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Definition of liaison:

  • (noun) a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship
  • (noun) a channel for communication between groups; "he provided a liaison with the guerrillas"

Sentence Examples:

Other writers say that he overlooked the liaison because it preserved his middle-aged spouse from promiscuous irregularity.

Has had liaisons with many men, and several miscarriages, one legitimate, others illegitimate, and one illegitimate child.

An unforeseen consequence of thus suppressing the sailor's impromptu liaisons was an alarming increase in the number of desertions.

Because of their dual nationality they are invaluable as a liaison between the need of the country and the American authorities.

Stendhal would appear to have treated this particular liaison rather as a polite routine of social amenities than as a serious passion.

The reviewer as a liaison officer is a homelier description than soul affinity or intellectual mate, but it is quite as honorable.

"If your wife has a liaison in which her heart is engaged, monsieur, your abominable conduct makes her only too excusable."

Liaisons within the caste are usually overlooked, but a woman going wrong with an outsider is expelled from the community.

None of these are depended upon by the army headquarters as much as the aviation corps, the "agent de liaison par excellence."

It was better that the 77th should take its place in meeting the baffling requirements of liaison between two Allied armies.

Sometimes the combination permits of a liaison so close that to the uninitiated the sound of the word is almost completely lost.

She had distinctly denied the insinuation that there was a liaison between them, and I confess I believed her words were true.

A liaison would bring forth almost disgusted and wholly ironical laughter at the animal passions of man, as blatantly shown by Nigel.

In the circle in which Urania lived, her sense of social morality had wavered since her liaison with the Chevalier de Breuil.

It is quite clear that all the vehement language with which he scourges himself before humanity refers exclusively to his liaison with Heloise.

Police were needed to quell angry crowds who were stuck thousands of miles from home and were going to miss critical business liaisons.

He no longer looked upon it as a passing liaison, but had settled down permanently and finally to lead his accustomed life with her.

No marriage, no betrothal, no liaison, no oath withstands it: the magical image thrusts itself against the will, and it is like a charm.

Sometimes a strange incongruous romance, like moonlight on a puddle, lights up these mongrel liaisons, and infuses into them a burlesque of sentiment.

As they continued to gather in prisoners, as they pressed steadily ahead against rearguard resistance, they maintained the liaison of their units admirably.

The things worthy of publicity and important for the weal or woe of population are the opinions and abilities of princes, not their liaisons.

The one question that still troubled and occupied him was how to rid himself outwardly as well as inwardly from the degrading liaison.

The upper classes were shamelessly immoral, and, from the King downwards, liaisons of the most open character excited neither censure nor comment.

The frequency of these liaisons, therefore, is to be attributed to the influence of public sentiment, rather than to depravity of the female heart.

The Germans had borrowed the details of liaison service, as well as those for the regulation of artillery fire, from the French regulations.

These transient liaisons, full of sentiment, seldom increased to a deeper passion, nay, in general, the poetry of youth was extinguished by them.

The position of the battalion commander with his liaison group is directly in front of the second echelon and between his support companies.

Unquestionably in this world in spite of endless liaisons, sex diversions, divorces, marital conflicts innumerable, the right people do occasionally find each other.

Do not be misled by the objection that there is no traceable connection between cards and Masonry; anticipate an occult connection or secret liaison.

When the French liaison officer who had volunteered to escort him on the adventure rapped upon his door he was quite ready to start.

The secret of his visits to Bertha and interminable liaison was that he really never had meant to leave her at all, he reflected.

Her liaison with this handsome and justly celebrated tragic actor had apparently a less voluptuous motive than such amours usually had with her.

I have not been ignorant of the fact that the wagging tongues of scandal have for months proclaimed the liaison of which you are guilty.

When he became a widower he gave himself up to his liaisons in perfect security, but without scandal, of course, as to his passion for servants.

These personal liaisons sometimes led her into political partisanship not always prudent and rather inconsistent with her position, character, and functions here.

This was the report which he spread abroad, the accusation which he everywhere levelled against his wife, of publicly carrying on a shameless liaison.

The renowned Peter the Great amused himself by numberless liaisons, filling Russia with descendants whose inherited tendencies are those of discontent and turmoil.

About this time a most amusing episode was witnessed by one of our Subalterns who was doing a liaison with the infantry at a battalion headquarters.

A French liaison officer had just arrived, and was explaining his mission to the group, while the commandant read a dispatch he had brought.

Oh, I know that you are sincere, and that if you ever have a scruple regarding our liaison, you will not be able to hide it from me.

The Germans thereupon effected Army-radio liaison so that the radio people could promise only those things which the army was reasonably sure of delivering.

They are the consequences of our jovial little dinners, of our gay evenings, of those hours when our comfortable physical being impels us to chance liaisons.

The whole is suffered to stew gently three quarters of an hour, and then it is strained and thickened with a liaison of yolks of eggs.

The liaison between Sophie and the Comte de Lauraguais was, as might be expected, from the singular character of the latter, not untroubled by storms.

After ineffectual attempts by our 'liaison' officer, Kirk, to get our neighbors to do their share, B Company had to be withdrawn to their original position.

Our liaison there told the Director that you stood Chief Flynn on his ear and that Flynn threatened to swear out a lunacy warrant against you.

The husbands do not expect them to be chaste; they take no cognizance of their temporary liaisons so long as they are not deprived of their services.

As a general rule, men are too fickle to be exacting in the choice of their mistresses, and for that reason such liaisons are not at all dangerous.

Nearly an hour passed, and then in came the colonel and with him a French liaison officer, both of them with tired lines about their mouths.

This, certainly, seemed to discredit the theory that Holladay had ever had a liaison with any other woman, and yet what other theory was tenable?

Yesterday afternoon in the main square I bumped into the adjutant of my regiment and with him, one of the French liaison officers attached to the regiment.

Then the artillery liaison officer, by looking at the map, could determine which of the Chinese positions could bring effective fire on the strike aircraft.

Mistral has preserved or restored other final consonants in order to show the etymology, but they are silent except in liaison in the elevated style of reading.

He proposed to me to turn my youth and the good looks nature had bestowed upon me to some account, by establishing a liaison with some generous old dame.

He was rather inclined to doubt it, because he felt sure that the very strangeness of that liaison would have made Helen want to tell him about it.

They exchanged an expressionless stare, which was broken when Martin Cohn, vice president of corporate development and liaison to the board of directors, began the meeting.

He was often involved in liaisons with ladies, whose names were rife among the last generation for loving notoriety and amusement better than duty and honor.

This extraordinary wooing did not, however, prevent the young Polish lady from becoming attached to the Emperor, for their liaison was prolonged during several campaigns.

Of that liaison which resulted in two illegitimate children no notice is taken, although it would seem a natural subject for criticism upon the part of a confessor like Augustine.

Across the battlefield which had been shockingly cut up by fire, roads had been prepared, liaison strengthened and the question of supplies studied for a long while.

In the need we all feel of purifying our errors, her first feeling of shame had passed away, and nothing now appeared more natural, more peaceful than their liaison.

As to their liaisons, coquetry, flirting and so forth, doubtless the society in some parts of the human family will bear a faithful resemblance in these respects also.

For some time, it is said, she had been engaged in a liaison with William Mons, a handsome, gay young courtier, brother to a former mistress of the Tsar.

The proposal was not made with a view to deceiving her, but rather in the intention of securing their liaison against caprice, by involving in it various mutual advantages.

Too opportune to be sincere, this condemnation of his first liaison cannot but be regarded as an incense of flattery offered to the coy goddess of his later vows.

Whether you give him a measure of your sympathy or not, at any rate do not believe that his short-lived liaison with Althea was a matter of deliberate and dastardly seduction.

It is the job of the liaison officer to become acquainted, as far down the echelon of command as may be necessary, with the commanders whom he is to service.

Perhaps she has been unfaithful to a wicked incarnation of lust and cruelty, who has for years indulged in liaisons of which all the world has been cognizant.

She was gentle, simple, credulous, and not at all intriguing, and did not try to draw any benefit from a liaison which at best was only temporary.

They remain a long time uncomfortable, not managing to free themselves until long after their desire has turned to disgust, grotesque and lamentable symbol of many a human liaison.

Proceed exactly as for the carrots, only using white sauce instead of brown, and finishing with a liaison of one yolk of egg mixed with a spoonful of cream.

The knowledge of true merits, solid qualities, and good character is creeping into the motives of your liaison, and combining with the personal charms which render you so blindly amorous.

The liaison in question had been a perfectly commonplace matter, and it would have been as ridiculous in the duke to deny it as for the marquis to have shown any indignation.

Now with her youth waning she knew that sexual liaisons with beautiful forms would become more and more like hunting for mushrooms in an area with a worsening annual rainfall.

A few intrigues, two brief liaisons that had perished of ennui, and some mercenary loves that had been broken off from disgust, comprised the history of his heart.

Many signs are followed by a changeable liaison; that is, by an introduced sweep to join it on to the sign that follows and avoid a jerk or unpleasant movement.

However, the term was also extended to the use of eggs for the purpose of thickening fluids, thus becoming equivalent to the present liaison, used for soups and sauces.

It was something my manager had said in my hearing about liking his leading woman to have a liaison with the leading man because "it kept her limbered up."

If Madame de Berny told him this, it was no doubt in a fit of anger against them for endeavoring to sever the liaison, an endeavor they were perfectly justified in.

The violins of the orchestra were pouring forth their hearts in a sweet treble song, whose liquid liaisons flowed high above the background of a dark monotony of single chords.

On his return, the father, finding out about this "liaison," spares his son, but beats his wife to death, and himself, mad with fury, falls, struck with apoplexy.

In reality, the Countess, with all her romanticism, did not care for long and compromising liaisons, but for hotel adventures, which leave neither vivid memories nor deep imprints.

When he had acquired a competence, he had a most vulgar and incomprehensible liaison with a woman tolerably pretty, but belonging to a lower society and without either education or breeding.

Why, it was the very effort to keep up the liaison, and yet not say one word which her romantic fancy could construe into an offer, that was so fatiguing.

Also, the liaison springs up now and then quite accidentally through juxtaposition, when it is difficult to say whether either at the outset had an inverted tendency of any marked quality.

These were worn not only by troops in the field, but by artillery horses, pack mules, liaison dogs, and by the civilian inhabitants in back of the battle lines.

More than that, her scruples, if she had any, would not hold out against the prospect of marriage which he proposed to exhibit to her at the end of their liaison.

The columns of most of the dailies contained articles not quite as flagrant as the above accusations, but enough to establish a liaison between us and to ruin the reputation of any woman.

Between the depravity of certain liaisons and a sincere love, a man of honor and no fortune will not hesitate: he prefers the misfortunes of virtue to the evils of vice.

The Bureau maintained constant liaison with Quisling and attentively observed the attacks he conducted with tenacious energy on the middle class which had been taken in tow by the English.

The concentration of personnel which thus came about seemed inconvenient enough at first, but turned out most usefully, and liaison between the Brigade and its battalions had never been so good.

As the two clambered together over a pile of rocks and through a thicket of scrub trees the boy introduced himself, noting also that the other was a liaison officer, a sergeant.

Not being fond of poetry, and by no means coveting a professional author for his wife, he had during their union, which lasted four years, discouraged his wife's liaison with Apollo.

Impetuous but enslaved, he could not endure a liaison which paralyzed his energies, but which he lacked the strength to break, so great was the hold which Mary had obtained over him.

Take the gravy they were stewed in, skim off all fat, thicken well with a liaison of cream and eggs, season with a little pepper and salt, and mix all together.

As might be expected, they are very tolerant of sexual and social offenses, and do not expel a woman who has a liaison with a man of another caste or takes food from him.

A colonel was lucky if he had an automobile to himself and his adjutant; generally he had to carry a French liaison officer or two along with him in addition to his personal equipment.

I was amazed when she confided to me that she was on the point of breaking off a regular liaison of many years' standing, to form, in passionate haste, another much less desirable one.

In addition to this his sister gave him a very plain hint to the effect that a reconciliation with his parents was within the scope of possibility, if he would but legalize his liaison.

With a feeling that everything was falling away from her the girl learned from her visitor's disconnected story that there had been a liaison between her murdered father and her friend.