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Use incarcerate in a sentence

Definition of incarcerate:

  • (verb) lock up or confine, in or as in a jail;

Sentence Examples:

Ogden was again seized and incarcerated.

He was duly incarcerated and degraded.

Here he was incarcerated for a week.

I do not incarcerate; I only warn.

Until evening the travelling companions remained incarcerated.

Not a few were incarcerated through malicious accusations.

I inquired for what offense they were incarcerated.

Once more taken and incarcerated, he once more escaped.

Mary Snow is still incarcerated somewhere about here.

In default of bail, you must be temporarily incarcerated.

I am arrested and incarcerated for weeks, or months.

Once a year I have a jail delivery of the incarcerated.

All men who have been incarcerated are just so quiet.

I surveyed the room in which I was incarcerated critically.

They have been incarcerated for a long number of years.

I am incarcerated, nothing to be worried about anyone hurting me.

Eight of them were incarcerated in a cell in our corridor.

While incarcerated he wrote many works on medicine and philosophy.

Clay had been incarcerated, may better be imagined than described.

They followed him to France, and found him again incarcerated.

He had, it seems, been arrested at night and immediately incarcerated.

As many as forty persons have been incarcerated in it at one time.

We ought to incarcerate our children to keep them from being incarcerated.

Herbert Rhodes, now in sorry case, was incarcerated in the fortress.

I had been incarcerated more than a year before I could obtain my release.

Secretary Stanton, who has ordered me to be incarcerated in this place.

In but one of these places (San Quentin) are the women incarcerated.

John Bunyan was not greatly inconvenienced by being incarcerated in jail.

The greatest rogues were not incarcerated; they were too cunning to be caught.

What was this place in which he was, all too evidently, incarcerated?

Were they incarcerating some new prisoner, or were they stationing a spy there?

Were they incarcerating some fresh prisoner, or were they stationing a spy there?

While thus incarcerated they were deeply moved by the truths of religion.

As for her husband, she supposes he is dead or incarcerated in some prison.

A creek flowed near the dungeon in which the famous tenor was incarcerated.

Know you not that only male prisoners are incarcerated in the Beauchamp Tower?

Out leaps the little incarcerated animal, no longer a pigeon, but a rat.

She had the air of one who finds herself incarcerated with a madman.

He carried his prisoners to Boston, and they were incarcerated in Fort Warren.

They can not be incarcerated, and die like the animals, having no soul.

One of them accompanied him to the prison, where he was at once incarcerated.

He had for the moment forgotten that Marie was incarcerated in the jail.

Fraser was incarcerated in a quiet, very private asylum, and that was all.

You would like to get me back in your clutches, incarcerate me again in your dungeon!

If he cuts off her revenues, he is incarcerated until he makes them good.

He still didn't know why he was incarcerated, or what regulation he had broken.

Yes, the lover in him would have preferred George Cannon to be incarcerated forever.

He had evidently been seized and incarcerated in the nursing home against his will.

The day I am incarcerated by your order, the whole truth will be known.

She was incarcerated in a plague-stricken house, and this time by her own will.

It was written while she was incarcerated in the cell of a lonely prison.

The projected rise in the percent ever incarcerated slows among persons in later cohorts.

The husband and wife were incarcerated in separate prisons, so as not to see one another.

Would he let one who had served the Prince so well be incarcerated there?

I related, in a few words, who I was and how I came to be incarcerated.

They were incarcerated for different periods of time, varying from eight to ten years.

No words can paint the growing horror and despair of a prisoner thus incarcerated.

By force of habit I wondered who was now incarcerated in those dark dungeons.

A few cells above me was a prisoner who had been incarcerated for fifteen years.

If they don't, we may take steps to have him incarcerated through other legal means.

No other town, I believe, has so long persisted in thus incarcerating itself like a nun.

He had been incarcerated nearly twelve years, and had determined to suffer to the end.

I was notified that I had been exposed to smallpox and must be incarcerated in the shack.

Place Don Carlos and the ladies under arrest, if you will, but do not incarcerate them.

The minister sent a day or so ago asking if there was one incarcerated here of his name.

A man who should be incarcerated in an insane asylum should not be on trial for his life.