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Definition of narrative:

  • (noun) a message that tells the particulars of an act or occurrence or course of events;
  • (adjective) consisting of or characterized by the telling of a story; "narrative poetry"

Sentence Examples:

Of the account of the judgment which overtook the worshipers of Baal, this group of narratives contains only the beginning, in chapter xxi.

It hardly needs actual experience of the risks of error and oversight in a condensed narrative to convince one of the difficulty of escaping them.

For the first and only time in the course of this narrative, the writer pauses to speak of a personal experience of devotion and unselfishness.

I have thus endeavored to give, in the foregoing narrative, an account of my professional and private life as near as my memory would serve.

I now purpose giving you, as succinctly as possible, a narrative of those events from the point where my last report broke off.

Its simple style and moral tendency are more to be admired than the exactness of its narrative and the discernment of its author.

A thrilling and fascinating narrative of adventures in South America during the struggle for independence between the State of Colombia and the Spaniards.

Faint traces of it are found in profane history, and the Bible narrative is sustained and largely amplified by inscriptions on ancient ruins.

The wish to preserve a certain degree of unity between various narratives naturally unconnected, is a more obvious and a better reason for employing interlocutors.

This miracle is told us by three of the four Evangelists, and the comparison of their brief narratives is very interesting and instructive.

She had but just finished this narrative when suddenly in the line of her vision came the form of the young rector himself.

Brief and bald as the narrative was, it brought up before me a dozen vivid memories, which jostled each other simultaneously in my mind.

The book is of especial interest at the present time, as it contains the best narrative we have ever seen of the Nullification troubles of 1832.

From one of my dispatches I transcribe a narrative which records one of the most bloody battles in the first phase of the war.

Description is narrative, analysis of character is narrative, dialogue is narrative; the form is ceaselessly changing, but the melody of narration is never interrupted.

Its mere narrative, though often very homely, and dealing in too many words, is often characterized also by elevated imagination, and always by eloquence.

The following paragraph also appears in his original journal, on the day of the mutiny, but is not alluded to in his printed narrative.

The clerk finished up his breathless narrative in a way that left no doubt in the mind of his hearers as to his sincerity.

Billy came in at the end of the narrative, and from the somber light in his heavy-lidded eyes Saxon knew he had been drinking.

In several places there, he contrives to repeat the striking parts of the narrative which display the fertility of his imagination to great advantage.

"I looked at one of their hats more steadfastly," says Captain Hood in his narrative, "and by the moonlight clearly distinguished the three colors."

His argument is sometimes destroyed or blemished by the fire that it kindles, his narrative overwhelmed in the tide of passions that it sways.

Nothing occurred to retard the inquest, which I shall refer to only as is necessary to keep bound together the thread of my narrative.

The resemblances between the two Deluge narratives are so obvious and continuous, that it is not these, but the differences that need pointing out.

They returned to the admiral, who, when he heard their narrative, resolved to settle upon this coast, and to have some wooden barracks constructed.

Wheeler listened absolutely unmoved, and, when the narrative had come to an end, gave it as his opinion that the editorial staff had sand.

Taylor could end his work with the birth of the Empire, but the additional narrative merely foreshadows the events of the future.

In his narrative of this somewhat extensive ramble, the gallant captain displays a very respectable degree of knowledge on a considerable variety of subjects.

Its mere narrative, though often very homely, and dealing in too many words, is often characterized also by elevated imagination, and always by eloquence.

Having concluded this narrative, my young friend implored me, in the most touching manner, to shun all association with the terrible O'Malley.

Need the reader be told that at the conclusion of this narrative the professor was greeted with murmurs of applause from his gratified audience?

When these stories have been well learned through the ear, their purpose as literature and as groundwork for narrative speech will have been accomplished.

It seemed that his object might be answered by the aid of narrative and dialogue, more effectually than by a regular and continued discourse.

Yet this is the supposition that is involved in an attack upon his veracity in the compilation of his Narrative of the Gunpowder Plot.

Willard had finished his remarkable story, he found that his circle of hearers had greatly increased since the commencement of his narrative.

The Romans thus found among the Greeks, prologues in a continued narrative, and prologues where the exposition was mixed with the action.

We will interrupt the narrative here to introduce from later travelers some pictures of the remarkable region to which our explorers had now arrived.

It is the adornment that makes an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative seem real; that translates mere dialogue into the semblance of every-day life.

Such was the relation of parties, when the mysterious circumstances which darken this narrative with inexplicable melancholy first began to unfold themselves.

When the parson had got thus far in his narrative, the King's head was seen to straighten up a little and one eye opened.

At last, assured of the sympathetic temper of his hearers, he related a narrative, of which it will be sufficient for me to give an outline.

Once more, during the fall of 1874, I had to reckon with this wily Indian, the hunter, as will soon appear in this narrative.

And it will appear later in this narrative that my fear of our not being able to recognize the way was not entirely groundless.

In a word, a fable is, or ought to be, the very quintessence of common sense and wise counsel couched in brief narrative form.

In this there is nothing either new or startling, for the fact is plainly and repeatedly acknowledged in the page of the sacred narrative.

We are now most happy to revert to that part of our narrative which more immediately and directly concerns Penelope Primrose and her father.

They are anonymous narratives, and there is no evidence of any value connecting these works with the writers to whom they are popularly attributed.

Her description was too realistic, her straightforward narrative too unshakable, her manner too impressively true, to be doubted in the least degree or detail.

Instead of Orestes telling the tale of his own death, we have the narrative of his tutor, confirmed and ratified by himself in person.

The reader is therefore prepared, so far as the early years are concerned, for a cumulative effect rather than for a rigidly consecutive narrative.

Tenney, who questioned the Indians themselves in regard to this miraculous event, says they testify as a body to the truthfulness of the narrative.

The narrative of their adventures has been published, and is a splendid story of pluck and almost superhuman endurance, of wise and heroic leadership.

One is to make a narrative of the course of a foreign negotiation, for example, or of any other public action, without quoting despatches or documents.

Had they not this virtue, they would be altogether useless, as are the narratives to which for one reason or another credence is refused.

The greater part of the evidence in this trial has already been given verbatim in the narrative of the voyage of the Adventure Galley.

Some parts of the narrative were concisely told, others expanded beyond all due bounds; and as a literary attempt the story was a failure.

To trace the successive steps which led to the emancipation of slaves in the seceding States a somewhat more ample narrative will be required.

A book like this, genially discursive but replete with wise maxims and instructive narratives about mountain craft, is eminently readable for the right reader.

His narrative is enlivened by many diverting stories, and is copiously illustrated from excellent photographs, the whole forming a most delightful volume.

Throughout the tour you will have an opportunity to study exhibits and narrative markers which will help you to orient yourself with the terrain.

The novelist who wishes rather to display character than to amuse us with intricacies of plot, will find more matter in less ambitious narratives.

And Sir Francis and his crew, musicians and all, were in uttermost earnest, as in the quiet course of their narrative you will find.

In each case the name of the author is affixed to his narrative, since he alone is responsible for the merits and faults of the piece.

In this way the element of personal interest, which so greatly adds to the charm of a story, may be infused into the narrative.

It seems appropriate to notice in this place the subsequent appearance before the public of one of the personages casually mentioned in the foregoing narrative.

The narrative then at once refers to our earth, with which, and with its inhabitants, the whole volume is to be in future directly concerned.

The scene is laid chiefly in the South Seas, and the narrative illustrates the geography and ethnology of that section of the Far-West.

The numerous arts of verisimilitude by which Plato insinuates into the mind of the reader the truth of his narrative have been already referred to.

At the conclusion of the child's narrative the monarch fell prostrate to the floor, and lay there long like one stricken with death.

The subject, however, is so curious and interesting, that we insert in some detail the narrative of the American traveler to which these remarks refer.

It has the narrative of the development of a waif of New York streets in the simple and wholesome life of a Vermont farmer neighborhood.

The events in any skillfully selected narrative may, therefore, be divided into two classes: events direct or positive, and events indirect or negative.

He talked unceasingly of nothing in particular, and delivered endless narratives of adventures that had befallen him in his lurid and distant youth.

The descriptive value of the word "slunk" as to the person will be as great as the narrative value of the word to the event.

The form is narrative, with occasional dialogue, and approaches that of the conundrum, and the wit though far from subtle is often effective.

The characters of the narrative would not be warmed and rendered malleable by any heat that I could kindle at my intellectual forge.

The brevity with which he relates the principal events in American history, does not detract from the charming interest of the narrative style.

The various letters and documents in the last-named are generally considered spurious, and the portions of the narrative founded on them consequently untrustworthy.

The narratives of the evangelists are now submitted to the reader's perusal and examination, upon the principles and by the rules already stated.

"Captain Titus and the mob have really been thoroughly whipped out of their boots," said the overseer, when Deck had finished his narrative.

At the conclusion of my narrative, the men pulled their tomahawk pipes from their mouths, and looked at each other with incredulous smiles.

Each one of the series having a particular bearing upon the subject of this narrative has been studied with a care commensurate with its importance.

The difficulty is that the history of early French lyric poetry is itself obscure and much more complicated than the history of narrative.

The narrative throws a clearer light than has hitherto been thrown upon the whole history, clears away many misconceptions, and solves some mysteries.

Here he stopped short in his narrative, and seeming to muse a moment, said to his guest, "I presume, as you travel alone, you have no family."

With incredible swiftness he formed the vast conspiracy whose story has been told, once for all, in the living pages of Parkman's narrative.

This slight narrative presents to the mind of the writer the most perfect emblem of the pacific remedy of reconstruction in its beginning.

Upon the whole, however, the narrative impresses the reader with a sense of its verity, and has the charm of simplicity and vigor.

The narrative is concise, rapid, lucid and shows consistent progress, one event following naturally and quickly upon another without extravagant use of details.

The absolute fidelity in detail of these pictures to the narrative is no less to be remarked than the very Chinese characteristics of those details.

As a majestic symphony modulates into a tender and pathetic minor passage, so the tone of the narrative here changes to the most exquisite pathos.

This scruple must not, however, be interpreted as affecting the authenticity of the narratives, which was verified only too abundantly by collateral evidence.

His diction is perfectly faultless, his descriptions picturesque without poetic ornament; and his narrative style may, on the whole, be accounted a model.

His narratives were always amusing, his descriptions always picturesque, his humor rich and joyous, yet not without an occasional tinge of amiable sadness.

His narrative is well unified and developed, and his style so simple that children as well as older folk may enjoy the work.

Leif's old headman, who during the last part of this narrative had panted like a sick man, suddenly sprang up in great excitement.

My chief material debt is to the publishing firms who have very courteously permitted the reprinting of narratives selected from their copyrighted editions.

It was about the period that my narrative has reached: a bright frosty afternoon; the ground bare, and the road hard and dry.

Even if the older narratives are composite, the process of welding or compression was so thorough that detailed analyses are now out of the question.

It is dangerous to plunge straight into narrative, or unemotional discussion, without having first made the audience actively desire the information to be conveyed to them.