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Use pacifist in a sentence

Definition of pacifist:

  • (noun) someone opposed to violence as a means of settling disputes
  • (adjective) opposed to war

Sentence Examples:

Armies are usually conservative and pacifist.

He had a wide experience of pacifists.

With few exceptions, they were pacifists.

A woman spits upon Jeremiah the pacifist.

Some of these periodicals are sincere pacifists.

I understand his trustees are mostly pacifists.

In temperament, he was something of a pacifist.

Throughout the war, Miller was a pacifist.

My pacifist friends are doing that constantly.

She and Guy were both ardent pacifists.

Who are these sudden pacifists in our Republic?

"I was thinking about America's pacifists," I answered.

They can hardly be expected to become pacifists.

The bearer of the baby-carriage was a pacifist.

I do not think in the pacifist sense.

I must remember that Eve has pacifist tendencies.

He was well known to be an ardent pacifist.

The pacifists can defend their own rotten country!

It was a splendid victory for the pacifist hope.

On the contrary they are neutral and desperately pacifist.

The pacifists lay all the emphasis on mere living.

Roosevelt criticizing us because we are too pacifist in our tendencies.

Your Ministers who are most in favor are Radical pacifists.

Hearst, in order to acquire funds for the Pacifist agitation.

And they express the deliberate opinions of a confirmed pacifist.

Wilson was by origin, up-bringing and training a pacifist.

Entirely false, atmosphere created by the dreams of pacifists.

She was at heart a pacifist in the domestic sense.

There were moments when the pacifists were in grave peril.

"They leave that to you pacifists," replied the lady, brightly.

I guess it wasn't a pacifist who wrote this book.

You have two colleagues, at least, who are pacifists at heart.

Does any silly pacifist say that means a spiritual sword?

I reckon you won't be troubled with any more pacifist prayers.

I have approved all the social and pacifist Conventions of Washington.

Perilous illusions, military as well as pacifist, were buried beside the Marne.

I wrote a pacifist editorial; he refused to run it and resigned.

He was the most genuine and the most wicked of pacifists.

On nothing was the Pacifist more pacifist than upon that point.

We know that the pacifist method of reasoning must be false.

Our pacifists would clear their thinking if they came under shell-fire.

It is the pacifists' fault that it has dragged on so long.

Baker, who, whatever his capacity, was generally known as a pacifist.

By faith a pacifist, he had been opposed to universal military service.

Baker, previously regarded as inclined to the pacifist side of the controversy.

I have never known a more upright and honorable pacifist than he.

Instead of appearing to take the youthful pacifist seriously, Lieutenant Carson smiled.

I hope that you will not think that I am becoming a pacifist.

When will arbitration be able to realize the Utopian dreams of the pacifists?

When the country is in danger, it is not possible to remain pacifist.

The President of the United States has many pacifist men around him.

"We know the Quakers are our friends, and the pacifists," said he.

On the contrary, the pacifists persisted all the more in their illusions.

Some modern so-called pacifists are opposed to all wars, and some are not.

On the one hand, the absolute pacifist believes that all men are brothers.

For years, with no felt discomfort to myself, I had been a pacifist.

In 2018, though a pacifist, he is still militant in the aesthetic field.

It was not as though he were a pacifist by conviction, religious or other.

The pacifist elements in the United States did this work for us.

To the few pacifists among the clergy all this seems quite unnecessary.

Like some other pacifist documents it is the work of an aggressive militant mind.

Nor is there any room for pacifists till this grim business is done.

"I like your pacifist ideas of running a home for Tired People, I must say!"

The pacifist Julian turned and flung himself upon the man at his side.

A man can be a pacifist all right until his head has been punched.

I used to wish that some of our pacifists could be brought out to see it.

Those modern pacifists who claim him for their own are beside the mark.

And you know pacifists have this characteristic, that they are always ready to fight.

Most of the great pacifist leaders have been converted by their observation of Hitler.

It returned twenty-four hours later with its tail between its legs, a convinced pacifist.

No statement of this kind is unbiased, for the pacifist has his own bias.

It might almost be said to be a manifestation of the pacifist sentiment of the country.

What I am opposed to is not the feeling of the pacifists, but their stupidity.

Writers who had remained safely at home had taken the cue and become mildly pacifist.

It is only a year or so ago that I was just such a pacifist as he.

Though in no sense a pacifist, Emma Goldman was intensely opposed to wars between nations.

Before the war is over there will be a lot of money in the pacifist business.

The little fellow apparently called himself a pacifist and made friends with the men.

Yes, I can see your eye twinkling; I know a pacifist is a funny thing to be.

Therefore, I am a pacifist and this silly war does not interest me in the slightest.

Could it be that they had been mistaken, that he really was at heart a pacifist?

He may be a pacifist, but he knows a good investment when it is handed out to him.

We know that he is a strong man and a pacifist, but a pacifist to what extent?

He told me that there was a famous woman pacifist on board, who wanted to meet me.

The pacifist press was widely read by men who had never looked at a newspaper before.

Every doctor should be a pacifist, but as a matter of fact very few doctors are pacifists.

He had been saved by the pacifist Middle and Far West, in combination with the South.

I can almost count on the fingers of one hand the people whom I think are real pacifists.

Of course, the pacifist falls back upon the moral plea: we have no right to take by force.

She was not a pacifist.