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Use pantheism in a sentence

Definition of pantheism:

  • (noun) (rare) worship that admits or tolerates all gods
  • (noun) the doctrine or belief that God is the universe and its phenomena (taken or conceived of as a whole) or the doctrine that regards the universe as a manifestation of God

Sentence Examples:

Objections to the belief in immortality have been advanced from the standpoints of materialism, naturalism, pessimism and pantheism.

As far as the impossibility of supernatural occurrences is concerned, pantheism and atheism occupy precisely the same grounds.

The Rig Veda is not lacking in incantations, in witchcraft practices, in hymns to inanimate things, in indications of pantheism.

In general their peculiar tenets were a strange admixture of pantheism, false mysticism, apparent austerity, and very real immorality.

Pantheism denies the real existence of the finite, at the same time that it deprives the Infinite of self-consciousness and freedom.

The actual conclusion to be drawn from the treatises of Spinoza, the reputed founder of modern Pantheism, is still undecided.

I shall afterwards try to show the incompatibility of the principles of Pantheism with the true principles of natural science.

The former is essentially a speculative ideal pantheism; the latter is for the most part a mythical and ceremonial polytheism.

Certainly a similar anticipation of the poetical pantheism of Wordsworth may be found in that most logical of Calvinists, Jonathan Edwards.

His out-and-out pantheism, as well as his manner of life, caused him at his death to be denied burial in consecrated ground.

Hinduism is an unusual combination of animism and pantheism, which are commonly regarded as the extremes of savage and of philosophic belief.

Even in the night of the Immensity the demon renews the temptation of reason; Anthony wavers upon the verge of pantheism.

Those who are acquainted with the sacred books of the East will recognize that here is the decisive departure from real Pantheism.

Or as a vague and colorless Pantheism, in which religion vanishes away, and philosophy gropes for a basis which it cannot find?

Pantheism saturates its whole vague content with a mystical quality of thought, and colors what it sees with its own emotions.

We may say that Browning's philosophy is an optimistic pantheism, inculcating effort as the very first and highest duty of life.

Following different lines of evolution, polytheism, pantheism and monotheism began to emerge as religious systems with definite creeds, rituals, and sacred books.

We demur to the suggestion that our ideas, as expressed in the July number, have necessarily any affinity to 'the dogmas of pantheism.'

It is interesting to note that not one of these high school professors mentioned either materialism or pantheism among their various philosophic creeds.

This Eastern Pantheism does not lack a certain grandeur, but it has also a dangerous side, and tends to atheism and materialism.

Browning analyses them with caustic irony, while Tennyson, after making vain attempts to solve them, finds consolation in the 'Higher Pantheism.'

And thus, the only valid issue of the ontological argument is a system of absolute idealism, of which the theological corollary is pantheism.

Surely no such mixture of pantheism, polytheism, and rank atheism was ever devised before; but we have not yet reached the worst.

Of course the Western idea is only in the romantic sense a feminine pantheism; but the Oriental idea may serve to render it more comprehensive.

Hence, with advancing belief in absorption and pantheism, there still lingers, and not as a mere superfluity, the use of sacrifice and penance.

The world was swarming with skeptics, and pantheism was as plain as the sun, when Constantine nailed the cross to the mast.

Unbelief gradually lost hold of monotheism; and in doing so never ascended in grandeur to the idea of pantheism, but fell into blank atheism.

For modern enlightenment and Indian polytheism are incongruous; there is a like incongruity between Indian pantheism and the modern demand for practical reality.

The difference existing between their philosophical doctrines was that which existed between the two most opposed systems of spiritualism and pantheism.

I repeat, therefore, that the only way of escaping from them is by rushing into the far greater difficulties of pantheism or atheism.

An opinion like that expressed here must without doubt be designated as atheism, even though it is nothing but the Stoic pantheism logically carried out.

Not willing to commit herself to pantheism, she answered again, "No;" and this time her inflection was more hesitant and inquiring than before.

In contrast to Prometheus, not pantheism but monotheism, and not rebellion but submission, were to be the animating creed and motive of the protagonist.

Alongside of these more subjective and emotional offshoots of Protestantism arose philosophical idealism to add a touch of vague pantheism and a flavor of kindly mysticism.

Nothing could be more childish than that blind horror of Pantheism which shudders back from it as the most poisonous form of rank infidelity.'

The order and useful collocations of the universe may be only the changing phenomena of an impersonal intelligence and will, such as pantheism supposes.

If we inquire into the tendency of all types of ancient or modern pantheism in this particular phase, we shall find them, without exception, fatalistic.

Deification, pantheism, the creation of radiant or terrible deities, extreme forms of idealism or nihilism in metaphysics are tendencies manifested in Hinduism as clearly as in Buddhism.

In interpreting pantheism as an ethical enthusiasm of the universe he returns to the creed of Stoicism, and strikes the keynote of Wordsworth's loftiest poetry.

It may be conceded that the occurrence of some anomalous event as a bare objective fact is quite possible, even on the principles of pantheism or atheism.

This, speaking broadly, is pantheism; and pantheism is a system from which we are taught to recoil with almost as much horror as from atheism.

Sundry pastors, in their anxiety for the souls of the students, could not tell whether this inscription savored more of atheism or of pantheism.

The instances however are rare, where we meet with a chaos of faith, half pantheism, half atheism, such as that which we have just described.

On the contrary we find his prophets and lawgivers battling with all their force against such aspects of Pantheism as they found about them.

He wrote many medical works, and much advanced medical science, displacing the old ideas in a way which brought on him the accusation of pantheism.

Atheism or pantheism of this stamp cannot be taxed with being gross or materialistic; the trouble is rather that it is too hazy in its sublimity.

It is a wonderful fact in the history of philosophy, that the philosophy of fate, pantheism, and atheism, should be taken as the philosophy of religion.

The theological thought, of which he was the subject and center, gradually but inexorably passes from a narrow form of polytheism into a materialistic pantheism.

Ideal pantheism could not be established more explicitly, and at the same time more gratuitously; one is astonished to find one's self seriously occupied with such extravagances.

He wrote to Colin very sternly, and told him plainly that a poetic pantheism was not a whit less sinful than the most vulgar infidelity.

It is only the Agnostic who will here offer the dilemma of Dualism or Pantheism, and try to force the mystic to accept the second alternative.

The meaning seems to be that the circle of examples is here a clearly defined and limited one as contrasted with the vagueness of Oriental Pantheism. "Herod."

True, he denounces pantheism; but here is pantheism of the eclectic patent, differing from that of other systems only in subtlety of expression, wherein Cousin certainly excels.

In her eyes the Reformation is an impious heresy, leading to the abyss of pantheism, materialism, and atheism, and tending to overthrow the very foundations of human society.

The materialistic pantheism of Averroes was as famous as his commentaries on Aristotle, and the introduction of the latter was soon followed by the spread of the former.

For the revival of Pantheism at the present day is much more a tangible resultant of action and reaction between Science and Religion than a ghost conjured up by speculation.

Western devotion has been caught by the mystic and poetical character of Pantheism and is, on the whole, strangely blind to its actual outcome in the life of its devotees.

When they do so, they will see in electricity an intelligent and powerful causality which will satisfy their minds and lead them away from pantheism and its follies.

When the rector heard him say that pantheism had been the religion of all great minds he set him down as inclining to the doctrine of Pythagoras on reincarnation.

In its highest development, the doctrine of the Vedas is a rational and philosophical pantheism, combined with the most ideal, pure, and absolute monotheism, that the mind can conceive.

Apart from these extreme instances we may say that the two religious theories which have survived to the present day in the struggle for existence, are monotheism and pantheism.

What pantheism divines and clothes in needlessly mystic words is clear, sober fact, namely, the unity of nature, in which each organism is also a part related to the whole.

There is no real difference between pantheism and atheism; both are absurd, but the absurdity of atheism is more easily detected by the common mind than the absurdity of pantheism.

A first theory, in which the influence of Stoic pantheism can be recognized, lays stress on the identity of individual souls with the universal soul, of which they are particles.

A mind thus gifted and thus limited would naturally feel its affinity to Oriental pantheism as soon as that phase of thought and feeling came within the radius of its vision.

Amongst the different systems by whose aid philosophy endeavors to explain the universe, I believe pantheism to be one of those most fitted to seduce the human mind in democratic ages.

The so-called philosophic materialism of the present day seems to be in general far nearer to pantheism than to the old form of materialism which recognized only atoms and mechanism.

Pantheism is the religion of the poet; and nature had made her a poet, though man as yet had but made of her an outcast, a slave, and a beast of burden.

Even in the judgment of theology, pantheism, as the one extreme of error on the side of nature, can scarcely appear less false and abominable than atheism as the other idealistic extreme.

If our scientific conceptions are in harmony with this doctrine, we are safe from the temptations of materialism on the one hand, and proof against the seductions of pantheism on the other.

This species of pantheism is in reality but a disguised atheism, but which, in such a man as Shelley, appeared more in the actions of his life as a pervading devotion than an impious belief.

The Scriptures announce in plain terms this great truth, and thereby rise at once high above atheism, pantheism, and materialism, and lay a broad and sure foundation for a pure and spiritual theology.

The only escape from them, as I have already said, is the inevitable position assumed by atheism, or pantheism, and the dreary prospect which they afford to the aspirations of the human mind.

The case is similar with such a word as "pantheism," which has been familiarly applied to so many utterly diverse systems of thought that it is very hard to tell just what it means.

The immortality of which he was an heir, the reader has seen him long since believing; and long since also rejecting both the pantheism of the philosophers and the polytheism of the vulgar.

It seemed for the nonce like a revival of pantheism; but in two weeks every volume was back in its place, and the gray dust of neglect was settling down as of yore upon each hoary head.

He was a poor Neapolitan priest, he preached a sort of Pantheism; unfortunately for himself, he believed in the utility of public discussion on theological questions, and thus brought upon his head the charge of seeking to convert the world to Atheism.

We think that it may be best discussed separately and apart, for this among other reasons, that it stands equally related to the old mechanical Atheism and the new material Pantheism, and that, in point of fact, it has been applied indifferently to the support of both.