Sentence Examples:
Cried the jester, wide of eye.
Does it begin to be obvious why kings used to employ court jesters?
The jester of the people must needs be a fool.
He must have been a jester who wanted to make a fool of you.
And the two jesters laughed together at that.
A jester might say this is just like Paradise.
Said the jester, lying on the ground at his master's feet.
The jester kept repeating, and at the word "shells" the women groaned.
"Last night no one thought we should be alive this evening, Sire," said the jester.
"One thing is more terrible," said the jester, "it is death's brother, fear."
"Your Majesty is pleased to overlook Paradise," said the jester.
Cried this manual jester, "I had almost done your business for you!"
He was the licensed jester to society, and in that capacity he gave us his plays.
This was the excuse worse than the crime; and of course the jester was pardoned.
I could not quite understand that story about the King and the public jester.
She confronted the jester, hands upon hips, her doll eyes shining with triumph.
The jester bent over the face and shuddered.
"Think well and long," said the jester.
For some moments she lay there, and above her stood the jester.
Her hands dropped back to her breast; and the jester saw the expression of her features.
Yes (replied the jester), he has a striking likeness to that person and a heap of others.
The king frowned, and cast an angry glance on the bold jester.
"The Queen's jester is a privileged person," he said.
"I will give you a place at court as the Queen's jester," she said.
"That is why I have engaged the services of a jester."
Has the queen no further use for her jester?
"So," he said at last, his voice very low, "the Queen has no further use for her jester!"
This jester is a rare philosopher.
He delighted in a good story and dearly loved a joke, although no jester himself.
"It is a matter of importance," said the jester, in a low voice.
The jester should have come forward at his first glance, to answer any question asked him.
Don John, meanwhile, had read the letter she had sent him by the dwarf jester.
"You would have died, if I had left you there," answered the jester.
The jester felt that he could do nothing.
And he had some hopes of converting the poor jester to a pious life.
Its license, the license of a nation's jester, has been endorsed.
"He has not made you happy," said the jester persistently.
This light and frivolous jester was not the Rev.
The sight of a shark in the harbor let loose the old jester again.
They laughed at the jester, and let him starve.
Thackeray, whose opinion is just quoted, calls him "a great jester, not a great humorist."
It would be a sorry smile at best that the gayest of jesters could bring to her.
The success of a jest is all that pardons a jester.
A policeman, coming up in front of the hotel, looked on, listening to the jesters.
"I will not take it," said the jester.
The jester thought he was jesting; he was a prophet.
Robert was still the jester, and his heart grew harder and more bitter with every year.
Robert the jester came home too.
We painters take the same license that is permitted to poets and jesters.
The fool of Shakespeare's plays is the king's jester at his best.
In the horrible agony of the rack the old jester confessed.
We note the implied rebuke to the jester on the Bench.
How ill white hairs become a fool and jester!
Jesters do oft prove prophets.
He sends the jester as his substitute to the city.
He felt exceedingly proud of his exploits as a jester, and was jollier than ever before.
Now the jester thought he was in his element, and laid about him freely.
Perhaps this was why Thackeray said "he was a great jester, not a great humorist."
Was this another effort of the unknown jester?
How true it is that "jesters do oft prove prophets!"
I was about to offer what help I could when the jester cut in.
As I suspected, the jester began to warn his friend once more.
The jester took his master's hand to prevent him from falling, while the poet led the way.
Thackeray says that he was only a great jester.
His fool, or professional jester, was not only a fool, however.
It happened that one of the fools or jesters of the court was about to be married.
A passing jester cried, in pleasant part.
Sometimes it means an idiot, sometimes a fool in the sense of a jester.
In modern art he is depicted like a king's jester, with a fool's cap and bells.
There were jesters and princesses, old witches and fairies.
He repeated; and then stared sharply across the table at his jester.
"Only time and art can give you such mastery over the passions," continued the jester.
It is quite true I am the duke's jester; it is equally untrue I am yours.
I was aware, of course, that you knew, when I first learned his jester was in the castle.
"And you, Sir Baron, are neither one nor the other," remarked the jester.
"Which remains to be proved," murmured the attentive jester.
"They were but poor rogues," answered the jester quickly.
Asked the jester quietly, if somewhat impatiently.
Suggested the jester, who had been for some moments buried in thought.
"Well and good," commented the jester.
"Yes; in exchange for your cloak," answered the jester.
Repeated the duke's jester, a shadow on his brow.
The jesters are going to fight.
They were standing in front of the jesters' tent.
"The jester rides well," said another.
Announced the duke's jester with great decision.
Had it been any other jester, the king would have praised him.
"There is one jester the less."
A voice without, harsh, abrupt, broke in upon the jester's thoughts.
To the fool came the vision of a brother jester speeding southward, ever southward.
Like a grip of iron, the jester's fingers were buried in his opponent's throat.
The jester answered, dwelling on these matters.
The jester, too, was silent, but his mind dwelt upon the future and its hazards.
"One of them spoke to the others," replied the jester.
We must settle with the jester first.
Murmured a voice behind the jester, and, turning, he saw Jacqueline.
He cried, as the jester stepped boldly out.
Impressed by her earnestness, the jester, after a moment's hesitation, obeyed.
"I spared his life once," answered the jester.