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Definition of meager:

  • (adjective) deficient in amount or quality or extent; "meager resources"; "meager fare"

Sentence Examples:

Whatever might be said of the children's bill of fare, there was nothing meager about hers.

The sources, however, so far as the sphere of popular religion is concerned, are rather meager.

Enoch collected a meager supply of wood and before five o'clock supper had been prepared and eaten.

The meager intellect of the creature denied it the advantage it might have taken of its disguise.

All you possess is a meager store of generalized knowledge; enough to keep you in touch with reality.

In point of fact, however, the measure of real independence which the assembly enjoyed was meager.

Gloom settled down without and the meager steam supply was scarcely noticeable in our bare apartment.

He gazed solemnly at the forbidding coast along which there showed but meager signs of foliage.

In fact, during his years of preparation his experience outside of medical books was very meager.

I have no memory of either parent and my information concerning them is meager and second hand.

He often tried, but failed for years to write at least a meager account of these experiences.

They lighted some meager candles before the altar and began their chant in soft, well-trained voices.

Life may be maintained upon a surprisingly meager group of words, as travelers in foreign lands can testify.

Aside from the voting of the provincial budget, the powers of the council are relatively meager.

She went to the room where she found her meager wardrobe displayed in every country-like detail.

Consequently, only the most meager training could be secured, and that almost wholly in religious matters.

That these resources were meager when compared with those of his powerful adversary, is beyond question.

The danger which attended any expeditions for hunting rendered this but a meager source of supply.

After a meager breakfast, they started on their return, finding the snow very deep and soft.

The experiences of childhood are to be thought of not as meager but as confusing in their abundance.

No report worthy of the name was written, the brief newspaper references being meager and unsatisfactory.

A moment later he joined his daughter and their guests to report the meager information he had.

Wardlaw was, in his opinion, growing worse, the conversation added nothing to our meager store of information.

The ships were slight in force, their equipments meager and deficient, and of inferior quality at best.

Many of our people have labored hard, and the rewards of that labor have been meager and unsatisfactory.

Narrow and meager social life means limitation of the scope of activities in which its members may engage.

And his mother stamps there, with awful ceremony, the composite image of her own meager traditions.

His father's law firm was glad to employ him, though it could offer but meager compensation.

Shorty cached his supplies and with the meager description Joe could give him, searched for weeks.

How were they to alter the small store of belief that had been their meager heritage of wisdom?

General Rousseau's report contradicts his statements, and in a meager way accords the credit to my regiments.

He only lived to be thirty-two; but he made vast quantities of history in that meager handful of years.

General Sheridan's report gives a very meager and inadequate account of the cavalry fight in the Wilderness.

For, besides possessing the powers of any ordinary horse, he recognizes only a few meager visual signs.

"Too much land," you will hear assigned on every side as a reason for poor farming and meager crops.

When their families came, a few more articles were brought along; but their outfits were necessarily meager.

Meager though that supper may have been, there was not a word of complaint, even from Roger.

Every dollar that we carelessly waste means that their life will be so much the more meager.

"There might be objections on the part of the present incumbent," he said, with his meager smile.

My wife seemed to gather new strength in learning this news of her mother, meager though it was.

His voice was clear and ringing, and the tune he executed was by no means a meager performance.

These meager advantages led him to seek an extension of his knowledge through the reading of good books.

He gives, at least, no meager account of life, and he has done liberal justice to its infinite variety.

They will be a valuable addition to the meager sermon literature on the Epistle texts in the English language.

Roger was looking anxiously at the meager stock of meat which Mayhew had produced from his pockets.

The meager materials existing for a "negative" sketch are therefore derived almost wholly from the judicial decisions.

This of course is but a meager abstract of the gracious phrases of those who elaborated the reception plan.

Yet her letters were poor and meager, betraying an empty head, and an almost equally empty heart.

He could not but see how overwhelming the evidence was against Lillian and how meager her defense.

"Looking at Elizabeth will be all the breakfast he wants," Elizabeth's uncle said, with his meager chuckle.

Here also the information is meager and must be gathered from statements and inferences found in several books.

Forced to be satisfied with this meager information, I started old Lizzie and lit out for the ranch.

He took keen interest in agricultural pursuits, but he made nothing more than a meager living out of his farm.

Perry was becoming more hopeful, although upon what meager food he sustained his optimism I could not conjecture.

The record, on the other hand, may be no more meager than was the investigation that it records.

She must collect all her meager strength to defend a gate vigorously attacked, and cry out aloud, "Wait!"

It was hoped that many people would take advantage of this facility, but its public use is meager.

For that matter, since the Germans crossed the frontier our news of the war has been meager.

One Sunday morning when Preacher Bonds stood before his meager audience, the familiar face of Deacon Gramps was absent.

From the legal standpoint the slave had no rights or privileges in the attainment of even a meager education.

When his wages are meager he becomes discouraged, relaxes his efforts and may abandon his work altogether.

I would have been glad, now, to get work at anything that promised the chance of a meager livelihood.

Once they had made up their minds to accept the situation the boys made merry over the meager breakfast.

In it one will see that, while apparently there has been great activity, results have been meager and superficial.

That, he told himself, might well be the best the Group could accomplish with their meager resources.

His ambition was in nothing less than Alexander's, but his conception of means adequate to campaigns was meager.

We sat on the roadside and ate our meager fare, making joke and jest of our utter lack of comfort.

That work of mine which I went back to, however, seemed something very flat and meager and trivial.

That afternoon he spent three sweating hours over some sheets of blue, ruled paper, with very meager results.

At five-thirty next morning she rose, ate her hasty, meager breakfast, and went to work in the rain.

Things had evidently progressed well, even in the few hours that he had been studying his meager evidence.

Twice a day some meager provisions were left at the top of the stairs and her door was unlocked.

Here he had earned a meager way by writing football and baseball news for a string of western papers.

Food was meager and monotonous and, despite the ingenious efforts of the women, could only be stretched so far.

If we could understand the universe through and through, how small and meager the universe would have to be!

The long journeys, the great exposure and the meager accommodations among the people, were trying in the extreme.

Why, then, did French-Canadian agriculture, despite the warm official encouragement given to it, make such relatively meager progress?

Women had been able to thrust a stick into the earth and drop the seed and await a meager harvest.

All the research of the last one hundred years has added but very little to this meager record.

If so, it is truly urgent, for most young men come to college with very meager experience in economic lines.

All of them were tired and hungry, now that their meager supply of biscuits and chocolate was gone.

The Government reports are also meager and unsatisfactory, and there is no wealth of detail as to exports and imports.

Paul's, the Royal Scottish art gallery is meager indeed, notwithstanding certain rare riches in comparison with the National.

Not one among them, under the best of conditions, could have made even a meager living as a professional hunter.

Only now and then did a meager, and usually incorrect, account come to the knowledge of the world.

Especially is this needed in "Skin Diseases," because of the meager knowledge that we common practitioners have of the subject.

Any day a group of men might be found idle, while their women and children provided meager support.

With all attention centered on the numerous construction projects, insufficient protection was given the meager supply of grain.

The outsider often expresses pity for the child who must hand over the bulk of his meager earnings.

The way was becoming rocky, too; the patches of grass were meager, and the brush grew more sparse.

Examining, after this, her shrunk and meager resources, she discovered she had promised far beyond her means.

This caused some concern over his meager fuel supply since his plan called for some flat-out jetting later on.

What does your worker think when he sees the bureaucrat living in luxury while his wage is a comparatively meager one?

The resolution brought her peace, and she sat down to her meager supper with a sense of pleasant righteousness.

There are only people, whom we call scientists, and their accomplishments are severely limited by their quite meager abilities.

His school education was of the most meager kind, and he had more than his share of hard luck.

Actually, while great in quantity they had been meager in quality, telling him little that he desired to know.

And the cook, my old friend, provided from his meager material little dishes that were out of the usual.

He had to meet cold and meager audiences, and the false judgment of both the critics and the people.

The thought of the meager attendance and of the general gloom of the affair gave him the keenest satisfaction.