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Use immunity in a sentence

Definition of immunity:

  • (noun) the state of not being susceptible;
  • (noun) (medicine) the condition in which an organism can resist disease
  • (noun) the quality of being unaffected by something; "immunity to criticism"
  • (noun) an act exempting someone; "he was granted immunity from prosecution"

Sentence Examples:

The thyroid probably performs these functions by sending its secretion to the cells directly responsible for the immunity reactions, and stimulating them to activity.

The endocrines will assist him in the great body of diseases for which no immunity test is at hand.

All government is ultimately and essentially absolute, but subordinate societies may have more immunities, or individuals greater liberty, as the operations of government are differently conducted.

The second clause is of greater difficulty; for how can a provincial law secure privileges or immunities to a province?

And there, for a time, the heart-broken and desolate lady enjoyed, at least, the privilege of an immunity from the intrusions of all external trouble.

This is the case with regard to any disease introduced into a virgin human population, in which there is no immunity due to the prevalence of such a disease for hundreds of years previously.

This immunity from burns, to which the professional fire-eaters owe their success, comes from this film of moisture on their skin.

No great culprits escaped conviction; nor, when convicted, were they allowed to purchase, with their stolen wealth, the immunities of freedom.

The chief gain observed in his case, as in others which are more or less parallel, is the acquiring of immunity to fatigue, both muscular and central.

Our own virtuous and flower-strewn land, it is true, does not possess an immunity from every trifling drawback.

They claim no immunity from errors of opinion or judgment, but their errors are nothing compared with yours.

I felt I had a crow of my own to pluck with this gentleman, who owed to my timely intervention a far greater immunity than he deserved.

Civil immunities and political privileges were just before them, the learned professions were opening to them, social equality and honorable domestic connections would soon be theirs.

True, the attributes of man remain, but the rights and immunities which grow out of them are attributed.

How happy should I feel, beyond the ordinary lot of man, if, after the terrors I had undergone, I should now find myself unexpectedly restored to the immunities of a human being!

The claim of historic immunities was largely discarded in favor of the more glittering doctrines current in the philosophy of the time.

To secure immunity from this they were the more fully reconciled to the limitations of their peculiar labor supply.

And him Mithridates caused to be killed through his associates to whom he promised to grant immunity and money.

The consul learning of their purpose arrested the men sent to carry it out and brought them with their letter into the senate-chamber, where, by granting them immunity, he proved all the conspiracy.

I shall not, however, presume upon this immunity, and shall omit no reasonable precaution which the condition of my health or my affairs may render prudent.

Most crooks are eventually caught through their having, from long immunity, grown careless and yielded to impulse.

This plan is, to a great extent, successful; but that it does not give absolute immunity from distortion is, I think, evident from the following consideration.

In the meanwhile, let me claim immunity for these few survivors of another world, in which this harmless error has kept alive the tradition of self-sacrifice.

We might fool ourselves into thinking that because of some stroke of fortune we had established an immunity for ourselves.

And he traded upon her loving pity by pretending he could obtain the privilege of this or immunity from that if he had only so many dollars to give to the guard or keeper.

I was not in agreement, as the philosophers call it, and the true mental Martian immunity from accident was not in me.

We all recognize their right to lie at rest, with immunity from all that is harsh and violent.

Another young man who now came to the front in the Independence movement could claim no such immunity.

I think physicians will generally agree that where the exciting cause can be totally removed that method of dealing with the disease is far more effective than any attempt to secure immunity.

At work all the morning on letters and revising final draft of memorial on immunity of private property at sea, and lunched afterward at the "House in the Wood" to talk it over with Baron de Bildt.

All are finally subjected to it, and the temporary immunity of the President, a Governor, or any other official, only exists during the term of office for which that official has been elected.

Business was of course entirely suspended; and further projects to ensure immunity from danger for the women and children were being discussed.

Since the white men have taken to coming by sea, the old geographical immunity is lost, and greater energy will be required to preserve the national independence.

In these matters of dressing and looking your part musicians seem granted an immunity denied to all their fellow-artists.

The liquor men and joint keepers subscribe large sums to campaigns with the tacit, implied or open understanding of immunity from prosecution and punishment on the part of candidates and officials.

And he laughed with a shake of his head, I thought a little sarcastically, as if he was not sorry my money could not avail to buy immunity from the general curse.

The immunity of Churchmen, that is, of clergymen, from the jurisdiction of secular tribunals was not conducive either to morality or to order.

It is these persons that the law has in view when setting forth the privileges and immunities of citizenship.

Nor is it, either in real or fictitious distresses, our immunity from them which produces our delight; in my own mind I can discover nothing like it.

It is obvious, however, that the system had its weak side, for the mere fact that a convoy was upon a great route tended to attract a squadron, and the comparative immunity of those routes was lost.

I do not know that the colonies have, in any general way, or in any cool hour, gone much beyond the demand of immunity in relation to taxes.

When men arise to tell the truth about it, you get behind your morality mask and accuse them of the basest motives and claim immunity for yourselves from attack in return.

It must be remembered, however, that one attack of these diseases confers a strong and lasting immunity and children represent a raw material unprotected by previous disease.

In such cases there may be temporary immunity produced by each excursion of the disease, but the immunity is not permanent nor is the parasite destroyed.

All methods for the prevention of fires fall so far short of the ideal of immunity that there is a necessity for fire-apparatus.

The destruction of Lisbon in the middle of the eighteenth century and its subsequent immunity from seismic damage is a reassuring example.

We now know the principle upon which protection is secured: an active acquired immunity follows upon an attack of a disease of a similar nature.

When the other people come up and ask why they cannot have these special immunities and why they cannot be a monopoly, or nearly a monopoly, too, the government will tell them why.

Such a result is only another illustration of the truth that an advanced state of economic well-being is not necessarily accompanied by greater immunity from crime.

I imagine that as Johnny's guest I ought to enjoy immunity from sarcastic shafts, but I may be mistaken.

Such was the power of the clergy, and such the immunities, which the king proposed to diminish.

For a while success dogged the horse-hoofs of the gang; with wealth came immunity, and not one of the warriors had the misfortune to look out upon the world through a grate.

One having a claim to that glittering distinction should enjoy immunity from the coarse and troublesome question, "From whose backs and bellies do you provide?"

Increased subdivision in a longitudinal direction was a very desirable thing, and almost necessary for a condition of immunity from sinking.

He does not wish to be merely wounded, he desires death in fight rather than immunity from injury.

It is vain to struggle with fate, with the elements, and with the borrower; it is folly to claim immunity from a fundamental law, to boast of our brief exemption from the common lot.

Of course rats and mice are as safe as birds from the claws of a belled cat, but, if we are really humane, we will not regret their immunity.

What shall we say of that government which has not power or inclination to insure the exercise of those solemn rights and immunities which it guarantees?

When we mind our own business we are sure of success in what we undertake, and may count upon a glorious immunity from failure.

It often happens, too, that the parents encourage their children to think that education affords immunity from work, and the children attend school with that notion firmly implanted in their minds.

For several years he had had immunity and had been inclined to think that he would be henceforth free of that particular pest.

Now, on the face of it, it does not seem probable that this operation should have an immunity from all liability to error.

The comparative immunity of women may also be explained by the less severe muscular strain involved by their occupations and recreations.

He spoke of "family" and "breeding" as if these were sacred possessions which conferred upon those who had them complete immunity from the sort of effort that common men must make.

The clearest demonstration of the human authorship of the Pentateuch proves nothing about its immunity from errors.

It was said that immunity to star-drive sickness was hard to acquire, but lasted a lifetime, and would never again bother them once it was achieved.

It still had a limb, yes, the luxury of a limb, the last time that I saw it, pointing with a kind of defiance in its immunity.

In order to be supplied with the delicacies of which they are so fond, they select certain individuals for their favorites and servants, and accord to them an immunity from personal danger.

There is certainly more difference between good food and bad than between five millions and fifty (which, I take it, is a figure that buys immunity over here).

The big fellow, assured now by use and long immunity, cocked his head on one side and regarded him with a friendly eye.

With Christmas rapidly approaching and everything still serene, pleasant immunity from the disagreeable was still hers.

A man with harsh, bright-colored red hair, such as is common in Scotland, has a complete immunity, though running the same risks as another mall, dark and with a dry skin, who seems absolutely doomed.

Where they are free from disease, this exemption is due merely to the physical immunity I have just mentioned.

In a great army there is every degree of risk to be run or immunity to be enjoyed; but at the very front, where all is stripped and laid bare, modern warfare is at times a furnace of horror.

He saw himself on the rack, with life and immunity from pain drawing him one way, the prospect of a miserable death the other; and he pleaded that no man would have decided otherwise.

Suppose Grant had said to Lee, "You and your officers, if you will surrender, shall be guaranteed immunity; but Jefferson Davis, and Johnston and Beauregard are to be hung."

And one attack secures no immunity from subsequent ones, as a new disease may be contracted upon every exposure.

"I may be led to recognize that I can promise to spare your brother on the ground that criminals are sometimes promised immunity upon turning state's evidence."

Infancy earned no immunity from experimentation, for the eye-test was said to have been applied "to seventeen infants, ranging in age from four weeks to five months."

Then, Samson-like, they have pulled down upon themselves the pillars of their whole fabric, and they cannot complain if they and all their rights, immunities, and titles are buried in the ruins.

Justice Holmes concludes, after a review of the case, that the immunity, under the First Amendment, did not protect the speech.

He had had the immunity shots given to all members of the team, and he had eaten game brought in by exploring parties and labeled "safe."

The security insured for property by the agency of the State, the guaranteed immunity from the risks and destruction of war, insured by our natural advantages and our defensive forces.

His religious practices were intended to gain for him immunity in this world, rather than assurance of the next.

There was an almost theatrical caution in their movements at first, but courage came with immunity from alarm.

You feel that you have a right to some of these things: to a certain recognition of your powers, a certain immunity from failure or humiliation.

Not only this, but those races among us which have been continuous city-dwellers for a score of generations past have acquired a still higher degree of immunity.

It is by attention to such small details as this that a man may purchase immunity in larger and more important matters.

She did not know that, as yet, his machine was not perfected to a point where it could brave with immunity such weather as was threatened by the brooding sky.

And when he did find him, he knew, he would have to outline a counter move which would force immunity to his sea lanes.

I shall reveal to you the true reason of your immunity for so long from the wrath of the people.

When the Archbishop was officially informed of these facts, he still maintained that nothing could violate their immunity.

Three centuries afterwards the same immunity was extended to the earnings of persons who were in the civil employment of the state.

At my request, he wrote a note to the division commander, specifying my good behavior, and restoring to me all privileges and immunities.

Every day saw something done, and in their busy life and immunity from danger all thought of peril began to die out.

It is hoped that in time these certificates may come to be accepted as carrying complete immunity, for at least a month, from every form of intellectual treat.

I've gotten so in the habit of telling them that it is going to take me a long time to realize that one of the chief advantages of being a rich man is the immunity from the need to lie.

The resistance or immunity of these varieties has not been determined so far as my own work is concerned.

By conferring on any one person or class of persons a single right or immunity which every other person may not possess?

This immunity from economic necessity is a large price to pay for lack of liberty in speech and action.