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Use meddle in a sentence

Definition of meddle:

  • (verb) intrude in other people's affairs or business; interfere unwantedly; "Don't meddle in my affairs!"

Sentence Examples:

Let men beware how they meddle with him.

I don't meddle myself with other people's affairs.

They could never think of being meddled with.

This comes of meddling between man and wife.

If the king ever meddles, it is to do harm.

There was nobody to meddle with her here.

"I'd rather not meddle with it," I remarked.

He must not meddle with the dominant creed.

"That serves me right for meddling," she said.

Why did you meddle with their correspondence, anyway?

"What does the man want meddling with farming?"

That which they prohibit, is not meddled with.

The less you meddle with him the better.

Spencer meddled in what did not concern him.

I despise them too much to meddle with them

I meddle not in things too high for me.

None of these dare seriously meddle with the law.

With Louis a prisoner their meddling hands are bound.

I wouldn't lower myself to meddle with your kind.

Iraqis complain that neighbors are meddling in their affairs.

This magic is a rum thing to meddle with.

I was afraid to meddle; the matter was awkward.

Wherefore did he meddle where he had no business?

I'll take care not to meddle with such things.

There has been some strange meddling in the customs.

I'm not a meddling idiot; I know I'm not.

In any case, they had no wish to meddle.

By whose authority do you meddle with our affairs?

And you do wisely not to meddle with them.

Meddling is sometimes dangerous, but one can trust you.

Wherein lies your right to meddle with the matter?

This meddling reporter aimed at his ease and elegance.

I'll have no one meddling with my own game.

I can't even get rid of that meddling reporter.

I meddle with nothing; I know nothing of government.

With such offenses I do not wish to meddle.

And they that wise be will meddle no further.

Let matters take their natural course without undue meddling.

Devils take 'em; what do I meddle with 'em?

From gossiping to meddling is but a trifling step.

"They would probably be afraid to meddle with you."

What do you mean by meddling with my trunk?

This touches upon the larger question of meddling generally.

I will thank you not to meddle with mine.

You meddled with matters which do not concern you.

It isn't my business to meddle with a stranger.

Signore, it is foolish to meddle with holy things.

"Did you offer assistance so that you might meddle?"

Her affairs are her affairs; I meddle no further.

It is very dangerous meddling in these cases here.

What right had he to meddle in Britton's affairs?

Just keep out of the way and stop meddling.

Little is to be had by meddling with them.

It is not well to meddle with the unknown.

Planes have been known to be meddled with before now.

With these aspects the school cannot properly meddle.

Why was he so eager to meddle in this affair?

You carry your meddling outside of your newspaper work, eh?

It would've all gone smooth enough if he hadn't meddled.

It does not do to meddle too much with yourself.

Why do you meddle in what does not concern you?

It must have been done by some meddling with magic.

The meddling young officer was striding toward him.

I don't like to have women meddling in my affairs.

All kinds of meddling and interference come easily to you.

I would not advise you to meddle in the affair.

Those that meddle with Things solid and useful.

I don't care to have men meddle in domestic matters.

This giant meddles with everything within his reach.

I have therefore adopted the course of meddling in nothing.

They will not meddle with Teresina's washing again!'

To back up a bit of gossip, one often meddles.

No meddling between us; I have more songs to sing.

No one has ever tried to meddle with me since.

That contention I leave off before it be meddled with.

You told me not to meddle, and I have obeyed.

Above all, advise your husband not to meddle in politics.

I have enough of my own without meddling with you.

"Do not let women meddle with State affairs!"

People who meddle do get hurt now and then.

We'll not meddle with it, so tell your poet.

That's what you get for meddling so with heaven!

Dost think I want him meddling i' my affairs?

"Never meddle with what does not belong to you!"

Events in this world are accomplished without much meddling.

Don't try to meddle with what doesn't concern you.

He would prefer not to meddle with the creature.

What right had he to meddle with her destiny?

There are things with which no mortal must meddle.

I never meddled with the coals on William's altar.

Nothing was meddled with but the teas on board.

What right had he to meddle with their nest?

"What business had you to meddle with my property?"

I'm not meddling with your affairs in the least.

He would meddle with what he did not understand.

Only, another time do not meddle with my game.

Hastings had never meddled in the strife of party.

They could not bear meddling; it hurt their dignity.

That is my affair; do not meddle with it.

Meddling with other people's children is a vice, Patty.