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Use notoriety in a sentence

Definition of notoriety:

  • (noun) the state of being known for some unfavorable act or quality

Sentence Examples:

I am neither; I have no desire for even the cheapest form of notoriety.

Yet he perceived that notoriety would be his only refuge, paradox though that might be.

The master replied: "That is notoriety, not distinction."

They were his passports, as it were, to a delightful land of importance and notoriety.

That man makes me tired with his scorn of newspaper notoriety.

In fact, Merman's was a remarkable case of sudden notoriety.

Catiline's name rose into notoriety amid these horrors.

Clearly she knew her notoriety was no little thing.

If it makes any sensation, this will add to its notoriety.

Haywood, and she reaped immense notoriety from it.

The notoriety which was given to the above case had a happy effect.

In the midst of them there is a boiling spring of considerable notoriety.

There can be, therefore, no question as to its truth, and as little of its notoriety.

He owes that to the diseased craving of modern women for notoriety of any sort.

There is a certain notoriety given to these cases.

I longed for fame, fame, brutal and glaring, fame that leans to notoriety.

We do not want to court unpleasant notoriety.

Groaned Sam, determined to make the most out of his temporary notoriety.

True it is that I longed for art, but I longed also for fame, or was it notoriety?

It may shield my life altogether from some notoriety: I could be grateful for that!

Johnson, of tea-loving notoriety, with his thirteen cups to the dozen.

Men who do good for the sake of notoriety aren't real men.

And he was half proud and half ashamed of his notoriety.

To him notoriety was preferable to obscurity.

There is a difference between notoriety and merit.

Newspaper notoriety is most unpleasant, Clint.

Even in that she would no doubt seek the consolation of notoriety.

Franck has gained some notoriety by his round abuse of Walton.

This, of course, assumes that the vicious tendencies are a matter of notoriety.

I had only fame for my laundress and notoriety for my butcher.

His success in the strike of last year brought him a great notoriety.

It had been a matter of notoriety for a long time.

The writers certainly hoped neither for gain nor for odd notoriety.

"I'm not chasing up any newspaper notoriety now."

He spoke freely of the murderer by name, as if it were matter of common notoriety.

This I saw with my own eyes, and it was matter of public notoriety.

And visions of future notoriety flashed through his mind.

Many of them are known to you as offenders of national notoriety.

Phillips and his motoring friend will appreciate the notoriety you will confer on them.

Nothing, however, could show the notoriety of the fact with more certainty than this does.

I was not aware that I had attained such a desperate notoriety as that document implies.

Who had done it openly, and it was matter of public notoriety?

He had achieved notoriety, and enjoyed it.

Well, then, what must be inferred from the notoriety of that fact?

He was accused of loving notoriety.

I inferred rightly that my notoriety was what was tabooing me.

To tell the truth, her notoriety was his protection.

Never had Barnum achieved such notoriety.

Remember, all we need to insure success is notoriety.

I wish no scandal resulting from a lawsuit or the notoriety of one or more duels.

"The facts are of public notoriety, and it will not profit to deny them."

Notoriety through newspapers is surely no ground to stand upon in religion.

They were at an age when pride began to crave for notoriety and applause.

Still, he was rather proud of his instant notoriety.

He combines absolute privacy of life with a world-wide notoriety.

"Engineered by a crooked labor leader and a notoriety-seeking woman."

Once you have entered this mad race for notoriety, there is no drawing out of it.

The same is true of many sects which have not achieved such notoriety.

I set it down to nerves and notoriety; but took refuge in a private hotel.

Some things, again, have gained a strange notoriety through the force of circumstances.

A notoriety which he would have done much to have avoided was forced upon him.

When Carter reached the track he found his notoriety had preceded him.

William alone of the five brothers had notoriety.

This is not an affair for public gossip or newspaper notoriety.

And then he talks to me about notoriety!

I like those tasks which involve no notoriety.

First, these faults must be of public notoriety.

Had I not had enough of notoriety?

She had no doubts as to why it was that she had achieved such notoriety.

Those who achieve notoriety often mistake it for fame.

Gordon earned a considerable measure of notoriety for the performance.

Cheap play for notoriety, thought Gregg; Glass was pushing the bottle towards him.

Their sexual morality is a matter of common notoriety.

How quickly, in our day, notoriety ends; and what a poor cheat it is!

I burst into flattering notoriety.

I hate newspaper notoriety anyhow.

And she connected love with ambition, even with notoriety.

Was he going to crave for notoriety?

My nature is domestic and, unless necessary, I avoid the notoriety of the press.

Wilson ain't looking to get no newspaper notoriety.

Of his maps and charts would give him notoriety among men of science.

"We don't want the notoriety," said Dick.

Douglass gained his greatest notoriety as well as Lincoln himself.

Reputation is to notoriety what real turtle is to mock.

To these men the wide notoriety of the town was capital.

Notoriety is often mistaken for fame.

The most unpleasant part of the whole affair was the notoriety.

Not money, not notoriety, not fame even, but power is what you want.

It is one of the various methods to gain notoriety.

"Well, you know, Trigger, how sensitive the League is to personal notoriety."

I suppose he's the earliest martyr to notoriety on record.

It was the picture of her that had borne him through the time of dreadful notoriety.

However, it would be wise to avoid undue haste and notoriety.

Sir Donald keenly felt the unpleasant notoriety.

His conscience is clear, but why was he not spared this sad notoriety?

The worried father is powerless to provide against any dreaded disclosures or notoriety.

He did not seek advertisement and notoriety.

And he forthwith became the object of notoriety.

Despite many difficulties, however, he achieved both fame and notoriety.

The exploit gave him immense notoriety in our little world.