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Use nascent in a sentence

Definition of nascent:

  • (adjective) being born or beginning | just coming into existence

Sentence Examples:

This nascent avarice amused her, as a new trait in his character always amuses the individual.

The rooms wherein dozens of infants had wailed at their nursing now resounded with the tapping of nascent chicks.

After 1760 the nascent social doctrine found response among the American colonists.

And out of all the rack and ruin rose the form of the nascent Oligarchy, imperturbable, indifferent, and sure.

A marquis, properly regarded, is not so much a nascent duke as a magnified earl.

To cultivate the nascent intelligence of a child, in those days, was not the mere piece of scientific mechanism that the admirable labors of so many ingenious writers have since permitted it comparatively to become.

If there were literary as well as legendary sources of nascent spiritualism, the sources were these.

She wanted to speak to her former psychology professor as a cheerful therapist but such nascent words when she tried to formulate them in her mouth became dying winds over the rubble reef of her tongue and the sea of her saliva.

It is at this point that our nascent impressions are brusquely shocked.

There are numerous well-known cases, in which substances, such as oxygen and hydrogen, act readily in their nascent state, and produce chemical changes which they are not able to effect if once they have assumed the gaseous condition.

Their government, that government which ought to be the foremost in developing their nascent efforts, and fostering them to maturity, is itself the first to check their growth and impede their advancement.

They recognized their own weakness, and allowed the nascent power to develop itself unchecked and unhindered.

I could not detach my regards from that superb picture, till the nascent obscurity had obliterated its perfection.

Nothing could be so insulting to clients; nothing so ruinous to a nascent business.

Shallow thought, and nascent inquiry may be skeptical, but the deep mind is reverential and faithful.

The growing self-assurance and enlightenment of a nascent individualism found this distinction intolerable.

The opportunity has now come for the friends in Great Britain to demonstrate the measure of their devotion to the Cause, as well as their capacity to maintain, consolidate and extend its nascent administrative institutions in that land.

He believes, like Dean Herbert, that species, when nascent, were more plastic than at present.

Gray in the nascent dawn stretched the tossing sea about them; and lonely they rode upon its billows.

"The Redcoats, sir, they have such pretty clothes," said the nascent woman.

It is nascent oxygen which does the bleaching.

He might have spared himself much pain, and possibly some injury; for if aught could now tend to mature in Madeline's heart an affection which was but as yet nascent, it would be the offer of some other lover.

Tenderly and sadly he thought of the future that awaited her during the remaining years of her life on earth, troubled as they must be by the tumults and persecutions of a struggling and nascent faith.

If the policy of protection to nascent industries is sound, then the tariff of 1890 is sound in this direction, and we should seek its results in the new industries which have been started since it became a law.

Soon on the sleeper's body lies a nascent grub which feasts in all security on the luscious fare.

How nip in the bud that nascent sympathy, that feeling for him which Flavia's outbreak the night before had suggested?

Nothing that lives is, or can be, rigidly perfect; part of it is decaying, part nascent.

On dissecting it near the root we find five nascent joints not a quarter of an inch apart.

At that early undeveloped time an English gentleman, one Anthony Trollope, visited the nascent city.

Was he to be laughed out of his nascent convictions by these empty-headed idlers?

The resort to eye or ear or to reflective thinking is suggested by the corresponding nascent responses and is an endeavor to secure something which is still to seek, but which, when found, will meet the requirements of the situation.

He who had wept so bitterly the night that he tried to put aside his nascent passion, now, in this final catastrophe, which should have called forth all the tears in his body, felt as if the springs had run dry.

The latter is oxidized in presence of palladium and nascent hydrogen is set free.

This observation showed that nascent hydrogen was not, as had been supposed, the primary cause of the separation of metals from their solutions, but that the action consisted in a direct decomposition into metal and acid.

I can soar above the nascent cities!

To this it is replied, with perfect truth, that there are savages and savages; that a vast number of shades of culture and of nascent or retrograding civilization exist among the races to whom the term "savage" is commonly applied.

The nascent oxygen hypothesis was clearly and succinctly expressed by Prof.

These men were favorite authors of the nascent democracy; and, in an age when reprints of older writers were much rarer than to-day, would be far more likely to appeal to a boy's taste than seventeenth- and eighteenth-century authors.

For his nascent enterprise in New York, however, he adopted a different and, to him at least, a far more significant device, which to this day remains the symbol of the great enterprise which still bears his name.

Tocqueville alone seems to have viewed the nascent nation with the eye of prescience.

We still use the old familiar purifying agents, iron oxide, lime and nascent calcium.

There are certainly at this time Western cities where that has occurred, but Mark Twain, the hardy prophet, seems never to have glimpsed the nascent forces into whose control the political and economic future seems really bound to pass.

Bronze was endowed with all the most admirable qualities for aiding the nascent industrial skill of mankind.

It was not stunted, it was only nascent.

Now this antagonism of male with male, with all its retrograde consequences, a struggle fierce enough in all animals, had a more intense effect on nascent man than on any other creature that had ever existed.

This exacting gratitude they harped upon might demand a change of nascent inclinations; it would not require, nor even justify, broken promises, and the flinging back of what a man had asked for and received.

These two kinds of agreeable excitement present in the sportsman during the chase constitute the mass of the desires stimulating him to continue it; for all desires are nascent forms of the feelings to be obtained by the efforts they prompt.

The nascent panic was allayed.

Religion is nascent science, and it was with purely physical problems that it at first essayed to grapple.

Nay, it may be said to have nourished this idea in its nascent development.

A sharp line of demarcation must be drawn between each respective career of these three pillars of the nascent stage.

Two little stories of a Prodigal Son and his too late return, on either side of the doorway, with their violent theatrical passion and their excessive expression of impossible emotion, illustrate well this nascent tendency.

The future philosopher, as was once the case with nearly all the nascent philosophers of Scotland, and may still be the case with a few, not the worst of them, divided the year between the study of learning, and the observation of nature.

Thus, for instance, water on which sodium amalgam is acting contains hydrogen in a nascent state.

The Clutching Hand has cleverly contrived to introduce the nascent gas into the room.

He did not know the young man who had addressed him, a youth of medium height, with features none too classical, but with a smooth and lofty brow, dreamy eyes, a nascent mustache of brown down upon the upper lip.

This nascent opinion has begun to operate by shaming unscrupulous and recalcitrant employers into better practices.

Further observations as to the growth of one of these nascent communities, and the times and conditions under which the various forms of individuals composing a complete society first appear, would be of considerable interest.

Before physical birth the nascent human being is enclosed on all sides by an alien physical body.

This continued so long, and the architectural remains of that people are so numerous, and have been so thoroughly investigated, that we have no difficulty in ascertaining the extent of influence the older nation had on the nascent empire.

If pleasure and pain make their appearance in certain privileged beings, it is probably to call forth a resistance to the automatic reaction which would have taken place: either sensation has nothing to do, or it is nascent freedom.

The cord transforms into movements the stimulation received, the brain prolongs into reactions which are merely nascent, but in the one case as in the other, the function of the nerve substance is to conduct, to co-ordinate, or to inhibit movements.

The alertness of wild animals is determined mainly by either nascent fear or anger.

The passion for trying new experiments seems to have urged her on, in spite of nascent fear; and the final shouting and laughing may well have announced, along with the joy of successful effort, a sense of triumph over the weaker timid self.

He sees the nascent woman, her flesh already stiffening to cartilage, drying to bone.

In contact with organic bodies it gives off iodine and chlorine in the nascent state.

This precision, acquired as it would seem without any tentative practice, points, I suspect, to a good deal of silent rehearsal, nascent groupings of muscular actions which are not carried far enough to produce sound.

Now the nascent thought is employed at first on real things, on the living and irregular forms of animals and vegetables; then in this case, the mind proceeds naturally from the complex to the simple, from the concrete to the abstract.

It is well known that the nascent taste for the beautiful among those races which are in a state of social infancy, is first exercised in the manufacture of coarse tissues, which serve either as beds or as partitions.

This nascent feudalism was often brutal, always summary and short-sighted, in its methods of government.

He frowned, added in bold script: "Have noted nascent antipathy towards organic life."

These fields, subjected to warping and energy changes, formed nascent matter, unstable and simple.

Driven by fear and hatred and a nascent sense of power, the young tiger that had tasted blood and mastery was not only standing at bay as formerly, but now making alarming springs on neighboring territory.

Sophist, as on many occasions Rousseau undoubtedly was, he reasoned on his feelings till the very causes that ought to have made him resolve to crush the nascent passion, were changed by him into motives for fostering it.

Hydrogen in its nascent state combines with the oxygen of the nitrogen compound, produced by the nitric acid alone.

Within its heart of mystery are continually born new dreams that pulse in nascent beauty to the rhythm of its tides, quivering to the mind of him who looks upon them with all fond longings and the bliss of noble desires.

Nascent epidermis, or external cuticle of plants in a forming condition.

The demure look she wore in chapel was contradicted by a nascent wildness hovering about her lips.

There are few tones in themselves so fascinating to the nascent literary sense as this mock humility tone of Voltaire's.

Still, however, the nascent philosopher may be discovered in parts; and the Essay on the Slave Trade, in the fourth number, may be justly distinguished as comprising a perfect summary of the arguments applicable on either side of that question.

I have stifled more than one nascent love.

Philology, too, with all its magnificence, is not a product of the nascent stages of speech.