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Use jade in a sentence

Definition of jade:

  • (noun) a semiprecious gemstone that takes a high polish;
  • (noun) a woman adulterer
  • (noun) a light green color varying from bluish green to yellowish green
  • (noun) an old or over-worked horse
  • (verb) get tired of something or somebody
  • (verb) exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress;
  • (adjective) of something having the color of jade; especially varying from bluish green to yellowish green

Sentence Examples:

For a moment he stood half-dazed, with his hand on the bridle, while the jaded horse plunged.

Perhaps it was the jade eyes of the man that made Roberts decide instantly he was one tough citizen.

The crowd had dispersed, and only a few people were about as I once more mounted my jaded animal.

I know you are all jaded out, and I look on this state of feverish activity with great anxiety.

A few last drops of water ran down their shining shoulders and their arms polished like jade.

There was still something of romance in the world which his jaded palate had not yet tasted.

A little later I picked up a green stone that looked like jade, through it was not so clear.

I cannot look at it without realizing the terrible tragedies that this small piece of jade has brought about.

They found a letter from your niece saying she was returning a piece that belonged in your jade collection.

Entering into friendly intercourse with these Indians, the Spaniards obtained food for themselves and their jaded horses.

I determined therefore to use every effort to secure a jade cube for myself, and forthwith began my quest.

It would be an actual blessing to such a man if the jade fell downstairs and broke her neck.

His philosophy had become somewhat jaded on this journey, but he pulled it together for a final effort.

Out, out, upon this red intrusive jade, and her mistress, and above all on myself, for my delay!

The women's knives were largely of slate, but sometimes of jade, and their needles of ivory or bone.

Mind and body recruit their jaded energies, and get braced up to meet the stern realities of life.

He did not know that his palace had delighted even the jaded eye of the far-traveled First Citizen.

You are a prize worth winning, and you are quite right to teach him your value, you clever little jade.

This was an old Eastern idea, for we are told that kings always had their drinking-cups of jade.

That would destroy the freshness of your matter and bring you to the decisive test weary and jaded.

The jaded reader should be told that, in spite of rumors to the contrary, the middle-aged still exist.

The middle-aged gentleman on a winter cruise for his jaded nerves cannot expect a thrill from sights alone.

Barbara got up and looked in the glass and saw the green jade necklace hanging on her still.

From it hung the twelve pendants of strings of pearls, partly concealing the august eyes of the Jade Emperor.

Women have elaborate head ornaments, decking their hair with artificial flowers, butterflies made of jade, gold pins and pearls.

Seriously, now little jade, forget that I have reminded you that you are grown up, for you are not.

The throne was carved out of a gigantic block of pale-green jade that was smooth and polished like ice.

There is no tonic in the whole world for jaded nerves like an abundant supply of pure, fresh air.

With a slightly dramatic gesture a glittering fragment of something that looked like green jade was held on high.

She returned to the jade room on the upper floor, where she had been at work on the catalog.

As for you, you cursed jade, you pursue me with your abuse, though I have never done you the slightest harm.

Then, too, your horse has lost his night's rest, and will be jaded for two days in consequence.

They were much jaded by their fatiguing journey and several were lame from swellings of the lower extremities.

I discovered him negotiating to buy me a set of jade when he was getting one hundred dollars a month.

Nannie with the jade beads and her red hair and her velvet tam was rather rare and wonderful.

The broken and jaded Edgar Poe was dreaming again the dream of the fresh, enthusiastic boy, Edgar Poe.

They were much jaded by their fatiguing journey and several were lame from swellings of the lower extremities.

That black-eyed jade too, that Molly sister of my Madeleine, will wake up and lead you a life, by George!...

The magnificent realism of the lighthouse and its perils are worthy of praise from the most jaded reader.

At this juncture the jaded horse was spurred into a trot, soon reaching the pines and the camp.

Her brother had not effected his escape yet, and his jaded face was a tacit reproach to her.

He liked jade himself very much, but more than that the feeling that prompted this expression in another.

Frey was watching her, and then he was glancing sideways to a little jade box that held cigarettes.

Unfortunately, it was here we began to feel like tourists and to experience the jaded weariness of the personally conducted.

Out in the flat valleys free of the trees the snow was deep enough to jade and distress our ponies.

He thought it would be useless to pursue with jaded horses a well-mounted party with so much of a start.

Color patterns of jade and pink flashed into his memory next, however, which made the bird theory shaky.

At the tables and on the dance floor jaded New Yorkers and curious out-of-towners pretended to enjoy themselves.

The horses of his men were jaded, while those of the Indians were fresh from their long rest.

Frank Owen, of whose stories it has been said, "They are like delicate carvings in jade," is a surprising man.

Her eyes had narrowed; between their lashes the green showed, a thin edge like jade, cold and calculating.

His expression was half angry, half concerned, for he saw plainly that she was tired and jaded.

Now here was an inconsistent jade, and I felt sorry and relieved for the sake of the young fellow.

Where is the mare they pretend to have lost, and where the miserable jade that fell to my lot?

She had a jaded yet an acute eye for its various aspects, as she drove from Paddington towards St.

As she removed the jacket of her suit, Penny noticed that the woman wore a beautiful jade elephant pin.

"I thought you looked rather jaded and worried when you arrived, but this air is wonderfully soothing and restoring."

He had evidently been a very handsome man, before his 'accident', but he had a jaded, worried, wretched look.

The collection of jade in this section is superb; it cannot be worth much less than fifty thousand pounds.

It was for the sake of a black-eyed jade, she lives and laughs all day long up at Sorrento.

These I now send to you, with the jade lilies you gave me in their hats, in token of the sender.

The handsome woman smiled sarcastically and shrugged her half-bare shoulders, her fingers trembling with her jade beads.

Cohen will not be home till past midnight, and he will be jaded with the fatigues of the day.

He received Ronald with all due courtesy, and directed servants to look after the wants of his jaded horse.

It would reach the city at nightfall, and among its jaded passengers was a worn and weary man.

O'Connell returned to the Hall, and repeated to a jaded audience, week after week, the same stale list of grievances.

Yet the Senior Surgeon didn't look an atom jaded or forlorn when he came down to breakfast the next morning.

For two hours longer they pushed on with all the speed of which the jaded beasts were capable.

Jaded as were the horses, it was only by vigorous spurring that they were forced into anything like a gallop.

This had been their intention, their horses being jaded and themselves wearied making their way up the canon.

The dogs were jaded and Shady was fresh, and she reached her goal without their gaining an inch.

Now the one was wounding and cruel; the other made every step with his jaded limbs a torture.

We were utterly cold, hungry and jaded, our cloaks were soaked with rain, and the mud rose above our ankles.

You will deliver the jade to us, and also all the papers in your house, which are claimed by justice.

Gold hair ornaments and rare jade jewelry were there in abundance, and many other articles dear to the feminine heart.

They took all his funds, shot him, and galloped away with his good horses, leaving their jaded ones.

I called him up at his office and asked him to keep the jades and porcelains because I liked them.

Besides, his visitor was very lovely, and filled his jaded masculine eye with a lively sense of satisfaction.

Jaded after a night of broken sleep and much agitation, I was summoned next morning to my uncle's room.

The more jaded one is, the more used to excitement, the more he seeks what are, ordinarily, disagreeable methods of excitement.

Besides, he had seen the old witch's horses run and knew that they were fine animals, no worthless jades.

I am patient, I never saw my blood before, it jades me, I have no more heart now than a goose.

Both spurred their jaded horses and a moment or two later pulled up with a jerk at the gate.

On the second of July this jaded army found a resting place at Harrison's Landing on the James River.

We then went off at a good smart gallop; but our long-jaded and hungry horses had but little chance.

He himself said that the presence of Mark had the effect of music upon his jaded and worn sense.

Though much I doubt doing so; my horse is jaded already, and can scarce compass a league an hour.

This time there were no precious presents of green jade and white jade heaped on the couch of the young mother.

A man is jaded and discouraged; a psalm is written to recover him to a consciousness of the care of Jehovah.

He had such thoughts and visions in the night that in the mornings he felt weary, worn out, jaded.

We reached Denver the same evening, jaded and travel-stained, but full of enthusiasm over our trip among the mountains.

The horse by his side hung its head and breathed heavily; it was jaded to the point of exhaustion.

Why, what a mischievous jade is this, to make such an uproar in a family the first day of her marriage!

As he turned his foot struck against the jade necklace lying on the rug where she had thrown it.

Those two jaded Parisians are not intrinsically interesting; they only begin to interest us when thrown into a choice situation.

Kipling sprang into public notice because he had genius and because he had a new world to reveal to a jaded public.

Our animals were thirsty and well jaded, yet there was no choice for us but to brave the danger ahead.

That same afternoon, the massive gray square tower of an old Cathedral rises before the sight of a jaded traveler.

On the contrary she had stirred his slow, feeble pulse, and revived his jaded mind, from the first.

As his horse, that was now jaded, carried him upon a ridge, he stood, to take in the extensive landscape.