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Use jumble in a sentence

Definition of jumble:

  • (noun) a confused multitude of things
  • (noun) small flat ring-shaped cake or cookie
  • (noun) a theory or argument made up of miscellaneous or incongruous ideas
  • (verb) assemble without order or sense;

Sentence Examples:

Yet out of the jumble of fragments, a fairly respectable insight has been gained in less than a half century.

There was a singing in her ears that made the crashing chords of the organ sound confused and jumbled.

The reader jumbles the characters together, and would fain see at least one couple cleared off the stage in order to simplify matters.

From the following jumble we get a portion of Hamlet's address to the Ghost: it is easy to write and not very hard to read the entire speech.

Grimm carefully stored that jumble away in some recess of his brain, along with the unknown signal.

Stewart climbed up a steep jumble of stone between two sections of low, cracked cliff back of the camp.

Those plans may sound jumbled in the telling, but they have grown steadily on me, Freckles, as you have grown dear to me.

The words poured out in a hurried jumble, and she kept turning to the window while she spoke.

Reaching the front I found Indians, volunteers and officers all jumbled together without semblance of order.

An enormous dark gray field stretched out for several miles before breaking up at the far side into jumbled, light gray boulders.

While they stood listening, came also a confused jumble of voices emitting sounds which the two guessed were intended for a song.

The slope reached down perhaps five hundred yards and ended in a thicket and jumble of rocks from which rose on the right a bare yellow slide.

We had five miles of fairly level road through open forest along the rim, and then we struck such a rocky jumble of downhill grade that the bundles fell off the wagon.

By that time her brain was in a confused jumble of ideas about capturing moths with differing baits and bright lights.

His work is a jumble of ideas and an autobiography of raw nerves rather than a revelation of the emotions of men and women.

At the end of the room, in the dark jumble of those blind men who look straight before them and the mutes who cough, I only see the nurse, because of her whiteness.

It would have puzzled smarter people than they pretended to be to analyze such a remarkable jumble of noises as their ears now caught.

On and on they wandered to the wild jumble of massed and broken fragments of cliff at the west end of the valley.

Fortunately words always came with a rush, and he could mix up politics, wrongs, the clergy, and patriotism, in so picturesque a jumble that an excited crowd would not miss his usual concise logic.

The land, when we first made it, appeared high, and formed a confused jumble of hills and mountains.

The rest was a jumble of incoherent phrases all giving the impression of intense desire and anxiety for some special event.

When he crawled into bed and closed his tired eyes it was to see a confused jumble of orange-hued lines and circles running riot in the darkness.

Certainly knowledge can never be immoral, but nothing is gained by jumbling up knowledge and morality together.

At the holiday season I polished off a jumble of Christmas and New Year's cards, a pile of picture calendars, and a table full of "juveniles."

It would be impossible for the general visitor to examine this collection in detail, but he may notice the chief deities with the extraordinary jumble of human and brute life which they present.

This time, straining her ears to listen, she caught the words, all jumbled together though they were.

And you will also see that above this jumble the streets and avenues extend through the island in a regular and uniform way.

The route lay through the new mountain range; and all day, except for a couple of hours' halt at noon, the long line wound up a confusing jumble of ravines and passes.

Then, rising ridge on ridge, jumbled in picturesque confusion, and flanked by towering telegraph poles, store and bank and office climbed the slope of the hill.

The jumble of boulders was surrounded by open country, and it was improbable the lions could leave it without being seen.

Nor must we imagine the mental elements of instinct, idea, and memory as jumbled together in chaotic confusion, or in scattered isolated units.

As everyone does the same, a stranger passing by would think there must be a 'jumble sale' going on.

He should also try and remember that no such jumble of contradictions as the Perfect Gentleman ever existed.

And so on; all jumbled but keyed with tremendous interest to the listeners and to Laura herself.

She fled down the narrow passage which led to a jumble of small rooms; she even paused for a moment to listen to the cursing of those who ran behind her, stumbling in the narrow way.

Or he works hard to learn and goes to bed discouraged, because the matter is a jumble, and wakes up in the morning with an orderly and useful arrangement of the facts.

In a kind of jumbled dream he saw President Harding (with pistols) receiving a delegation of ladies (all armed) and then he felt a tapping on his shoulder.

Haggerty with the present disorder and resented both, his defiant eyes lingering with new interest upon a jumble of musical instruments in a corner.

For she believed firmly, always, that things did not happen in a jumble, however jumbled they might seem.

Such a jumble of spring and summer was not to be believed in, except by those who dwelt in those gardens.

As to what happened at the council tradition seems to justify the following deductions, though as the tradition is certainly jumbled it may also be incorrect in details.

When all the numbers have been called there is a jumbled sentence on the board for each aisle.

He slept upon the ground, and his dreams were a jumble of wild animals, gold, and a beautiful girl.

I wondered, and those words seemed to jumble themselves up in my mind and shape a sentence that it did not conceive.

I am writing opposite Lady Hamilton, therefore you will not be surprised at the glorious jumble of this letter.

Sometimes the mountains, the houses, and the fences became so jumbled together that he could not distinguish one from the other.

After that came days and nights, when Joe, as, though in delirium, said things in a jumble which revealed to her the inner chaos he had gone through in the last few weeks.

Such ran the jumble of his thoughts, and the feelings which rose all the stronger for his efforts to control them.

They walked together through the jumble of wounded landscape, now growing less stark with the blooming of flowers and the spreading of new leaves.

She did not stop, but she began to see that it was going to be pure chance, or the guiding hand of a tender Providence, if one ever did find anybody in this horrible jumble.

Flora is very high-spirited and very proud of her jumbles, and I knew that she would not have stood it for a minute to hear them called poison.

It was Flora Clark who replied, and I always suspected her of a motive in it, for she had heard about her jumbles by that time.

It was just a jumble of all sorts of buildings which had evidently been added at different times.

We may take all the physical elements of life known to us and jumble them together and shake them up to all eternity, and life will not result.

Now it should not be strange that this world was a sad jumble of fiction and of facts to a child's eyes; for to many an older pair of eyes it has all seemed a puzzle.

They work on what is to them a mere jumble, because they lack the power of analysis or have never been taught its use.

We ask, seeing that it could not be moved unless the whole were jumbled up in a sack, when it would be impossible to reconstruct it.

Trivial poisoned incidents and the deep wounds of life, petty unreasonable annoyances and acute memories were all jumbled together.

The Second and the Third Crusades are so jumbled together, that it is only a reader who knows the subject very well who can find his way through the labyrinth.

The lesson might have been to him a jumble of words, but he lived in hopes that he would soon grow to a point where the lines were luminous.

Every thing was jumbled together, and yet the course of the last eruption could be distinctly traced.

Because, in giving an account of myself, I suppose I ought to say and confess what a jumble of pros and cons I am.

The 43rd came through the pass first, apparently a crowd of running fugitives, officers and men jumbled together.

They succeeded in deciphering it, after a fashion, but the result was a meaningless jumble of words that told them nothing.

It was coming on to dusk as the through train made the stop, and there was no town, not even a station; nothing but a water tank and the littered jumble of a construction yard.

Then numerous shadows leaped aside and scattered, and the captain plainly saw a jumbled heap of ropes and ladders.

All the houses were jumbled up together just anyhow, and how any man who lived in the middle could get home without climbing over half the other houses in the place I could not make out.

He glided thither, and on the floor between the dusty wall of broad boards and the jumbled partition, he found a man stretched on his back.

He stared with new eyes from his window to the jumble of houses below, to the jumble of stars above.

That's because of the jumble of vines that hang from tree to tree, and the canopy of branches overhead.

Fortunately, the jumble of loose stone slowed and stopped, enabling me to crawl over to one side where there was comparatively good footing.

It did not appear far to where the dog was barking, but the latter part of the distance proved to be a hard climb over jumbled rocks and through thick brush.

The upper half of the vessel was still intact, the lower half a jumble of sharply-cut fragments.

With bits of string, straps and strips torn from some pieces of cloth he had found in the barn, he had made a crazy jumble of a harness for the dog and the cat.

It was impossible for the listener to follow all his wild incoherent talk, it was all so mixed up and jumbled.

Gladstone's two addresses, that a more jumbled collection of words had seldom been sent from the press.

As to history, I found I had a very confused knowledge, and jumbled events together in a curious way.

She started and instantly Paul turned away and endeavored to hide himself amid the odd jumble of men who stood round the table watching the play.

From the nature of the establishment, thus hastily sketched, the reader will see what an ill-regulated jumble it was.

As he was doing, so he became aware of the fact that a confused jumble of mysterious sounds seemed to come floating up to him.

There was, in fact, a glorious jumble, battalions and batteries being added and taken away as the circumstances demanded.

"No matter about that," said White; "if you are going to give me a statement, give me a clear one, and not jumble everything together."

Up the slope of the hill, on the far side from where they stood, were jumbled masses of huge slabs and boulders that might be picturesque but were not especially interesting.

He looked at the sample cup and led her to a corner of the room where a jumble of dishes crowded a single shelf.

I haven't told you one thing that I wanted to and this letter is all one grand jumble, but I'll try to do better next time.

It would be useless to attempt giving any abstract or analysis of a book which is simply a wild chaos of material jumbled together with little regard to logic, order, or method of whatever sort.

The town itself is an odd jumble of old and new buildings, and is badly laid out, or rather not laid out at all, as the streets make all possible angles with each other.

At the clay table, she carefully lifted the top half of the clay ball and stared thoughtfully at the jumbled maze of clay strips laced through the lower hemisphere.

In his brain there was a confused jumble; it was full of things which had no meaning or cohesion.

"I heard you say, 'I have it,'" added Sim, jumbling the words through the food in his mouth. "Well, I have it."

On this occasion, however, it was full to the banks, and had even flowed over the rude bridge, jumbling the light logs.

Bill, sitting against the cabin wall, tried to make sense out of a confused jumble of thoughts and impressions and memories that flooded in one wave to his mind.

And the one thought which stood out from the jumbled chaos in his brain was a fierce pleasure at having beaten Baxter.

I let my mind flow with his jumbled discourse trying to decipher what he was getting at rather than each specific rapidly mentioned issue.

If you think it is an easy task to carry a whole college in your head without getting it jumbled, just try it a while.

One of them repeated a word so many times, that the officer of the boat was enabled at last to separate it from the confused jumble of sentences.

The baron was quite enough like the hero of whom she had just been reading to admit of her imagination jumbling the two.

I looked in that direction; and, sure enough, saw one wheeling about in the air, right above the rocky jumble with which the country was covered.

Some such point he had reached in the hurrying jumble of his thoughts when Allan addressed him.

It was a mass of unrelated measures, jumbled together for the illegitimate purpose of compelling support of the whole from friends of the several parts.