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Use hearsay in a sentence

Definition of hearsay:

  • (noun) gossip (usually a mixture of truth and untruth)
  • (adjective) heard through another rather than directly; "hearsay information"

Sentence Examples:

Too often religion has been a matter of hearsay or dogma.

Obviously you think I am not a competent witness, that I know nothing except by hearsay.

Neither was it upon hearsay only that he prescribed.

When he had to describe what he only knew by hearsay, his pictures are shadowy and cold.

Let it be a lesson to you never to take anything on hearsay.

They would not hang this man by hearsay evidence, or by chance presumption.

I had no doubt that the man knew of her being there; but he only knew it by hearsay.

Dick knew well enough, from hearsay, the method of "breaking down" a wild horse.

I know only what has been told to me, and there is little need of hearsay evidence.

This is not from hearsay, remember; I saw it with my own eyes.

You talk of things you have on hearsay since you came among us.

The rest of the execution he knew only by hearsay.

The former may be obtained by hearsay, but the latter only by seeing the countenance.

And the hearsay was like this.

I'm glad to find it confirmed even by hearsay evidence.

What is said must be heard, to be repeated; and this seems very like hearsay testimony.

He is not altogether above lending himself to the hearsay of the partisan.

I must depend now on hearsay for certain facts.

A curious piece of traditional folklore came out, but only as hearsay, in court.

I only knew the way by hearsay.

I never turned down a man yet on hearsay when he was willing to see me half way.

You are simply repeating hearsay.

The people who eat game in large cities do not know what hunger is, save by hearsay.

I had never seen her at close quarters, and knew her only by hearsay.

"This is hearsay from the Welsh he has fought," said I; "one need not heed it."

Only on hearsay did anyone know how these people fared.

"I only know the other sort by hearsay."

There is a word of which I know the meaning only by hearsay.

"You have no right to repeat such hearsay tales to me," answered Corona.

The hearsay stories of the Indians they carefully picked up.

I don't know him, except by hearsay.

After that I can tell you what happened only from hearsay.

The Bible is just history, most of it hearsay.

I state this upon my own knowledge and not upon hearsay.

However, my knowledge of the details of these feasts was derived only from hearsay.

Speaks he from hearsay, or as one who knows?

The writer acknowledges that the story is hearsay.

Not from hearsay "assurances" but from what fell from the Premier's own lips.

The countess knew of that room only by hearsay.

She knew nothing about death except by hearsay.

Merely hearsay, and the prejudice of the men would be sufficient to account for the tale.

It's not hearsay; I saw it myself.

Much of the evidence, however, was secondary or hearsay evidence.

I only know of a woman's silence by hearsay.

Henry immediately reminded the panel members that this was all hearsay.

Also, I've ruled most of Trenchant's testimony and that of her witnesses hearsay.

There the anxious crowd could only learn by hearsay what was going on within.

If so, direct or from hearsay?

"Put a woman's good name on trial and sentence it on hearsay without appeal or recourse."

The law of his being is to accept nothing on hearsay.

To him the court, the sea, and the land of Fortune are but hearsay.

I am telling no tale of hearsay.

It is all hearsay.

I am writing not from hearsay, but from the sight and experience of many years.

I can say this only from hearsay, for I never heard him.

Don Fernando had been in Paris, knew by hearsay England, and had heard Scotland mentioned.

All this kind of thing was done on hearsay evidence, behind which lay personal motives.

What others know is hearsay, but Phil can swear to it.

I do not tell from hearsay, and I tell the truth without exaggeration.

What you know of other salients is hearsay.

No vehicle entered it from outside and the war was only hearsay.

You accept hearsay, but will not listen to the truth I wish to tell you.

Is it first-hand material, or merely hearsay?

It is hearsay, rumor; so far as I know it may be so.

The lawyer told all that he knew of the region, from hearsay and from personal experience.

They've never seen us before, and they know nothing about us by hearsay and reputation.

There were others who only knew me from hearsay.

The world outside he can know only by hearsay.

I have had enough of hearsay, and beautiful eyes were not made to be heard.

All these must have written from hearsay, for they were at Quebec and Montreal.

It was just hearsay, as far as you know, and I wouldn't tell things like that.

I know it only by hearsay and by seeing it upon the owner's map.

What isn't hearsay is opinion, if you understand.

Thus far I have spoken from hearsay evidence mostly.

It is only hearsay that he descended from heaven; this cannot be proved.

In all his extended hearsay knowledge of strikes he never had heard of anything like this.

He knows her only by hearsay and that but vaguely.

Of the last I speak only from hearsay, not from personal knowledge.

The world knows it only by hearsay and report.

It's only hearsay with us, you remember.

I am not speaking from hearsay.

The evidence was mostly mere hearsay and conjecture.

This is not hearsay; it is experience that is speaking.

"A good deal by hearsay; not a little by personal experience," he replied.

They shall not be asked to accept a single fact on hearsay from my people.

Grim facts are taking the place of hearsay.

It's full of notes and comments on the rumors and hearsay about the Barrow family.

What would happen when this news, no report or hearsay, came to her?

He could not assign any further grounds for these reports than hearsay.

Grandma Deborah's methods I know only from hearsay, for I was very little when she died.

It was all hearsay, and nothing but hearsay, with rare exceptions.

It was all hearsay, and he was finally excused.

You must have known it from hearsay in consequence of the book I have published.

That they were largely founded upon facts Judge Willis probably knew from common hearsay.

By silencing forever this the only witness to his crime, he could defy hearsay testimony.

Dick's information is only hearsay.

Do you speak by hearsay or by conviction?

This was still all hearsay to me.

Even though he seemed to believe what he was saying, it's pure hearsay.

I presume you are aware, by hearsay at least, of the existence of thought.