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Use likewise in a sentence

Definition of likewise:

  • (adverb) in like or similar manner; Samuel Johnson
  • (adverb) in addition
  • (adverb) equally

Sentence Examples:

Numerous tinctures, as those of strawberry root, raspberries, and walnuts, are likewise used.

This part is likewise frequently made into a pickle with vinegar and spices.

My friend the sparrow is, I believe, a friend likewise to man generally.

The evolution theory, especially as applied to man, likewise is disproved by mathematics.

It is likewise our pleasure, that all our subjects should abstain from sacrifices.

Honor likewise endeavored to vindicate his crime, and Pity to mitigate his punishment.

It is likewise something common and formless, being as it were a certain matter.

As we have few letters, we have likewise few criticisms upon the epistolary style.

Suzanne did likewise, while Maggie called Tom, her bulldog, to follow her.

Likewise, she was two months behind in the installments on the furniture.

Their servants and slaves, well clothed likewise, were attending on their masters.

Said a man, who at this time likewise cleared the dyke at a bound.

The words which denoted Rank came to denote, likewise, high moral excellencies.

The ancient Greeks, and probably the Romans likewise, were unacquainted with chimneys.

These others, terrified also, put out large beams to repel them likewise.

And he has likewise sinned against the right worshipful the common council.

As we believe his nativity, so may we likewise believe his passion and resurrection.

"He has shortened my days," said Sarah, "may his be shortened likewise."

This fond coloring, suiting the exigencies of the moment suits her likewise.

In this, likewise, she had sympathized thoroughly with his point of view.

The egg was likewise preserved as a valuable curiosity, and used as a goblet.

It changes likewise from hour to hour beneath the varied slanting of the sunshine.

Likewise, a downward curve denotes a despondent, pessimistic disposition and mental attitude.

When they were near the place, Meg dismounted and Dan did likewise.

The ancient Phoenicians also observed this rite, and the aboriginal Mexicans likewise.

Other states are doing likewise; all will need many teachers and experimenters.

His desire and himself likewise had broken rather disastrously under the proving.

It was rounder than the prow, though its extremity was likewise sharp.

And he cut himself a stout stick, and the cadets did likewise.

An island between the city and the shore was likewise well fortified.

We lay down our pick and our shovel, likewise our axe and our spade.

Morgan replenished his glass, and invited his distinguished guests to do likewise.

Men do not remain at a standstill, they alter, as likewise do their constitutions.

The bridesmaids do likewise, leaving space for the bridal party to pass.

And supposing Emma is likewise removed, you will have nothing left to vex you.

An iron hoop was likewise passed around his body, and nailed to the post.

If likewise it is tinged with prejudice, the prejudice is of a different character.

Rye flour makes excellent cakes this way, and likewise Indian Corn meal.

Sometimes, however, they made great circular sweeps, the lines being likewise zigzag.

Perry did likewise, relating all he could remember of the morning fiasco.

Hal presented his fake American passport, and Chester and McKenzie did likewise.

It may likewise be advantageous to post the guns in echelon on the flanks.

Somewhat else, which made itself distinguishable by its motions, was likewise noted.

Dingo likewise had quite forgotten his enemy, and desisted from his growling.

Capital punishment has been abolished in some countries, likewise torture, confiscation, corporal punishment.

Other persons, who were likewise suspected of being incendiaries, were conveyed with him.

Pete likewise it was who first entered the grog shop of Red Jenkins.

The mental organization of these people likewise, seems to substantiate certain psychoanalytic conceptions.

The doors were likewise covered with blue damask, nailed round with brass nails.

It has likewise excellent streams of fresh water, and a most healthful climate.

All present, whether male or female, are likewise distinguished by abnormally protruding stomachs.

Marks locating the other features are likewise transposed in vertical and horizontal portions.

I had no avowed father, nor had my mother, who likewise was illegitimate.

Seeing their defeat, the horse likewise fled, and thus the rout became general.

And on that selfsame day did a brood of motherless nestlings do likewise.

The heart of Anne is likewise buried in a silver urn in the same vault.

His face had all the pallor, but likewise all the peace of victory.

Their discipline is admirable, but their natural disposition is likewise quiet and inoffensive.

Something of the soldierly bearing of his father had been his heritage likewise.

Sammy likewise made the same observation, and he fended off the deadly blow.

I likewise saw a horse and two donkeys tethered to the neighboring trees.

These things I remember, and likewise sobbing myself to sleep in the four-poster.

These ensigns likewise originated in an engagement between the Scots and the Danes.

I likewise saw a horse and two donkeys tethered to the neighboring trees.

They built several other tenement houses and likewise sold these at a profit.

This locality likewise favored in former ages the growth of the balsam shrub.

Likewise, he wanted to get some photographs of the jumpers, taken from aloft.

He then looked at us, and with unmistakable signs entreated our doing likewise.

The dress of French ladies, it may be supposed, had likewise its revolutions.

Our journals likewise (anonymously) record a considerable number of cases from foreign sources.

It is likewise considered an excellent provision for cattle, from its fattening properties.

Caprice, jealousy, openness to flattery and rewards, are likewise parts of early theology.

The lotus capital appears likewise as a shaft decorated with buds around it.

The farmers of those countries likewise receive untold benefit from the same service.

The poll tax is likewise collected where the population is unsettled and scanty.

They arranged to watch the robbery unobserved, and I decided to do likewise.

These things I remember, and likewise sobbing myself to sleep in the four-poster.

His hospitality likewise has been extensively dilated upon, and, as I think, unnecessarily.

I likewise took a pair of pistols in my girdle, and my knife as usual.

Outside the cubicle he cannoned into Kaye, who had likewise passed the ordeal.

The artisans and traders, and indeed all inhabitants of cities, likewise paid tribute.

Some other chronicles which relate the same affair, add likewise this bad treatment.

The inhabitants, likewise, were willing and useful accessories in carrying on the works.

He took the grimy pamphlet from the likewise grimy hands of the youth.

Philadelphia likewise enjoyed much communal activity in that formative period of American-Jewish history.

They likewise form a circle nearly round their eyes with a whitish clay.

If the savage has not received our instructions, he is likewise unacquainted with our vices.

Transgressing is always transgressing, and we are thereby making our neighbor transgress likewise.

His father and mother are both deceased, and he has likewise no brothers.

And deem it not presumptuous, if I ask it likewise for my own sake.

And then he swung his big rattle, and his cronies did likewise.

He likewise explained the reason why I was so persecuted by the notorious Goodrich.

My frequent pauses to listen to the narratives of travelers contributed likewise to procrastination.

The freshmen greeted this with a wild yell; the sophomores answered likewise.

Matthew other bottles are similarly arranged, and here wine in cask is likewise stored.

The hogs are savage beasts when cornered; they likewise are full of animal cunning.

Sam was likewise tacitly excluded from the contest for the girl's favor.

He is likewise pretty well acquainted with Geography and the use of the globes.

Manson has likewise detailed nine cases of deafness cured, or greatly relieved, by iodine.

A glass of fine wine was likewise tasted, with discerning though most decorous relish.