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Use inarticulate in a sentence

Definition of inarticulate:

  • (adjective) without or deprived of the use of speech or words;

Sentence Examples:

Yet he remained dumb and inarticulate.

He makes inarticulate sounds, incomprehensible gestures.

His voice came harsh and inarticulate.

The butler murmured an inarticulate reply.

She uttered a little inarticulate cry.

Henry's mouth remained open and inarticulate.

His voice quivered, and became inarticulate.

She cried, after some inarticulate sounds.

I cried, choking with inarticulate rage.

And an inarticulate answer from Ivy.

A little inarticulate cry escaped her.

An inarticulate sound breaks the silence.

A little inarticulate cry escapes her.

An inarticulate cry broke from her.

He showed love and death inarticulate.

Serena cried, almost inarticulate with indignation.

Woods ventured a series of inarticulate observations.

I am dumb; my soul is inarticulate.

Rankin made an inarticulate murmur of appeal.

Serena became almost inarticulate in her anger.

She breathed in an almost inarticulate voice.

An inarticulate sound made him look round.

Faith is inarticulate because of her greatness.

You are inarticulate in this wretched body.

Carolyn made an inarticulate murmur in response.

Bruce gave an inarticulate exclamation of dissent.

His voice broke into an inarticulate groan.

She said, in an almost inarticulate voice.

Tom made an inarticulate murmur of sympathy.

It would tend to make me inarticulate.

The Classical Mistress is still inarticulate.

We are so inarticulate when face to face.

Joe grunted something that was inarticulate.

What inarticulate words was she uttering?

Inarticulate murmurs broke from his lips.

There was an inarticulate, "Come in!"

Her voice was hoarse, almost inarticulate.

For a second she hesitated, inarticulate.

Action and gesture interpreted the inarticulate.

He made an inarticulate noise in his throat.

What was that inarticulate person saying?

You see, I am almost inarticulate about it.

My words were broken and inarticulate.

For she had made an inarticulate sound.

For a minute he sat inarticulate, boiling.

He kept repeating, in almost inarticulate amazement.

She murmured, in a voice almost inarticulate.

Halsey shook her head in inarticulate protest.

It was the tribute of inarticulate youth.

His inarticulate grunt was one of disgust.

An inarticulate moan was her only answer.

Then Fletcher arose with an inarticulate exclamation.

He was inarticulate and stupid in thought.

Our Churches have remained silent and inarticulate.

And her voice became inarticulate through tears.

I heard inarticulate exclamations on all sides.

Only an inarticulate murmur came from Fox.

With an inarticulate murmur she turned aside.

This time an inarticulate murmur answered him.

Articulate for inarticulate sounds is ample retribution.

Murmured Lilian, in a voice almost inarticulate.

Her voice trailed off into inarticulate sounds.

With an inarticulate cry they gave way.

He made a loud but wholly inarticulate sound.

Raymond made an inarticulate sound of infinite relief.

She gave a little inarticulate murmur of obedience.

Laura made a small inarticulate sound of dissent.

It is an inarticulate faith expressed in deeds.

He was in a state of inarticulate fright.

In times of emotion one is sometimes inarticulate.

He made some inarticulate sound that questioned her.

A burning, inarticulate pity rose up in me.

Said she, in a faint and inarticulate voice.

"Yes," the latter said in an inarticulate voice.

Ben made an inarticulate noise in his throat.

And in answer, I made an inarticulate sound.

It was all inarticulate, queer and confused.

She shrugged her shoulders in inarticulate disdain.

Carlyle speaks somewhere of an "inarticulate genius."

"No," went on his usually inarticulate aunt.

An inarticulate instinct which now found expression.

The stout gentleman repeated the inarticulate sound.

The maid nodded and said something inarticulate.

No wonder they were subdued and inarticulate.

Sally murmured an inarticulate response and wondered.

The sheriff remained inarticulate for several seconds.

An inarticulate cry escaped his twisted lips.

Royce's inarticulate exclamation of disgust and anger.

There was an inarticulate sound from within.

The stranger became almost inarticulate with rage.

The inarticulate found utterance in the indefinite.

The only answer was an inarticulate grunt.

John murmured something politely inarticulate in assent.

Inarticulate sounds came from between his teeth.

The Emperor becomes inarticulate at such moments.

He sat silent, dazed with inarticulate pain.

A low, inarticulate cry broke from Nell.

A low, inarticulate cry broke from Ethel.

She uttered a strange, little inarticulate cry.

The only answer was an inarticulate growl.