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Use obsolete in a sentence

Definition of obsolete:

  • (adjective) old; no longer in use or valid or fashionable;
  • (adjective) no longer in use; "obsolete words"

Sentence Examples:

At present, however, it is considered almost obsolete, and never so expressed in sporting report, or conversation.

The traits of predatory man are by no means obsolete in the common run of modern populations.

More words of Shakespeare have become obsolete or have changed their meanings than in the King James version.

Yet their fame is not therefore the more real, for everything connected with fashion becomes obsolete.

The history of it was obsolete in the days of Virgil; yet some traces of it still remained.

The conventions have become obsolete, and if used at all, the poet himself is laughing in his sleeve.

Was it any wonder, then, that church-going had become practically obsolete among intelligent men and women?

Men were slow to give up old associations and leave the discussion of obsolete, immaterial, or ephemeral issues.

Rude, as it was, it might require refinement, but it did not, perhaps, deserve to become quite obsolete.

Words that are marked "obsolete" in the Dictionary may not be used, neither may compound words.

The custom has long since become obsolete; old William Richardson called the last notice in 1837.

I don't think I have mentioned that he is a Solicitor, of a type now, unfortunately, becoming obsolete.

There were knives and spoons, but no forks, and the usefulness of fingers was not obsolete.

And eventually these once famous steamers having grown both old and obsolete, the line was abandoned.

Unless you can see a world where the ways of destruction become obsolete under a government of laws.

This however was more of a religious game and now practically obsolete since the introduction of fire arms.

It is evident, therefore, that up to that date the Act had been allowed to become practically obsolete.

The garment which, last winter, no lady felt dressed without, was an obsolete horror this season.

One was a small gold coin, none too common, even in those days, and now, I believe, obsolete.

Wings with obsolete, ragged, narrow, isolated bars of dusky, these most sharply defined on the secondaries.

The moment a fashion becomes at all obsolete, the articles of dress made to suit it are discarded.

He reproduces errors evidently obsolete and inconsistent with facts and theories which had afterwards replaced them.

Still another ink once held in much esteem and now almost obsolete is the so-called "safety" ink.

Johnson, is 'a vicious expression, probably corrupted from a phrase more pure, but now somewhat obsolete, ...

Velvets used to be woven over wires and cut by hand, but this method is practically obsolete.

To understand Cowper's mind, however, we must take the now obsolete meditation with the permanently attractive pictures.

Owners should be informed that this primitive and obsolete state of affairs could be no longer tolerated.

How absurd to preserve a law which in the progress of society has become null and obsolete!

I love old poetry, with its obscure expressions, its obsolete words, its quaint measure, and rough rhyme.

The flavor of the obsolete is rich in "Sunday in London"; we who look at it feel strangely toned-down.

His personal gallery, the gallery under his hat, showed a tendency to become both obsolete and inadequate.

The armor is distributed over three figures, and includes several pieces fast becoming obsolete at that time.

The flowers, the herb, and the root were formerly used in medicine, but are all now obsolete.

Nothing has been allowed to stand that might trouble readers who are not familiar with obsolete usages.

As it is, however, nearly obsolete, and may probably never be heard again, farther exposition becomes unnecessary.

Acceptation in this sense is obsolete, or at least nearly out of use; it should be favor or acceptance.

It works until men tire of it or challenge the cleavage, or until conditions render the code obsolete.

Owing to the rapid progress in aviation they were already obsolete for military purposes before they were delivered.

The editor of that edition was, in my view, quite right in treating Browne's illustrations as practically obsolete.

We had thought this view of the system obsolete, or correct only of schools subject to obsolete conditions.

Busby got cheap because it was one of the last year's goods, of a fashion a little obsolete.

He really believed, obsolete as the faith may be, in guarding our own, both on land and sea.

It has no central heating, no bathrooms, no electric light, obsolete drainage and the floors are giving way.

In their case this was but the survival of a past order, in principle acknowledged to be obsolete.

Many a worker must have attacked problems already solved, or have attacked them by inadequate or obsolete methods.

"We've become an Imperial people, an industrial nation, and we're still trying to run with an obsolete machine."

The information is obsolete now, but it may be interesting as a specimen of the things that were.

The institution of Driving was established in 1998 after automobiles were declared obsolete because of their great number.

This practice, as I understand, has become obsolete, and they behave like other fish in these degenerate days.

The increasing use of ultra-high frequency waves had made obsolete the four towers of the intermediate frequency range.

These have now become obsolete, and a new arrangement is used for what are known as "structural shapes."

The probability is that they are a modern corruption of some earlier phrase, whose meaning had become obsolete.

Its codes, civil and criminal, are not only very defective, but full of obsolete or inconvenient provisions.

Such notions of what is due to the memory of the departed have now become unusual if not obsolete.

I desire, therefore, that all necessity for Executive direction in local affairs may become unnecessary and obsolete.

There was a double set of stocks like those now obsolete in America, and their appearance indicated frequent use.

Historical investigation of obsolete customs is of little value beyond preserving some record of what may soon be forgotten.

They were probably of little use, for they became obsolete before the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth.

The word pair was used in the obsolete sense of a set, as we read also of a pair of organs.

It was one of his earliest efforts in dramatic literature, and has long been obsolete as an acting play.

Although now obsolete, the expression proves that there were (or were believed to be) such persons formerly.

The Latin is not obsolete, and it would surely be a mistake to translate it into an obsolete vernacular.

Its details and its hard outlines may be largely obsolete; but its lessons are true and effective.

An obsolete wood or bark road conducted us to it, and disappeared up the hill in the woods beyond.

To take charge of these petty commercial transactions, there existed an officer, now obsolete, known as a supercargo.

Nor must it be forgotten that, had obsolete words been included, the total would have been far higher.

Slaughter for food of millions of creatures every year by obsolete methods that none but the interested defend.

As a matter of fact, the Spaniards possessed only nine obsolete submarine mines fitted to explode by contact.

The method, however, is now obsolete owing to the more extended facilities afforded by the calculus of operations.

This use of the word except occurs frequently in the Scriptures, but it is now regarded as obsolete.

The balloon, though the earliest and crudest means of getting up in the air, has not become obsolete.

The whole thing used to puzzle me; it was an unknown tongue, obsolete and dead, I thought it.

Those who used affected language, or adopted obsolete words, he despised, as equally faulty, though in different ways.

Not so with the folk-tune maker; he was conservative enough to preserve that which had become obsolete elsewhere.

Obsolete expressions may be changed or may even remain, but the essentials of the story will be retained.

His list of obsolete words is insignificant, of archaic phrases more insignificant still, of obsolete constructions almost a blank.

Every criminal code is filled with obsolete laws, some of them entirely dead, others in the course of dissolution.

It bears an ancient, and I imagine, obsolete, injunction with regard to the sale of bread by unauthorized persons.

Leaving the funerals, we find that the parish register sometimes records ancient and obsolete modes of death.

It was an experiment in an obsolete method of warfare which had proved disastrous to those engaged in it.

Chaucer was obsolete, and since Chaucer there was no single person who could even pretend to authority.

In addition, information may be presented to him which says these obsolete programs are just the ones to use.

Like some haunted place, it appears to be beloved and frequented only by the apparitions of an obsolete race.

This sense of the word has long been obsolete; and exhibits therefore, the antiquity of these lines.

The council of chiefs, if it had not become obsolete long ago, could not have held any more meetings.

Another nursery song on King William is not yet obsolete, but its application is not generally known.

The old castle is obsolete now, and in a state of ruin, being used only as a signal station.

If the earlier and perhaps obsolete meanings do not apply, he reads on until the fitting definition is reached.

It is nearly a century since the crude method of combustion on which you depended for heat became obsolete.

Are persons of the same gens buried together, and is the clan distinction obsolete, or did it ever prevail?

For some reason all these were called in and made obsolete at the beginning of the fifth century; Cod.

They may always be retaining traditional terms as to usages and customs in an age when these are obsolete.

The rules for the art of singing, laid down in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, have become obsolete.

I was rewarded with the now almost obsolete formula of "Thank you," and moved a seat further back.

It may interest some of them to know, that the "ancient Saxon phrase" has not yet become obsolete.

The fact is we have no summary machinery for removing decayed and obsolete laws from the Statute book.

Hoyle could not be safely trusted by a learner, so much contained in that venerable having become obsolete.

Then in twenty years you'll find yourself with a crowd of obsolete ships, and all your money gone.'

This idea of nationalism, instead of being an early and now obsolete idea, is a recent and a noble idea.

Burning, hanging, and burying alive of culprits guilty of another creed than the dominant one had become obsolete.