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Use impressive in a sentence

Definition of impressive:

  • (adjective) making a strong or vivid impression; "an impressive ceremony"
  • (adjective) producing a strong effect; "gave an impressive performance as Othello";

Sentence Examples:

It is the more impressive inasmuch as Bergson cannot be said to be an easy author.

And whence came the great storehouse of wisdom which lay behind that impressive brow?

There are the remains of a very impressive figure, apparently rising from her cerements.

The emotion was the more impressive inasmuch as it was totally unlike that with which May Thurston had inspired him.

To attitudinize, with the view of producing an impressive effect upon the beholder, seldom succeeds except with the rawest members of society.

And then there was silence, deep and impressive, while everybody got his "ratiocinating apparatus," as the Parson called it, to work.

Bolivar's ashes were delivered to the Venezuelan government with impressive solemnities, and his memory apotheosized as the father of the nation and the apostle of centralization.

Followed by a fierce snort, like that of a startled horse, and they discovered in their midst a stranger of a grave and impressive aspect, who had come no one knew whence or how.