an unwieldy form and ogre-like gait.

Any tendency to pace or mix gaits was regarded as grounds for disqualification.

He scuttled away with his odd Chinese gait and threw open the door.

Richard Cary quickened his own gait and swung into a long, easy stride.

His gait was a long stride, and he was not a graceful horseman.

Said the stout lawyer, approaching her hurriedly with his fussy, awkward gait.

Most of them have the shuffling gait and sheepish air of an old gardener.

Hasn't he decency to wait till all's over 'fore he struts about that gait?

There was something bold, abrupt, uncouth about her aspect, gait, and manner.

Only you have your fingerprint, but you share your gait with plenty other people.

His footfall is heavy; his gait is awkward, though he knows nothing of fatigue.

Its gait is very slow, but wherever it fastens it is not easily removed.

Craig's manners, his gait, his style of dress, and all his idiosyncrasies.

He made his way at a hobbling gait toward the back row of chairs.

Then he clacked his tongue, and the horse resumed its rapid gait.

As soon as he reached the station, his gait became spastic, trembling and hesitant.

They did not pause; but exchanged meaning looks, and quickened their gait.

The irregularity in the gait is especially noticeable when the animal is turned quickly.

He walked with a slouch, and this man's gait was firm and purposeful.

Too many children had now brought the taxicab down to a crawling gait.

I followed the Mexican, who, in a hobbling gait, proceeded towards the stream.

The old slowness had crept again into his gait since the evening before.

And as they hurried along there was a jerky feebleness about his gait.

The mother panted with the exertion of the rapid gait and her excitement.

He held the reins listlessly, permitting the horse to choose its own gait.

The erect gait was bent, and the eagle eye had lost its luster.

His gait slackened, his countenance fell, the light was out of his eyes.

The feebleness was gone from his gait, and he held himself erect again.

"If it keeps up the present gait, it'll last," said Judge Caldwell shrewdly.

And James, obedient to the signal, cantered deliberately forward at an abominably uneasy gait.