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Use maxim in a sentence

Definition of maxim:

  • (noun) a saying that is widely accepted on its own merits

Sentence Examples:

Shall we never see in the maxims books lay down the vulgar interest that makes their writers speak?

Nor is it to be taken for an established maxim, that oaths are the only foundation, on which treaties rest.

That he should reform within himself the false maxims of the world by the principles of the faith.

Time after time the enemy drew back while his big guns and maxims wrought their will on us.

Yet I do not recommend wooden shoes, nor do the maxims I would introduce require arbitrary power in one person.

It is a golden maxim to cultivate the garden for the nose, and the eyes will take care of themselves.

This seems to be a contradiction in terms, but it is not, and there is great wisdom in the maxim.

I take a different course: it is my maxim to shift my sails, and steer as pleasure and interest bid.'

Few parents act in such a manner, as much to enforce their maxims, by the credit of their lives.

There is an old occult maxim to the effect that when the pupil is ready the Master is waiting.

A political maxim is the work of induction, and cannot stand against experience, or stand on anything but experience.

When we look into these subjects, we are always compelled to reason upon this maxim, that equal value results from liberty.

"A place for every thing, and every thing in its place," should be an absolute maxim with all artists.

It is a safe maxim never to tell a child what one can lead him by questioning to see for himself.

One of the maxims of law is that a trust shall not fail for lack of a person to execute it.

From the earliest days great commanders have rubbed in the maxim, "If you attack, attack with all your force."

Put your enemy in the wrong, and keep him so, is a wise maxim in politics, as well as in war.

It was also arranged that Jack was to have the twelve-pounder field gun, while Carlos took the two Maxims.

One evening, when speaking about this favorite maxim, he was interrupted by a most awful yell under the table.

This maxim is, I think, often unconsciously in the imaginations of philosophers who would reject it when explicitly stated.

His maxim is, that in trade as in all forms of the struggle for existence, necessity knows no law.

The regular observance of these maxims goes a great way towards making scientific historical work easier and more solid.

Were any to attempt controlling them by the great maxim of reason, it would tend to nothing but confusion.

For it is my maxim, that he keeps the greatest table, who has the most valuable company at it.

With my maxim to guide me it was not difficult to be sure that in this case right lay in silence.

"There were blinds," he said, "and 'twas a maxim of his never to spend his money for anything unnecessary."

Have pity on your humble slave, and do not compel him to an action so contrary to the maxims of virtue.

The understanding of reason, of knowledge, of science, includes the understanding of the limited validity of all ethical maxims.

The well known maxim that those who will must by themselves be free, is as good today as ever.

It is on this maxim that the coercive action of the State towards individual liberty in a hundred matters is based.

I like well the ring of your last maxim, "It is only the fear of death makes us reason of impossibilities."

And the observance of this maxim is the more necessary because the 'apprehension minimum' is not always the same.

Following the maxims he had laid down for himself, he considered his three hundred and twenty-one comrades as enemies.

It's an amusing business; a man's got to have nerve and maxim, if he wants to make a fortune at it.

For I recollect it is a maxim of good authority in the courts, that there is no right without a remedy.

Tell the Pastor that I am constantly repeating his good maxims, and hope to prove myself his worthy scholar.

Reason first appears in possession of the throne, prescribing laws, and imposing maxims, with an absolute sway and authority.

The one maxim for success in society is to be agreeable; and the agreeable man is he who agrees with others.

We shall preserve many of their forms, regulations, maxims, and works; but the time of their sovereignty is past.

If therefore we suppose a vast quantity of wealth thrown into domestic circulation, the statesman must follow new maxims.

Again, it is an established maxim among philosophers, that one soul cannot be united in one place with two distinct bodies.

It's a maxim of a wise man never to return by the same road he came, providing another's free to him.

Now, this maxim had a double edge, a negative as well as a positive, and the negative edge is very sharp.

And as to freedom of action, the maxim should be that one man's liberty ends where another man's begins.

I was ignorant of the clerical maxim, that the absence of the profane washes the starch out of lawn.

In the next place let us consider, what influence these received maxims have upon the other parts of our knowledge.

It is from revelation we have received it, and without revelation these maxims had never been able to help us to it.

At his best he is content with a moral maxim, and buttons up his pocket in the presence of poverty.

"We hear in every house we enter the stories and maxims of Poor Richard," the boy wrote in his letter.

Then the maxim "A merciful man is merciful to his beast" will be a good summary of the impressions received.

Indeed, as much as any of his romances, his own history illustrates the maxim we have just quoted from Amelia.

These maxims of life and policy are not those which it is the special province of the school to teach.

"As soon as one does a bad action, one never fails to make a bad maxim," said the clever Marquise de Crequi.

They lay it down as a maxim that immediate emancipation is the only just course, and the only safe policy.

There were still more very pretty, well-put, useful maxims, only since then I have forgotten almost all of them again.

As this is of all cases the most important in practice, none can be fitter to test the general maxim.

As for judicial sentences, I remembered that it was a legal maxim that possession was nine points of the law.

This writer, who died very young, has produced maxims and reflections of considerable mental force and literary finish.

Human nature demands that we habitually will that the maxim of our thought at least, should become a universal law.

A woman thus accomplished will be always drawing sentences and maxims of virtue out of the best maxims of antiquity.

You know my maxim is, 'those who love are wed, and those who no longer love are no longer wed.'

A third maxim was that one must never employ, nor tolerate the employment of, a literary image as an argument.

Only those maxims should be chosen as motives of action which are capable of becoming universal laws of the reason.

The thoughts expressed in some of her maxims show the bent of her mind, whether they are original or not.

In the published collection of his maxims we see the full extent of the theological tyranny he had in view.

Fortunately her memory threw up a maxim which her aunt had once given her on the eve of her marriage.

I very much doubt, however, that the Professor would in such a case have the courage to apply his maxims.

All the several maxims of conduct, which are called moral and constitute our code of ethics, are built upon generalizations.

At last the time-honoured maxim, "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," was being put into force.

The habitual poverty of the rural population had given birth to maxims little calculated to put an end to it.

The splendid blonde beasts who practiced the maxims of Machiavelli shuddered at the scribe who merely stated them.

For the maxim lacks the moral import, namely, that such actions be done from duty, not from inclination.

In fact certain maxims having almost the force of legal doctrines have grown up about the selection of a jury.

Persist and conquer is a maxim that I hold good in war, even against the elements, and it has answered.'

"Let us alone" is his cardinal maxim, and the maxim of the school of political economists to which he belongs.

There can be no fixed rules as to sex teaching; no maxims laid down that can safely be always followed.

A common beggar can read you exquisite lessons on this the most important maxim in the art of popular cheating.

Their literature confined to the Bible, its maxims directed their conduct, and were the daily lesson of their children.

My father gave me a frontier maxim once, which ran, "If you must fight, strike first, and strike hard."

Its operation contradicts the fundamental maxim of republican government, which requires that the sense of the majority should prevail.

"Be just to your enemy" is a common enough maxim; but one for which only a moderate application can be claimed.

Perhaps he may have been hasty in applying maxims drawn from Scotland to a more advanced stage of society in England.

He argued much from analogy, and explained things hard for us to understand by stories, maxims, tales and figures.

Aunt Barbara's favorite maxim that there was "nothing so inconvenient as disorder" seemed to have deeper reason and wisdom than ever.

Every good housewife knows that there is a world of truth in the old maxim, "A stitch in time saves nine."

We have been witnessing many "scholarly retreats," and every day we have had to hear the "maxims of a low prudence."

In the realm they had abandoned it was a maxim among men that home was where the heart was.

"There's nothing like competition," they say; the maxim holds good in other things beside commerce and Civil Service examinations.

In these books there are, also, his rules of conduct, maxims which he kept before him as aids to good behavior.

The first maxim of the psychological method is this: True philosophy invents nothing, it establishes and describes what is.

Charity begins at home, is a maxim that prevails as well in the courts of conscience as in those of prudence.

The experience of every day confirms the assertion, and illustrates the maxim that "life is short, art is long."

Now the neglect of this maxim has led to the above-mentioned contradiction and to the disregard of these laws.

Godwin truly observes of a more famous saying, of some merit as a popular maxim, but totally destitute of philosophical accuracy.

A man might quite reasonably ask why he should adopt as maxims of conduct the laws seen to operate in nature.

Her maxims were trained upon the swarm of dazed and shaken Huns who were emerging from the wrecked carriages.

I am bound to own that it is not by the practice of these maxims that I have learned their value.

"Old men for council, young men for war," is a good maxim which was not regarded at this time.

They find it possible in practice to resolve most of their doubts by an appeal to this maxim or to that.

While I have been endeavoring to fill her mind with maxims of prudence, you have been provoking her to reject them.