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Use ignite in a sentence

Definition of ignite:

  • (verb) cause to start burning; subject to fire or great heat;
  • (verb) start to burn or burst into flames;
  • (verb) arouse or excite feelings and passions;

Sentence Examples:

Then the heat is continued until the mass becomes soft, care being taken that it does not ignite.

This surface, as a result, is regularly brought into contact with the ignited, expanding gases after each explosion.

At the proper time, about sunset usually, he ignites the fuse with sacred fire from the royal temple.

This gas, it is to be recollected, will come over even after the whole of the wood is completely ignited.

The Call Building, lifting its head high above its neighbors, was like an ignited match-box set on end.

When liquid fuel is used, it may be desirable to soak the target with fuel first and ignite it afterward.

The volatile and organic matters are determined by igniting the solid residue, which is afterwards allowed to cool.

Presently it was discovered that the roof of one of the cabins had ignited and was burning fiercely.

The first spark from the fuse, ignited by the electric current, had reached the slow-burning powder.

Lightning strikes in many forests every summer, particularly those of the Western States, and ignites many trees.

The residue may, if wished, be dried and weighed in the aluminum cup, but then it cannot be ignited.

Then he placed the ignited bomb under the tell-tales bed and hastily scrambled back to his own.

Red cedar has similar qualities, but is rather hard to ignite and must be fed fine at the start.

The means of igniting the gas in the cylinders may be either a Bunsen burner or an electric spark.

The flashes can be made by igniting a small amount of flash-light powder, placed in a tin can cover.

Almost instantly after it was ignited, it exploded with most awful violence, and with very disastrous results.

Natural gas had filled the shaft, and it ignited from the burning torch, causing a terrific explosion.

If I don't make with it tonight, the man will ignite me, and what good would that do Bruce?

You may ignite strips of zinc in a candle flame, and cause them to burn almost like strips of paper.

If the amount of residue is large, it may be ignited, and the proportion and nature of the ash determined.

Exclaimed Jerry, clapping his hands as he saw the bright flames burst out from the easily ignited grass.

Dry sticks were soon collected, and some moss, which ignited almost immediately the glass was held over it.

The electrical spark will not ignite in such an atmosphere, and the magnet will lose its attractive power.

Soon a tiny flame leaped up, igniting the dirty old carpet which stretched the length of the hall.

What if it should miss fire, or even if igniting, I should fail with it to light the dry leaves?

It sparked, it ignited, it did everything a perfect automobile should do, just as a perfect automobile should do it.

Smaller cylinders are preferred, because the wood is ignited more readily and the charcoal is more of a uniform quality.

"Thanks," said the other, and bent down to ignite his cigarette at the match provided by the policeman.

Small explosions occurred from time to time, showing that much powder was still buried and ready to ignite.

It is clear that they are effected by the discharge of some chemical preparation, which ignites after a time.

Under these circumstances, wood will not be ignited very easily by sparks or by contact with a weak flame.

It evidently had been a long time burning, and was probably ignited by one of the officers since killed.

During the night the Captain had died, and the crew had ignited his body, according to custom.

If the cylinder is very cold this compression may be repeated until the cylinder is sufficiently warm to ignite.

In ignited bodies there are different degrees of heat, concerning which, also, a diligent inquiry has not been made.

The petrol caught fire, and, leaping in a cascade of flame, ignited the main tanks in the double bottom.

Nobody seemed to know the cause of the disaster beyond the general opinion that the oil gases had ignited.

The hammer, striking on the outer surface of the cap, causes the powder to explode and ignite the charge.

A police captain, standing in the middle of the street, is caught by a falling shower and instantly ignited.

Any tin present will then separate as an insoluble compound, which may be ignited and weighed as the oxide.

If much iron is present completely dry the precipitate, remove it from the paper, and ignite the paper separately.

How to install Electric gas igniting apparatus including the jump spark and multiple systems for all purposes.

As soon as the heat ignites the phosphorus, the match will shoot out of the open end of the tube.

The pile, on being ignited, blazed up cheerfully, illuminating the sterile, lonely spot with a merry red blaze.

The instant the gas reaches the rose burner it is ignited by the jet which was kept lighted.

The train was laid; the fuse was there to ignite the powder that would blow up a hostile army.

If not known to be pure it must be ignited, reduced in a current of hydrogen, and treated as subsequently described.

One of the enemy's bullets striking these had ignited them, and the troops there were called upon to retire.

In order to avoid danger it is absolutely necessary to prove that the hydrogen is free from air before igniting it.

Having put out our fire lest it should ignite the whole tree, we once more scrambled back to our former resting-place.

The train was laid, all was ready; a spark from one of the explosion vessels might ignite it suddenly.

His greatest problem was the fire with which to ignite his fuse, should he wish to explode his bomb.

The batteries for igniting them were connected with a button inside the car, within easy reach of the pilot.

Securing long sticks of dead wood he ignited them both until they burned with a steady and strong flame.

Mario forgot to take proper precautions with his kitchen fire, which probably blazed up and ignited some nearby hangings.

In contact with the water the metal ignites, and for about half-an-hour sheds a radiance for a long way.

These are tin cylinders of suitable dimensions, fitted with a small tin stem through which the powder is ignited.

Later, Professor John William Draper discovered that the spectrum of an ignited solid is continuous with no interrupting lines.

By this time one candle has ignited the other, and the crowd below is one mass of moving flame.

They then ignited this ancient fire-ship, the sailors who were in it leaping into the sea and swimming away.

Combustion is the burning of the grain from the ignited surface, inward or outward, as the case may be.

Under certain circumstances this residue will be nearly free from other metals, in which case it is ignited and weighed.

With his cigar-lighter he ignited a short length of wire that burned slowly with a brilliant blue spot of light.

Quickly searching in his pocket the boy found his matches, struck a light and ignited the candle end.

The furnace is then filled with charcoal to the top, and upon this are laid a few pieces already ignited.

Fire would frighten them away, Bob knew; but he had no means of quickly igniting a handful of dead leaves.

We can prepare iron in such atoms that it ignites at an ordinary temperature by simple contact with the air.

The result of his labors is a machine which is excellent in all respects, requiring no igniting or heating apparatus.

In addition, this lamp is used for igniting the gases through a porcelain tube kept at red heat by it.

The ignited coals hold fire in a remarkable manner, and with a strong draft or blast give an intense heat.

The beam struck the surface and then scattered throughout the interior of the globe, igniting sparks of spectacular glory.

I hit it clean and fair, but a trail of smoke told that the concussion had ignited the matches.

They did not ignite quickly, though they began to turn brown, and thin spirals of smoke arose from them.

She rubbed one of the two matches under the shelf on the rough surface, but it did not ignite.

I want you to understand that although all gases require heat to fire them, different gases ignite at very different temperatures.

You will note, gentlemen, that not only was the vehicle structurally weak, but it also burned well, once ignited.

While he spoke, the grating of a match that would not readily ignite, was heard against the chimney piece.

If one is left on the floor, it may be ignited by stepping upon it, or by something falling upon it.

In some instances they have taught men to be content with servitude, in others have ignited the beacon fires of liberty.

Blowing through the pipe will force the gas through the tips, where it can be ignited with a match.

The bridge offers a resistance to the electric current, is heated thereby, ignites the composition, and fires the gun.

The judgment finally given was considered to be a one-sided decision, and ignited the first spark of the rebellion.

The lamps ignited the gasoline and an explosion followed which sent several gallons of burning fluid upon the road.

In igniting a safety fuse an open flame such as that furnished by a match or candle is the most satisfactory.

When completed this was ignited and the cavern falling made a large breach in the wall of the castle.

When subjected to the most powerful blow with a steel hammer upon an iron plate, it neither explodes nor ignites.

At that moment a dark and sudden smoke, as from ignited chemicals began to pour upward from the ruined village.

Out in space, the inner ends of the tubes were closed with a combustion cap wherein the fuel was ignited.

These new shells do not usually explode, seeming to discharge a chemical liquid which ignites upon contact with the air.

In electric gas lighting a spark of the proper character is passed across a jet of gas and ignites it.

If the pressure becomes too great, it will break the tank, escape and ignite from the flame in the iron.

Thin fuels are easy to ignite, but they lack range and are largely burned in flight before reaching the target.

He was powerless to feel with his hands where the cloth had ignited and could feel as yet no pain.

You may not know it, but, it is said to be a fact that there must be a spark to ignite powder.

The match was ignited by the explosion, and the dart, penetrating the sail, set the cloths on fire.

The charge being ignited, the pressure of the gas immediately forces back the reinforcing-cups and seals the vent.

In the hallway I stopped, ignited the box of matches I carried, tossed the blazing brand onto the oil-soaked floor.

This soon became ignited, and with an explosion the column of oil was suddenly converted into a roaring column of fire.

The precipitate is filtered off, washed with boiling water, dried, ignited at a red heat, and weighed when cold.

The method of igniting the gases has also been changed, in so far as the arrangement of the battery is concerned.